Curious Little Kids

Curious Little Kids


2:45 in the morning and still wide-eyed in the TV, Jiyeon fought her sleepy eyes and wanted to finish the episode of her favourite drama series.
The two kissed passionately after an argument. Afterwards, the girl heard fireworks popping. She opened her eyes and found none in the dark starry sky. She figured that it was her imaginations and that she felt extremely fascinated with the experience. She savoured the moment as well as Jiyeon who was happily watching.
Why were there sounds of fireworks when he kissed her? What does it symbolize? Jiyeon thought deeply while watching the scene until it ended. Suddenly, a sleepy Junhyung appeared at her back.

“Oppa!” she jumped in surprise.

“Yah~ do you know what time is it?” he asked his little sister with eyes still closed.

“It’s nearly 3 am oppa. Sorry if I woke you.”

“Nah, you didn’t. I heard fireworks and I figured it’s just from the TV. Why don’t you get some sleep huh?” he smiled to her.

“Ne oppa.” Jiyeon turned to her and saw his oppa’s goofy smile beamed at her. Her heart suddenly pumped so fast and it made her turn her head away from him. She turned the TV off and followed Junhyung to the second floor where they separated, headed to their respective rooms.

Next day

 “Minjung-ah,” Jiyeon looked out the window but tried to catch her friend’s attention.

“Yeah?” Minjung responded.

“Is it true that fireworks pop in your senses when a guy kisses you?”

Minjung stared at her weirdly.

“Are you sick dear?” she checked her temperature with hers.

“Ani. I’m just wondering. Anyway, forget it.” Jiyeon looked at her and smiled.

“Wait. Why did you suddenly asked that huh?” she asked suspiciously.

 “I said forget it.”

“But hey. I think it’s interesting. Where did you learn that?” she smiled goofily at her.

“I watched a drama series last night. Actually, earlier in the morning.”

“Wow, you can stay up that late?”

“Yeah, so do you know about that stuff?” Jiyeon turned serious.

“I actually read a novel just like that.”

“So what are the details?”

“I forgot you know. But you gotta experience that rather than reading or watching it.” Minjung said.

“Experience? With whom?”

“You gotta get a boy for yourself. Then you’ll know about everything.” Minjung grinned.

Why get a boy when I already have one? Jiyeon thought while turning her attention outside the window again.


At home

Junhyung and Jiyeon were seated on the dining table doing their homework. But actually Junhyung was composing a rap and Jiyeon was staring at him. *their parents were not home from work*

“Jiyeon-ah, stop doing that.” Junhyung said still concentrated on his work.

“Mm-hmm.” She mumbled but still staring at him. Focusing on his moving lips, Jiyeon remembered the moment earlier that morning when Junhyung woke up.

“C’mon, stop staring at me.” Junhyung gave up and glared at her.

“Okay.” Jiyeon focused on her book. After a little while, she stared at him again. But now, she drew her knees to her seat and leaned in to Junhyung.

“What Jiyeon? Do you need help?” he tried to be polite so that she’ll stop staring at him. Jiyeon tilted her head to the right and stared more closely. Then to left and did the same.

“C’mon, you’re really annoy…” Junhyung was trailed off when Jiyeon suddenly kissed her which made Junhyung wide-eyed shocked. Jiyeon was closing her eyes waiting for something. Her brother was frozen and couldn’t even blink.

“YA!” Junhyung managed to let go and held his sister in his hands. “What the hell are you doing?!”

“Mianhe oppa.” Jiyeon said without even concerning how he felt.

“What was that for?” he asked again, still couldn’t believe.

“Oppa, did you hear sound of fireworks when I kissed you?”

Junhyung kinda shivered when she spoke “kissed you”.

“Fireworks? No. what’s with that?” his eyebrows met at the middle.

“Ohh. Okay then.” She said, contented.

“Why did you do that Jiyeon?” he sighed.

“I was just wondering if I could hear fireworks. Mianhe oppa. I was simply curious.” Jiyeon finally felt sorry.

“Where did you learn that anyway? You can’t be like that Jiyeon. If you wanna do that, you have to be patient and look for someone who deserves a kiss. You really surprised me you know?” he said shaking his head.

Jiyeon bit her lips.

“Just don’t do that again. Ever.” He said.

“Ne oppa.” With that, Jiyeon went to her room.


Next day

Junhyung’s group was practicing a song for a program. Everyone was singing and was waiting for Junhyung to rap. But it seemed that he was spacing out.

“Junhyung-ah!!” Yoseob suddenly yelled.

“Huh? Oh sorry.” Junhyung was startled and rubbed his eyes.

“Got a problem?” Doojoon asked concerned. Junhyung sighed and turned to them.

“Is it true that if you kiss or a girl kissed you, you get to hear fireworks?” he asked.

“Oooooohhh!!!” the 5 boys began teasing and laughing.

“Hey I’m serious here!” Junhyung exclaimed.

“That’s an odd question.” Dongwoon said finishing his snickering.

“Have you kissed a girl yet?” Hyunseung asked.

“Our friend is suddenly wondering.” Kikwang smiled.

“I’m just curious.” Junhyung said.

“So you’re asking if fireworks pop when two people kiss.” Kikwang approached him.
“It’s true. I’ve kissed a girl before.”

“How do the fireworks pop then?” Junhyung asked like a 3rd grader.

“It comes when the kiss becomes intense.” Kikwang explained like a teacher. The other boys paid attention to him.

“Aaahh. Gotta remember that.” Dongwoon and Doojoon said in low voices.

“You get excited and you become passionate to it, you get to hear them and not only that! You seem to be in a secluded area where no one can see you, thus, you enjoy it even more. Most especially I did it on her room, in her bed.” Kikwang grinned at his explanation. There were more laughs.

“I bet you’re a good kisser.” Yoseob wiggled his eye brows and chuckled.

“Yes I am.” Kikwang smiled.

“Why are you asking that anyway?” Hyunseung asked.

“Just like I said, I’m just curious.” Junhyung said.

“But you gotta have a girl.”Doojoon said.

Junhyung just sighed.


At home

Junhyung came home really late because they spent time in talking and a little time in practicing. The lights were off in the house but then he noticed that in his sister’s room, the light was still on.

Junhyung walked to it silently after hesitating to make a turn to his door. He opened the door and found his sister about to dress her sleeping clothes.

“Oppa! You scared me!” she exclaimed. She found him with his tired, sleepy eyes and it seemed like he was drunk.

“Mian. I didn’t mean to barge in.” he said.

“That’s okay. You’re late.”

“We had practice.” Junhyung simply said walking around her room. He stopped and looked at his little sister fully dressed with short shorts and his big polo shirt.

“I see you still have that.” Junhyung said.

“Yeah, it’s comfortable.” She said while lying on her bed and messed around with her blanket. Then, she sat on her bed and looked at Junhyung.

“Oppa,” Jiyeon paused. Junhyung slowly ed his school uniform to ease himself, and then let out a deep breath.

“About last night,” she was trailed off when Junhyung let out a confident sigh and walked to her with an intense glare.

‘In her bed.’ Junhyung remembered Kikwang’s words.

“I’m sorry..” again, she was unable to finish her sentence when Junhyung suddenly grabbed her back and leaned his face very close to her. Jiyeon was shocked.

“Oppa,” Junhyung finally kissed her while groping her back and clutching her hair. Jiyeon was wide-eyed and couldn’t breathe while Junhyung was savouring every moment, each second.

Jiyeon forced him to stop.

“Oppa! What are you doing now? You told me not to do it again!!” Jiyeon was nervous when she saw Junhyung’s hands were all around her.

“You didn’t.” He smirked and leaned in again but Jiyeon stopped him.

“I don’t understand.”

“Did you hear some fireworks? Haha. I did.” He chuckled.

“I didn’t.” Jiyeon chuckled.

“Shall I make it louder then?” he asked but even before Jiyeon could answer, he pushed her back to the bed and continued his wonders. They made fireworks pop louder in their imaginations. Suddenly,


Junhyung let his lips loose from hers as he heard his dad’s stern voice.

“Appa,” Jiyeon spoke nervously.

The door opened and their dad found them… sitting next to each other.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Appa,” Jiyeon spoke.

“I’m just saying good night to her. I worried her a lot for getting home late.” Junhyung interrupted.

“Ohh. Then go change already.” Their dad said.

“Okay.” Junhyung smiled thoughtfully and drew his sister back to the bed and enclosed her body with her blanket.

“Good night sis.” He smirked at her and kissed her lips which couldn’t be seen from their dad.

“Night oppa.” She kissed back.



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Chapter 1: First time reading ... and it wasn't that bad
Chapter 1: goosebumps. please make another kind of ______ story! i like your story~
yes. it's .
don't forget to subscribe~! :D
coolme #6
Hehe... even though it was short, i loved it ! It was so innocent ...
i'll try to finish the part 1 asap since i stayed up really late for this! :))
Make it loooooooooonger~ WAAAA <3
please also read No Regrets. thanks! :)<br />