My Everything

One of Us - The Story


When Namjoo awoke the first thing that came to mind was yesterday had been a sweet nightmare. Only, a second later she realized she was not in her own bed for this bed was in a different direction and the room smelled of a baby. Sitting up Namjoo turned to look around thend own at her empty arms dazed and confused.

Getting up Namjoo scratched her head before smelling something cooking and walked out of the bedroom. The mobile home, like hers, was a small model. She walked directly right into the living room halting quickly midway through it when she spotted Ki Hoon sitting on the ground playing with his block towers. A sound erupted from his mouth to what sounded like a laugh when he looked at her.

Lost, Namjoo wasn’t sure how to reply. Then she watched Ki Hoon bend over in order to pull himself up onto his tiny feet and wobbled half a step toward her. He seemed to be talking to her, murmuring incomprehensible sounds with his arms outstretched.

“He wants you to carry him,” a voice drifted from the far kitchen.

Namjoo looked up to find Sehun at the stove then glanced down when Ki Hoon pulled at her pants. Her brows twitched painfully. Ki Hoon made noises desperately and bending down Namjoo pulled him into her arms. Overbearing warmth touched her when he grabbed her shoulders, nestling against her comfortably. She caught Sehun’s smile before he turned away.

Stuck with whether to walk out or stay there Namjoo froze momentarily where she was. Her feet felt like heavy bricks.

“Bring him over here,” Sehun said. Namjoo watched him pull out a high chair and walked over.

Ki Hoon immediately fussed when Sehun tried taking him from her. Flustered, Namjoo wasn’t sure what to do as Ki Hoon pulled on her shirt and accidentally met Sehun’s eyes.

“Alright,” Namjoo finally said. “It’s ok.” She patted Ki Hoon’s back to calm him down before setting him down into the chair and rubbed his small head. When she looked up she found Sehun watching and immediately looked away.

“Are you hungry?” he asked.

“No,” she shook her head, “I can’t stay long.”

Sehun glanced down at Ki Hoon then back to her. “I don’t think you can leave yet.” He seemed to smile mischeviously before turning around to grab something off the top of the fridge and poured some baby candy into a bowl and handed it to Ki Hoon who started chucking them around naughtily and stuffing himself simultaneously.

Namjoo watched him then turned back to Sehun. “When did you get here?”

He shrugged, “You can figure that out later.”

Namjoo lightly bit her tongue. Then looking away she finally asked, “Why are you here?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

Ki Hoon threw another piece of candy again and kicked his legs about. His cheeks were droopy and his hands as tiny as his feet.

“You should leave,” Namjoo blurted. “You shouldn’t be here.”

“I don’t have anywhere else to go.” Sehun immediately replied. “I left home, Namjoo. I want our son more than I want to follow my dad’s dream. And I was waiting for you.”

Namjoo felt her lips tremble slightly and pressed them harder together. She shook her head, “Still, it won’t work.”

“We miss you, me, and Ki Hoon,” Sehun told. He inhaled before bravely reaching for her hand which she quickly flung away.

“No,” Namjoo rejected with a shake of her head, fear heightening in her.

“Namjoo,” he whined, looking at her with puppy eyes. “I’m sorry.”

Tears struck her eyes and she repeated, “Sorry?”

He frowned painfully, “I…didn’t know. I admit, I went too far and I lost my temper. I was childish and impulsive. Can’t we…try to start over? I…was so empty without you. It was hard…and I always missed you.”

The anguish grew and Namjoo found herself silent without words.

“I was afraid I wouldn’t see you again,” he told her. “That maybe after two years you would leave and I wouldn’t be able to find you. I really want to spend more time with you. To celebrate your birthday again and celebrate mine with you, and to keep celebrating together into the future; I prayed that if I could make it up to you that we would continue walking together until we’re old. That when our bones become brittle I will still love you.”

Namjoo felt her tears drop and stared at him. Her heart really ached.

“And maybe when Ki Hoon gets a little older we can have another child, so that this time you can watch him learn how to crawl and walk. This time around we can attend parenting classes together. When we have our second child, I’ll be there to help you around and make food for you and do everything else for you. I hoped and I dreamed about these things. I really want to tell you I’m sorry for doing that to you, for sending you off alone and not being there with you. If you want, I can get on my knees again and again. I'll beg you. And I’m always sorry to you that it happened that way.

“When you were having a hard time, I was never there for you. I couldn’t help you. I couldn’t do anything. But I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Tears welled up in his eyes and he nodded at her. “So, if we can do things over I’ll be good to you forever and always. Please Namjoo, please stay with me.”

A painful cry erupted from and tears continued flooding. Suddenly it didn’t seem to matter anymore that she had born that burden as Choonhee or that she had lived under so many people. She had met good people and the love of her life though such an experience.

Hoarsely sobbing until all she could do was cry and cry, she nodded and reached out to hug him. “I’m sorry too,” she bawled against him. “I’m so sorry, Sehun. I love you too.”

“I know,” she heard him whisper as he tightly hugged her in return.


The days following that were always sunshine even if it was rainy or cloudy or windy. Leaving her mobile home she moved in with Sehun and Ki Hoon. And as weeks droned on by Namjoo didn’t seem to be aware of the days anymore and no longer counted the time.

Sometimes at night they slept with Ki Hoon between them and snuggling against her. Others, he slept on her side while Sehun hugged her to sleep. And as an apologetic gesture she began working less to spend more time with her son whom she’d missed greatly.

That winter Namjoo had gone to work leaving Ki Hoon in the hands of a neighbor while Sehun went to work at the office. He’d become a regular wage earner. Despite the not so high pay, they were still making it without touching his savings. And they were happy because they were together.

Coming out of the kitchen with a tray Namjoo walked over to a table to give the customers their food. When the door slid open she watched Sehun carry in Ki Hoon in his big fluffy coat they’d bought for him and waved. Hurrying over she playfully pinched Ki Hoon’s chubby cheeks before kissing him.

“Did you get off work?” Namjoo asked.

“An hour ago. We wanted to see you, so we dropped by,” Sehun told moving over to a table. “Are you going to take our order?”

Namjoo smugly smiled and opened the menu on the table for Ki Hoon. “Ki Hoon, what do you want to eat? Mommy will pay for it.”

“Will you cover mine too?” Sehun piped up brightly. Namjoo made a face at him before turning back to her son on Sehun’s lap.

Pointing his tiny finger to something random on the menu he said, “Hot, hot.”

Laughing out of joy Namjoo cutely said, “That’s all you know how to say.” Then turning to Sehun she said, “I’ll just get him some porridge. And take him out of his coat. It’s pretty hot in here. What do you want?”

“Whatever you’ll give me,” he said.

Namjoo smiled at him before walking away. Placing the sheet of orders onto the table as she walked by she heard her boss comment, “You have such a cute family. You always looked so busy and sad when you started; it’s so nice to see.”

“Aren’t they?” Namjoo peered through the flapping door toward Sehun and Ki Hoon. “I think they’re cute too.”


If this was what happiness really was, Sehun would never let go of it even in death. Namjoo had come back and his family was restored. They were the two people he wouldn’t give up. They belonged to him. They were his.

He was glad that Namjoo worked hard to be a good mother. Sometimes he grew jealous over how Ki Hoon always managed to steal Namjoo from him with his pickiness. So if ever there was a chance one of the neighbors were willing to babysit he used up those hours to his advantage. Sometimes they sat around chatting and catching up or planning for the future, using the time to grow closer and bond. Other times he made love to her. And he loved every moment of it, because without Namjoo they would never have had Ki Hoon.

There were so many things he wanted to thank Namjoo for. One of them was for not giving up Ki Hoon.

Often times when he got held back by work or went out with his colleagues he would return home to find Namjoo and Ki Hoon already asleep. Rarely did Namjoo wait up for him. That he didn’t mind.

After washing up and brushing his teeth he climbed into bed with them, hugging Namjoo to him as he slept.


When the cold winds and snow receded and green grass reclaimed life, Sehun took Namjoo and Ki Hoon to a wild meadow field in Jeju. The air was fresh, clean, and soft.

Things had happened so fast. Within the blink of an eye Ki Hoon was already 28 months and learning to be a rowdy child. There had been instances when his mother stopped by earlier in the year with gifts for Ki Hoon, telling him his father was still upright and stubborn.

That was something he didn’t mind, for he knew his father was like that, and was most likely why he had been stubborn about loving Namjoo. But his mother was a soft hearted woman who loved children. Sehun loved how she fell in love with her grandson upon seeing him for the first time in two years.

He was starting to save up so they could move to a better place. Namjoo was also putting in an effort and he was thankful toward her.

Ki Hoon let pushed him away as they made their way through the meadow when he tried to lighten Namjoo’s load by taking him from her. After refusing to walk Namjoo had carried him from the car into the field.

By the day Sehun was starting to think Ki Hoon was already becoming stubborn like him. He wasn’t sure whether that was a good or bad thing. If Namjoo got pregnant again he wondered how Ki Hoon would take it. The thought was amusing, but they weren’t ready for another kid yet.

“Ki Hoon, look!” Namjoo gasped. “A bee!”

Running carefully over to a flower she pointed the bee out to her son, agape excitedly. Sehun watched Ki Hoon squeal in delight and clap his hands excitedly. The sight had Sehun smiling.

“He’s so easily humored by you,” Sehun commented wrapping an arm around her waist.

“Because you’re boring, you need to be a little wild,” Namjoo mused.

He snorted, “I’m not sure what you mean by wild.” Then he knocked his hip into her. “But I can take it the other way if you talk to me like that.”

Namjoo scoffed loudly and looked up at him, “You’re funny.”

“See, you get me,” he teased and watched her laugh.

“It’s beautiful here,” Namjoo commented and tried to let Ki Hoon down to no avail. He stubbornly stuck to her like a baby koala to its mother.

“Isn’t it?” he asked. “A colleague at work said he proposed to his wife here.”

“Isn’t that special,” Namjoo commented and then looked up at him. “Don’t tell me you’re going to do something predictable like that.”

Sehun scoffed as if offended, “Please. I’m no simpleton. I’m more creative than that.”

Namjoo narrowed her eyes up at him. “I’m not sure about that.”

“Don’t look down on me,” Sehun said.

Smugly smiling Namjoo turned away. “We’re already practically married.”

“Are we?” Sehun asked.

“We aren’t?” Namjoo looked back up at him. “We’re basically living and raising a child together. If that’s not it, I don’t know what it is.”

“Alright, I get it,” he wrapped an arm around around her shoulders. Then he sighed and looked up into the blue sky above them with white fluffy clouds. The weather was perfect. If this was a honeymoon he would have kissed the breath right out of her.

“Namjoo,” he said then shifted to face her, “what if I want to propose?”

She stared at him.

“Because…I haven’t given you anything yet,” Sehun continued. “Not a ring on your finger or anything else.”

“I don’t need anything,” Namjoo stared into his eyes, “we have a roof over our heads, we have Ki Hoon, and I have you.” She smiled affectionately. “And we’re living happily, like a married couple should.”

She leaned reached out for his hand. “Marriage is about two people who love each other and want to commit the rest of their lives to each other. They’re two people who are read to make compensations for losses. They’re lovers who are prepared to walk through thick and thin together, whether in health or death. They’re friends and buddies. And they know just who it is that matters the most to them.” she gripped his hand. “I know you’re mine.”

Touched, Sehun suddenly felt shy and grinned crazily. “Goodness. I guess I do really love you.”

“I love you too.” Namjoo told then turned to Ki Hoon, “And I love our son.”

He beamed, overjoyed.

“Namjoo,” he continued and reached into his pocket. “It might not be great, but I still want to give it to you.”

She watched him hold out a golden ring with a simple drop of diamond on it and slid it across her finger.

“I still want to let the entire world know that you’re my wife,” Sehun held her hand. “Since we already made the decision to marry each other, I won’t bother asking. Is that ok?”

Namjoo laughed gleefully before nodding. “Yes. I’m always willing to stand by you.”

He cupped her face happily and glanced at Ki Hoon who was staring off into the the distance before giggling, as if he understood them.

“Ki Hoon, look,” Sehun pointed his hand in the other direction. Fooled, Ki Hoon turned the other and as soon as he did Sehun leaned in to give Namjoo a long winding kiss to proclaim his never ending love for her, their son, them as a family and perhaps their future child. 

***Wow, what a ride! To be completely honest, when I started this again I wasn't sure how things were going to flow but I'm glad everything turned out! I hope I was able to fill in the depth of their characters to make this worthwhile! If there are flaws, I am sorry. I am only human.

***In the end, this story belongs to HunJoo. 

***Furthermore, thank you for sticking with me from start to end! I really appreciate it! And for those of you who have been hurt by KaiJoo don't worry! I'll redeem the pair's happy ending with another full length story. And again, thank you all for reading and subscribing! I love you guys! 

***Drop by at Next Stop, You for KaiJoo goods! ~^^~ See you guys around!


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HansPanda #1
Chapter 35: I was very upset with namjoo..why can't she do something to defend herself from hayoung? She could just record their conversation when hayoung blackmail her ??.
HansPanda #2
Chapter 26: I wonder if choonhee is a bored person?
HansPanda #3
Chapter 25: I was confused by hayoung character..sometimes she seems nice and sometimes she's harsh?.
HansPanda #4
Chapter 10: Hayoung seems too desperate to make Sehun to like her?..
Lolypop123 #5
Chapter 64: Wow i cried when she's in jail.that was so sad TT^TT
Jaslynn #6
Chapter 64: Wow what a journey for the two of them :0
Elizabethguppy #7
Oww i love this story<3
Chapter 63: I really wanna get mad before but again i am too happy with hunjoo sweetness lol so inconsistent of me XD
I feel bad for Kai... I am really crying at KaiJoo par before Namjoo get in prison :'(
Uh since Kihoon always appeared I really curious how Kihoon's look like lol XD
Nice story! I am going to read Next Stop is You to heal my feeling toward KaiJoo wkwk
btw, actually i miss blaze so much hehe