The Start of it All

One of Us - The Story

“Oh…that’s how it is. I see,” Hayoung mused. Namjoo glanced at the woman hoping that she would intercept them somehow. Her insides screamed when Hayoung said, “All right. Go ahead, but first give us a minute, will you?”

With the nod of his head Hayoung gave her a glance, which meant to follow her, before heading in through the doors. Quickly climbing up the steps after her Namjoo halted inside upon seeing Hayoung’s back. For a moment she wondered if she was going to get scolded when she suddenly turned around to stare at her. Then without a word she walked down her right disappearing around the wall.

Eyeing the baby blue walls Namjoo followed, wonderstruck by how clean the home was. It looked newly built, everything untouched. The smell lingering around the hallway was fresh and clean, almost like new laundry. As she slowly went further she could see expensive furniture in the rooms ahead and the yellow glows of light pouring down. She couldn’t even see a speckle of dust on the pictures hanging on the walls welcoming her as she walked by.

The glows, the soft blue tones of the walls, and the homey furniture made the home look like perfection. Namjoo felt as if she was walking through a store in search of furniture she wanted to buy and interior decorations that caught her eye. The home almost seemed heavenly, perfect in all aspects…except it was all too quiet.

Stopping in her footsteps when she neared the end of the hallway she looked up to find a large portrait of Choonhee standing between her mother and father, dressed in a pretty white dress with a pearl necklace around her neck and a sparkling smile on her pretty face. Her mirror image. Choonhee, looked superbly happy. Then she recalled Hayoung telling her she wasn’t close to her parents. What did that mean? Had Choonhee been happy here?

That was when Namjoo realized Hayoung wasn’t in sight. Adjacent to her was a large wooden staircase, ahead of her another room that appeared dark – maybe the library, and another long hallway cut between her and the staircase. Her attention swung toward the staircase when she heard footsteps and saw Hayoung coming down.

Choonhee’s friend stopped midway only to say, “Come up.”

Namjoo watched Hayoung turn away from her and disappear further upstairs before following. The second floor was like another whole house with its own mesmerizing furniture and a floor to ceiling window with a gala view of the backyard. Bed of flowers and grass extended into the beyond beautifully with side benches painted in white placed randomly throughout. It was a perfect place to hold events and a pretty sight to admire. No wonder Choonhee couldn’t stand staying inside when she had a land of abundant nature in her backyard. Bliss. Her own paradise right outside her home.

“What are you doing?” Hayoung stepped out of a room.

Quickly turning she started toward her and found herself inside a room ten times the size of the closet room she had at the hostel. Gasping in awe she found herself turning around to gape at the white bookshelf, the desk piled with journals and books, the King sized bed that looked fluffy and full of feathers covered in fresh sheets. There was even a circular table near the window, rows of drawers against the wall topped with cute little stuffed animals, and two white doors that led to a walk-in closet.

Namjoo was surrounded by extravagance in a dreamlike manner.

The sound of a door sliding open drifted into her ears as she continued to observe the room that belonged to her twin. “Change into this,” Hayoung ordered, tossing a dress onto the bed. As Namjoo turned to look at the dress Hayoung repeated disapprovingly, “You’re not wearing that out.” Setting a cellphone and keys beside it she told, “This is Choonhee’s phone and the house keys. Don’t make me replace them. After you change, go outside. Kai’s waiting for you.”

Without even letting her say a word the friend walked out of the room with the door closing after her. Her demeanor was a bit confusing. Was she here to help or scrutinize her? Namjoo didn’t understand why when she practically came to beg her to become Choonhee. It wasn’t as if she was going along with the plan willingly. At least she could’ve been nicer, Namjoo thought, since she’d forced her into this.  

Stepping toward the dress Namjoo lifted it up and looked it over. The chiffon material felt soft and fine against her fingers. Too elegant for her to even slip into. The material might rip if she moved to roughly.

Namjoo glanced toward the door as if help might arrive. Just what was she doing?


This was the best or worst decision she was making in all history. In school she had graduated with honors. Had always been bright and intelligent, more outgoing than all the other students; always aiming to achieve more than anyone else so she wouldn’t be looked down on…so that no one could look down on her if they tried. Unlike Choonhee, she hadn’t been blessed with a golden spoon in . Instead, she had climbed her way up by being Choonhee’s most trusted friend. Trusted to the extent that she was given an open position in the company the moment she got her bachelor’s degree. They would have given it to her even if she wasn’t armed with her Master’s, but she’d gone back to get her Master’s just to prove herself.

Everything had been stabilized for her. Her present and her future, but Choonhee was screwing everything up. Now everything was far from over. She could lose her spot if Choonhee wasn’t here to permit everything. If Namjoo screwed up she would lose everything. Everyone would lose everything.

Thinking about the utter chaos Choonhee’s death could bring gave her the worst headache every time she pictured it.

Stopping at the bottom of the stairs she turned to stare back up at the empty hallway. She had always had to keep a close eye on Choonhee’s dramatic life. Even now she would still have to keep a radar on Choonhee – Namjoo. It couldn’t fall apart. This plan had to go through until everyone got what they wanted.  

Right now she could only hope Namjoo would carry on her act well. If only she could go along with them to coach Namjoo, but knowing Kai – he wouldn’t permit her to join. The worry about how Namjoo would imitate Choonhee worried her immensely. Namjoo didn’t know Choonhee like everyone else. How much different would the twin’s attitude be?

Heading toward the front door Hayoung halted with hand hovering over the knob. Maybe she should tell Kai Choonhee wasn’t feeling well and to cancel lunch. If she did, he might insist on staying with her until the housemaid returned from her visit to her sick mother’s.

Bad idea.

Closing her eye shut to urge herself to pray for the best, she finally twisted the knob and stepped out. Kai turned from where he’d been standing with hands tucked into his pants pockets suavely. Hayoung gently clamped her teeth down together. He was always so patient with Choonhee. No wonder he came last.

“Where’s Choonhee?”

“Getting dressed,” Hayoung stepped down the stairs toward him. “Where are you going for lunch?”

“The usual, The Palace.”

“Her favorite.” Hayoung smiled. “You’re always accommodating Choonhee well. She’s been in a daze all day today. Be careful.”

Kai silently replied with a smile. She couldn’t affirm what it actually meant.

“I heard Sehun’s back. You gonna drop in on him? Heard he’s going to be home all day.” He was trying to urge her off, but Hayoung dismissed the intention in his tone.

“Sehun?” surprise, excitement, anxiety, and happiness fluttered all at once across her face. All thoughts about Namjoo failing the plan dissolved from her mind. “Really?”

Still smiling, Kai nodded. Twisting his wrist to peer at his watch he said, “Said I was going to see him at the airport. Since I’m here, why don’t you go instead?”

Her brows twitched, surprised by the suddenness of it.

“There’s an hour till the plane lands.”



Namjoo stared down at her worn sneakers. Even if she lived an outdated life on the streets, anyone would know that sneakers and a fancy dress did not match. What an ironic comparison of her life and Choonhee’s, she mused. Where her life had been on the thug filled streets, Choonhee’s had been of luxury and comfort.

Backtracking she peered into the walk-in closet and gasped again when she saw all the organized clothes, sorted in colors from blouses to skirts and dresses. Accessories were stored in glass drawers and shoes stored on shelves and racks, along with all the various styles of bags her twin had collected throughout her womanhood.

The sight was overwhelming. Aware that she was taking too long Namjoo quickly scanned the shoes and randomly pulled on a pair, wincing at the thin heels as she stood. This…this was going to be life’s challenge for her. Namjoo felt like her ankles would give out if stood for too long.

God, how she wanted to get this over with.

Opening the door, hoping from the back of her head that the man outside had tired and given up on her, she slowly walked toward the stairs. Each step made her stumble clumsily. These legs didn’t feel like her legs. They felt too long and lanky, out of her control. It was impossible to find her balance and walk upright without falling forward or backward or staggering from side to side. Reaching out for the wall to steady herself, she slowly walked on. Anyone at this rate would probably know she wasn’t Choonhee. Well to hell with that, she decided. If they found her out she would throw the blame to her twin’s friend.

But exactly what the hell was she still doing here?

Namjoo ended up sighing and grumbling to herself. She could have jumped out the window when Hayoung walked out the bedroom door. Why hadn’t she been thinking?! Namjoo felt like pounding her head against the wall. She barely turned around to quickly escape back to the room, but stopped at the call of, “Choonhee.”

On the stairs adjacent to her she spotted Kai halfway up, looking her way. Her insides burst into a banshee scream. With heart immediately pounding like crazy Namjoo only felt her eyes widen as her mind blanked. Before she realized it she tumbled to the floor. Kai’s hurried footsteps rushed toward her, reaching her in a flash. His gentle hands took her by the arms to help pull her up.

“Are you ok? Sorry, I must’ve scared you.” He said as she got to her feet. Namjoo’s hands brushed against his shirt and she quickly peered at him before looking away. Her heart pounded even harder. Heat combusted inside her body from neck down and she gulped. They were standing a little too close for her comfort.

Silence filtered in the gap between them. Namjoo felt awkward, anxious, and nervous. The vibe she got from him was ultra friendly, but she wasn’t sure how to take it. Gulping again she allowed her eyes to slowly drift toward him. When they met with his he immediately smiled. Namjoo’s insides gushed, strangely.

Folding his arm he grabbed her hand to link her grasp around it. “You better be hungry. I made a reservation for us today. Guess where we’re going.”

Oh the difficulty of naming a restaurant she didn’t know of. What did Choonhee like? What kind of expensive places did she enjoy going to?

If she got to know Choonhee just a little things might be easier for her right now, but she’d barely known her twin personally. Namjoo glanced into Kai’s face trying not to let horror take over her expression. He looked excited with much expectation. She would be letting the poor guy down if she got it wrong.

Laughing to cover up her inability to guess she asked, “Where?”

“To The Palace, loser,” he bopped her head with his hand as they started down the stairs together.

The Palace…The Palace. A loud gasp escaped her lips and she drew back from him, letting go of his arm without thinking. Losing her balance she collided into the railing of the stairs clumsily.

“Whoa! Hey! Are you ok?” the volume of his voice heightened in worry, but Namjoo’s eyes widened as she stared at him.

The Palace, a five star restaurant known for serving the best dishes in the whole of South Korea. To be able to get in one needed to make a reservation six months prior to the actual time of visit.  Celebrities and all the world’s millionaires flocked there to indulge in the delicious gourmet served by the famous chefs employed there. Over a hundred TV executives had tried covering the restaurant on their food channels. Namjoo had read countless reports written about the fine dining, seen pictures of the food served that had anyone drooling from just the picture. All food bloggers yearned to get into that restaurant.

The Palace?!

Namjoo felt dizzy.

Choonhee’s life was too good for her.

“You’re totally exaggerating to fool me, aren’t you?” his voice held the tone of a joke. There was even a smug smile on his face. “You’ve been feeling sick these days. Staying upset gets the soul sick, you know? Lets eat something good to cheer you up.” Then teasing he said as he started down the rest of the stairs, “I’m leaving without you.”

“She was pregnant. I don’t know who the father was. All I know is he didn’t want the baby and she still wanted him, so she went to a clinic. She died. I spread her ashes yesterday.”

The earlier shock of hearing about The Palace disappeared as Hayoung’s words floated into her memory.

What…did Kai just say?


Floods of friends, family, and strangers poured in through the gates. Every one of them pulling along carts filled with their luggage and others wheeling along their baggage as they arrived. Hayoung swept her eyes across every individual, dismissing those who travelled in packs, deliriously for Oh Sehun who’d gone on a short trip to Paris for a relative’s wedding.

A smile emerged across her lips when she spotted a man with dark sunglasses and dark brown hair pulling his heavy black suitcase alongside him. Sidestepping away from the crowd in front of her she hurried toward him.

“Sehun!” she called and watched him stop, and look around before turning her way. Waving she hurried over. “Did your parents stay behind?”

Instead of answering he seemed to browse around, as if expecting to see someone else.

“Ah…Kai?” she asked. “He’s having lunch with Choonhee and asked me to come get you instead.”

Turning away with face expressionless he continued toward the exit. “I heard she was sick.”

“Oh…” Hayoung’s smile subconsciously dropped as her eyes wavered to and fro before she pulled it back on, “she’s better now.”

He didn’t add a comment.

As they neared the doors Hayoung tried, “Did you have anything to eat? If you’re hungry, should we grab lunch?”

“Just drop me off at home,” he said. “I’m going to sleep.”


The house was quiet when he walked in. It was expected. He didn’t quite like being greeted by the maids or the butler. As he walked down the long corridor with the sound of the wheels of his suitcase rumbling, he thought about the last words Choonhee had given to him before he left on the plane.

“I’m wondering why we’re all looking for something to live for. Is there really something out there for each one of us? In the end, money is still all that matters. They will always judge, so just live your life. I’ll live mine.”

His bedroom door silently opened and he walked in. Walls were decked in a yellow-white shade with brown furniture to match. The long white curtains had been drawn aside to allow fresh light way in. The strong rays of the sun landed on his made bed with the shadows of his drawers and desk floating across it.

His space was always infiltrated, whether he liked it or not. Leaving his suitcase as is he closed the door and walked around. First stopping to glance out the window. The view of the yard below was supposed to be enchanting with the patio table outside, a garden of wild rose bushes to the side, and trimmed grass spreading across the land. It was now boring and dull to his eyes. Nothing spectacular.

Walking toward his desk he stared at the framed picture with two smiling faces staring back at him. The eyes were haunting and the smiles a mask to what had lain underneath. Sehun swore he’d set the picture face down before he left. One of the maids who came in for daily cleaning had propped it back up.

A knot strained inside his chest and opening the drawer tossed the picture in and shoved it close. Everything had ended before it even started. But he wasn’t the one who’d put an end to it. Lee Choonhee had.

And now Kai was about to stab him in the back because of her.

A smile spread across his lips as he turned back to look out the window. Tomorrow’s scenery would change. Just as Choonhee’s parents flew in from abroad, he’d pay her a surprise visit.  

***Everyone's after something and Choonhee - now Namjoo - is the key to it all, but poor Namjoo doesn't even know anything and no one's on her side yet. Everything will become clearer throughout the story. What everyone's after and what Namjoo will do to deflect them. Lets look forward to character development!


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HansPanda #1
Chapter 35: I was very upset with namjoo..why can't she do something to defend herself from hayoung? She could just record their conversation when hayoung blackmail her ??.
HansPanda #2
Chapter 26: I wonder if choonhee is a bored person?
HansPanda #3
Chapter 25: I was confused by hayoung character..sometimes she seems nice and sometimes she's harsh?.
HansPanda #4
Chapter 10: Hayoung seems too desperate to make Sehun to like her?..
Lolypop123 #5
Chapter 64: Wow i cried when she's in jail.that was so sad TT^TT
Jaslynn #6
Chapter 64: Wow what a journey for the two of them :0
Elizabethguppy #7
Oww i love this story<3
Chapter 63: I really wanna get mad before but again i am too happy with hunjoo sweetness lol so inconsistent of me XD
I feel bad for Kai... I am really crying at KaiJoo par before Namjoo get in prison :'(
Uh since Kihoon always appeared I really curious how Kihoon's look like lol XD
Nice story! I am going to read Next Stop is You to heal my feeling toward KaiJoo wkwk
btw, actually i miss blaze so much hehe