Officially Yours

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My last update for the week cause I thought our retention exam was cancelled but they just moved it and I will take it on TUESDAY~!!  TT.TT  and my interview will follow the week after~!  O__O The struggles of a graduating student..  TT.TT


Hope you like this~!!  ^^



One of Mino’s most favorite mornings begun when he woke up the following day. It’s past 8 in the morning and the sun is already set. He opened his eyes with the most beautiful person sleeping beside him. He take his time on appreciating the face of the sleeping guy- his long eyelashes, his perfect nose, and his kissable lips that’s still swollen after what they’ve done last night.



He then realized what happened last night- their first night as a couple. They’ve reached the most intimate thing that a couple must do and his happiness boosted up. Losing his ity to someone he really love and care of is the most wonderful thing that happened in his 23 years of existence. Being connected with Jinwoo was the greatest feeling and it was so magical. He thanked Jinwoo for trusting him and he promised that he will never hurt him. He was thinking of a way on how to thank him and he thought of making his bath. He got out of bed carefully to not disturb Jinwoo, went to the bathroom, and prepared the bathtub that he filled with bubbles. When he went back, Jinwoo was still asleep so he went back and hugged him.



Jinwoo woke up with someone showering his face with kisses. He giggled as he opened his eyes and met Mino’s. Mino’s lips then reached his and kissed it fully.



“Good morning~!”



“Good morning?”



“How was your sleep?”



“It was almost peaceful but you were snoring.”



“Hey Song Mino~! I’m not snoring~!”



“How can you say so? You cannot realize what you’re acting up when you sleep?”



“I don’t snore~!”



“Okay then, you didn’t snore. Come on, let’s take a bath.”



“Bath? You mean you and me will take a bath together?”



“What’s wrong with that? Besides, I’ve seen every part of you.”



“You ert~!”



Mino got up of the bed and carried Jinwoo bridal style. Their walk on the bathroom was long because of the stops they’ve done because of kissing. Jinwoo hid his face on Mino’s chest and minutes later, he felt his body diving in warm water. He opened his eyes and saw himself lying on the bathtub full of bubbles. He was having fun on popping bubbles that he didn’t notice Mino joining him. His eyes stared at Mino’s sculptured body. When he looked up, he saw Mino grinning wickedly.






“You like it?”



“I didn’t expect your body to be that good.”



“Me also. Your body is a wonderland. Are you going to the gym?”






“Come here.”



Jinwoo rested his head on Mino’s broad chest as they looked at the beautiful morning sky.



“Thank you Jinwoo.”



“For what?”



“For the love and trust that you’ve given me last night.”



Jinwoo just smiled and watched the sun. After half an hour, they were drying themselves. Jinwoo adored Mino for carefully wiping the drips of water on his skin. When they got dressed, Mino suddenly placed Jinwoo on the bed, turned his back, and knelt.



“Ride my back.”



“For what?”



“Piggy back ride, please?”



Jinwoo put his entire weight on Mino as he tangled his legs on his arms. The opened the door and were greeted by Rei. When they reached the kitchen, Mino put Jinwoo down on the kitchen sink as he volunteered to cook their breakfast. He was busy cooking while Jinwoo was feeding Rei. When breakfast was set, they ate in silence.









“Let’s go somewhere?”






“You will find out later.”



After breakfast, they went out to clean the backyard. Mino watered the plants with a hose and Jinwoo cut off the weeds. Out of nowhere, Jinwoo threw a dry leaf to Mino and laughed hard with Mino’s reaction. To take his revenge, Mino opened the water hose and splashed water on Jinwoo. Jinwoo was shocked and he went closer to Mino as they played with the hose. When they went back inside, they’re both soaked from the water and hurriedly changed their clothes.



It’s past 11 when they left the house. Jinwoo was excited because it will be t

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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 12: Love this story~~~
Chapter 12: Loved this & I love how sassy tablo is
Chapter 12: Last few chapters been fluffy. It's okay to end it like that. Happy ending :)
MinWooGTop #4
Chapter 12: No, I didn't think this story was getting bored.
It still amazing..
Chapter 11: I love how the faculty members are all friendly and supportive. (Not happening in real life, though. Hahahahahahahahahaha!)

Seunghoon, my dear Seunghoon. =)))))))
escapeartist #6
Chapter 10: Why it's so sweet.... everything? From their sweet morning, to playing in the yard and dating... I feel so happy ♡♡♡ and so lonely at the same time^^... I need a boyfriend^^
escapeartist #7
Chapter 9: I love the teasing game in this chapter))) especially how they played with pens^^ it was cute
Wow their first night!!! But I thought Jinwoo was experienced in this cause he dated JiYong and Top back then??? Anyway that was a sweet sekseu♡ I need more XD
Chapter 9: Love this fic! MinWoo moments are always so sweet. ^^
Chapter 9: First of all, thank you for editing my name. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Second, thank you for not giving up on writing. And third, why is it my fault that this chapter is an M-rated?! ㅠㅠ

Everything went so fast! I hope nothing will go wrong.
escapeartist #10
Chapter 8: I can't stop grinning♡!! Omg how are you doing such sweet flyffy stories?! Thank u for no angst and this perfect happy ending!^^ Omg that confession and the whole plan was really sweet!! I'm so looking for your next story! Fighting ♡♡♡