3O% // 삼십 퍼센트 — trainee survival — apply open.
3O %
just keep the width in 200CHARACTER NAME +
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dictum, riddsus sed tincidunt tincidunt, leo velit vehicula sem, sit amet tristique quam lorem eu mauris. Donec a sem elementum, gravida justo sit amet, facilisis erat. Etiam at blandit justo. Integer at lorem vestibulum, viverra magna nec, ultrices libero. Proin sit amet neque et nisi dapibus bibendum. Morbi eleifend luctus blandit. Etiam orci nunc, viverra eget lacus ac, scelerisque auctor lorem. Sed porta urna et neque consectetur fringilla. Etiam egestas condimentum blandit. Nullam venenatis nisi in odio sodales tincidunt. Vestibulum ornare quam sed bibendum laoreet. Nunc ut velit ultricies, suscipit ipsum quis, imperdiet dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent venenatis, ipsum sed accumsan efficitur, mauris tortor ornare lacus, eget commodo ante est nec ligula. Nulla ac blandit metus. Phasellus fermentum, est a scelerisque convallis, quam dui auctor augue, eget laoreet urna augue volutpat metus. Integer est dui, lobortis non quam sit amet, lacinia faucibus lorem. Nunc a suscipit sem. Pellentesque odio est, ullamcorper vitae euismod non, ultricies sit amet odio. Pellentesque vel sapien nec risus semper vehicula. Donec sodales, justo vel posuere varius, nulla lorem malesuada enim, in pulvinar purus libero et lacus. Ut ac neque id velit vehicula finibus.
just keep the width in 200   SEO AEHYUN +
Hey Emma, thanks for being my first applicant!

The basics are all fine and I really like your face claim. Sungkyung is a really beautiful ulzzang and she fits Aehyun's age and personality well. I first thought that her appearance seemed almost too perfect until I read the last paragraph with her flaws. I think the pimples and scar make her appear more human but for performances she could cover them under make up so she'd probably impress the viewers with her visuals anyway. Though a longer description of her style wouldn't have been bad since the pictures you gave me don't show anything specific, it's more like random mix of chic, sportive, feminine and edgy clothes. In the end it shows that Aehyun is following the trends so that's enough for me but the pictures seem a bit disjointed.

I had a few issues that made me a bit disappointed with the app, specifically the constant mention of her group and the lack of anything Shim Entertainment-related. The company was only mentioned in the last two sentences of the background and nothing about the trainee section would indicate that she ever trained under any other company but SM. So since her training background solely focuses SM Entertainment, could you please add her training experience at ShimEnt? Her whole personality section is filled with stuff about her group and members and phrases like 'she will guide the members through their idol life', lessen my enjoyment of the app as whole. I don't mind if you re-use your app but at least do it in a way that isn't so obvious so please take out the group-related stuff from your app.

I like the majority of Aehyun's personality though, especially the bit where she's very respectful towards elders. However, I feel like a few of her personality traits are contradicting each other; she's demure and never disrespects her elders but she's also y and defends herself. So what if she's upset with the way somebody older than her is treating her?

You wrote in the trivia section that she likes composing but there isn't any more information about that in the application. When did she start composing, who taught her, does she use any software or does she do it simply on her piano or her guitar and write on music sheet paper?

You actually don't have to give me any talent twins since there aren't fixed twins - choosing one or two options (in your case it's singing and dancing) is enough. With that being said, Song Seungyeon wouldn't be considered as an idol either – here are
two blogs that list a lot of idols, (soloists as well as groups), you can pick any female idol for your first performance from there.

Yixing's personality was nice and close to the way he comes across in Exo. I think their relationship is very sweet and fluffy^^

To answer your question, the final line-up will have a visual member and if some contestants have hinted that others perceive them as very good-looking on the whole app, I'll include that somewhere in the story.

So, all in all – the application would have honestly been a lot better if there wasn't the constant mention of 'her group' and 'her members'. It contains a few mistakes, so for now I put you on pending, but I'll accept Aehyun if you fix them. Thanks again for applying!


just keep the width in 200  JUNG MINHEE +
Hi Emily, thank you for applying.

I'm very sorry for not reviewing your character sooner but some cable was ruptured and I had no internet connection .___.

Minhee's nicknames are really cute, I especially like the explanation to the second one, her squeaking habit is really cute!

Her appearance and face part were both well written. The style had me thinking about a scene where she has to wear ripped jeans which tear up even more after Minhee's doing something clutzy.

Her personality section is great, though the caps lock is bothering me a bit. Her problems with her weight reminds me of Sixteen's Jihyo – she's actually not chubby but next to the other skinny, modelesque girls she does look a bit bigger. I also like that the background mentions this problem as well and while it was short, I liked it and found it interesting.

Minhee loves the same brand of apples as I do :D Pink lady apples are some of my favorite fruits though I'm not sure whether they also exist in Korea.... Anyways, likes, dislikes, trivia etc. are all fine!

Though, if Minhee's ethnicity is half-Scottish one of her parents must have a Scottish name so please state which of her parents is scottish and add their Western name. And I see that she has a brother called Jung Hoseok who is an idol – I'm not sure whether this is supposed to be Bangtan's J-Hope but since he is 100% Korean and was raised up in Gwangju, SK, this wouldn't be possible.

This isn't anything serious but lastly, could you please change 2NE1's pictures to your face claim Minah? I like N and his personality but please elaborate a bit on their relationship / interactions.

Other than that I have no complains. Thank you for applying and I apologize again for the late review!

Update 0622 - Thanks for fixing your application!

just keep the width in 200  BYUN BAELIN +
 Hey Obeliaaa, thank you for applying!
Your review will be up soon :)
just keep the width in 200  YEN FEN +
Hi -criesofmelancholy, thanks for applying!
Your review will be up soon :)
just keep the width in 200  CHARACTER NAME +
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dictum, riddsus sed tincidunt tincidunt, leo velit vehicula sem, sit amet tristique quam lorem eu mauris. Donec a sem elementum, gravida justo sit amet, facilisis erat. Etiam at blandit justo. Integer at lorem vestibulum, viverra magna nec, ultrices libero. Proin sit amet neque et nisi dapibus bibendum. Morbi eleifend luctus blandit. Etiam orci nunc, viverra eget lacus ac, scelerisque auctor lorem. Sed porta urna et neque consectetur fringilla. Etiam egestas condimentum blandit. Nullam venenatis nisi in odio sodales tincidunt. Vestibulum ornare quam sed bibendum laoreet. Nunc ut velit ultricies, suscipit ipsum quis, imperdiet dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent venenatis, ipsum sed accumsan efficitur, mauris tortor ornare lacus, eget commodo ante est nec ligula. Nulla ac blandit metus. Phasellus fermentum, est a scelerisque convallis, quam dui auctor augue, eget laoreet urna augue volutpat metus. Integer est dui, lobortis non quam sit amet, lacinia faucibus lorem. Nunc a suscipit sem. Pellentesque odio est, ullamcorper vitae euismod non, ultricies sit amet odio. Pellentesque vel sapien nec risus semper vehicula. Donec sodales, justo vel posuere varius, nulla lorem malesuada enim, in pulvinar purus libero et lacus. Ut ac neque id velit vehicula finibus.
just keep the width in 200  CHARACTER NAME +
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dictum, riddsus sed tincidunt tincidunt, leo velit vehicula sem, sit amet tristique quam lorem eu mauris. Donec a sem elementum, gravida justo sit amet, facilisis erat. Etiam at blandit justo. Integer at lorem vestibulum, viverra magna nec, ultrices libero. Proin sit amet neque et nisi dapibus bibendum. Morbi eleifend luctus blandit. Etiam orci nunc, viverra eget lacus ac, scelerisque auctor lorem. Sed porta urna et neque consectetur fringilla. Etiam egestas condimentum blandit. Nullam venenatis nisi in odio sodales tincidunt. Vestibulum ornare quam sed bibendum laoreet. Nunc ut velit ultricies, suscipit ipsum quis, imperdiet dolor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent venenatis, ipsum sed accumsan efficitur, mauris tortor ornare lacus, eget commodo ante est nec ligula. Nulla ac blandit metus. Phasellus fermentum, est a scelerisque convallis, quam dui auctor augue, eget laoreet urna augue volutpat metus. Integer est dui, lobortis non quam sit amet, lacinia faucibus lorem. Nunc a suscipit sem. Pellentesque odio est, ullamcorper vitae euismod non, ultricies sit amet odio. Pellentesque vel sapien nec risus semper vehicula. Donec sodales, justo vel posuere varius, nulla lorem malesuada enim, in pulvinar purus libero et lacus. Ut ac neque id velit vehicula finibus.


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Will you still be updating this?
I fixed them.
Chapter 3: Hi , thanks for pointing them out. I will fix them if I have time today. But I have to go to my sisters birthday dinner. Tomorrow I will be on holiday so I am not able to fix them
Can Our Character have two names like a French one and a Korean one?
Chapter 1: I'll be applying for this!
Chapter 1: I'll be applying.
-baymax #7
are there any rules for faceclaims? :o