5 .

My Boo(spin-off to Crying'Wolf!')

In all their previous experiences,one thing never got out of order so they kind of expected the worst before the better whenever there was an early call from the managing team.

That very next morning was something entirely unexpected,though.

Hoya had barely gotten a few good hours of sleep after the nasty events,when suddenly he was summoned in the living room.He dragged his tired self towards the Devil's den(aka Nari's workout place) with the hangman's enthusiasm,but only because the curiosity got the best of him,which most of the times transcended into him being ed one way or another;well ,not literally,but you get the point.

Much to his dismay,not only he almost chocked on his saliva at the sight of Sunggyu barely supporting himself on the sidewall,but he got the biggest shock when faced with his silent help request.He acted as fast as possible,all mocking put aside as he shoved one arm around his still slim waist(why the hell was he still so thin ?!).As soon as he laid him down,he hurried into the kitchen to bring him a glass of water.

"He'll see through me."Sunggyu breathed rapidly,dismissing Hoya's help."I can't even stand,much less hold a glass.Could you get a bottle?I'll try to...."

Before he could finish,they heard the door unlock,in coming one of their managers and a very shy Jungsoo?!Hoya began to definitely hate his day!

"Before you start ramming and stuff,which I get,since I know how nagging my sis can be, let me warn you I'm the other one!"the girl spoke almost in one breath.

"It wasn't on my agenda to be joining you lot so soon;imagine my surprise when the company asked me to chaperone her to you."Jungryul adressed Hoya."Apparently you have something belonging to her sister?"he frowned.

"How's Baby -Boo!?"Hoya half smiled,in a light tone.

"Not that great,actually."Minah said with a small bounce of her feet."She'll have my neck if she found out I came here,but I can't stand aside and watch her suffer because her ego is in the way."

"Can't say I'm surprised to hear it.So,what can I help you with?"Hoya asked as he motioned for the newcomers to take a seat.

"This doesn't really concern you,Gyu.Why don't you leave us."Jungryul tried to push Sunggyu aside,only to be tackled by an all hyper Hoya.

"Hyung,come on,are you trying to get us zeroed?! We need as much witnesses as possible!We can't risk any scandals over having a girl over at the dorm!"

"It's covered,the CEO is aware of this." Jungryul kept his stance."Not like she's....by the way,where is that little devil,anyways?"he looked around for Nari,none other than his very own niece.

"She has therapy and on calls in the morning."Sunggyu pitched in."They are very pleased with her progress."he shakilly took hold of the glass of water,avoiding eye contact.

Which couldn't be said about his,if Hoya had one word of saying.He'd get down and have a talk later,but right now he had other problems to deal with.

"Don't,hyung,I already drank from it.I'll get you a bottle."Hoya hurried to play pretence,slapping Gyu's hand away before pushing him back on the sofa.

"I apologise we're taking so much time off you,but we'll make it up.How can we help besides providing your sister with her prescription?"Sunggyu changed topics,charming his way out like always.The smooth talker already began his game,switching their attention elsewhere besides his own person.

"How the hell did you know she came for that?!"Hoya screamed,throwing the bottle of water in his face.

"Why else would she be here?"Sunggyu reached for it, unable to  rant at Hoya like he  normally would've for his jerk move.

"Uhm, yeah....I really need those;she's been biting her lips from pain and fighting fever since a few hours ago.The only good thing about it was that she became delirious enough to sprout some nonesense about being tended at the hospital and leaving her treatment with you."Minah eyed Hoya whose eyebrows already nead together in concern.

"We gotta hurry.Where is she?"Hoya asked in slight urge.

"That's ok,I can ..."

"No,this time she'll have to listen!"

"Well, you heard the man."Sunggyu adressed Jungryul.Go get the car ready,he'll accompany you."

"Why do I feel like you're ditching me?"the elder squinted his eyes.

"Hyung,seriously!Stop making everything about yourself!"Sunggyu played his leader card.

"There's something you're hiding from me.I just know it.But I'll play along for now.And tell that brat to give me a call sometime!"Jungryul said as he stepped outside,with Minah by his side.

"Yeah, she'll do just that."Sunggyu exhaled,letting his head touch the headrest.

"Will you manage by yourself?"Hoya asked in a hurry as he grabbed what he needed.

"Yeah.Just go."

"Shouldn't I call someone?"

"It'll be fine after I rest.Nothing to worry,Howonie."Sunggyu admitted with a sad smile.

"Stop playing hero,gramps!"Hoya tried to lighten things up.

"I might take you up on that,this time."the elder huffed,with eyes closed.

That was definitely worrisome,but Hoya had to put it aside for now.He only hoped he could trust Gyu.The er might be lying to him for all he knew.




A/N:did some adding to the chp.

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italic writing 4 recalling past events


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clouds930428 #1
Chapter 14: huh? gyu and nari already have kids?
clouds930428 #2
Chapter 13: is this chapter happened before the crying wolf's ending?
clouds930428 #3
Chapter 12: nah it's not rushed... the timing is right i think
already on it,but maybe i rushed into it? in the last chp? what do u think?
clouds930428 #5
Chapter 11: hoya and jungsoo i mean
whose relationship were u reffering to?
clouds930428 #7
Chapter 10: uhm its up to you author-nim, but you should focused on developed their relationship first
I was kinda debating weather i should end the story with the same lines(as in Nari announcing it at the end)but i'm still 2fond of her and gyu and i'd like to add the 'news'earlier in this story.what do u think?
clouds930428 #9
Chapter 8: is nari already pregnant in this story?
clouds930428 #10
Chapter 5: ah finally you update author-nim ^^
just wondering, is minah or jungsoo has connection to woolim?