2 .

My Boo(spin-off to Crying'Wolf!')

Hoya was set on giving that girl a piece of his mind!He couldn't wait until she finished her routine.He was a pretty fair guy,on his usual days,but she had stepped on his pride with that cocky attitude(not to mention the karate or whatever that was she did on him).

Ok,so maybe he'd been hurt a little;not many girls would kick his ,instead of screaming his name at first encounter.But still,it didn't change the fact that he had been forced to change his entire wardrobe for the show because of her carelessness.

Boo had been too cute to hold responsable and he was just an animal;what else would it do,but play?Granted,it didn't have to be his own outfit,but it just bundled on it the second it set its eyes on it and wouldn't let go.

She was the only one to blame:why didn't she take better care of her pet,instead of letting it loose to wonder around?What if it got outside and a car ran over it?

Midway in his internal struggle,a shushed voice burst his concentration,not to mention the slight brushing on his leg that almost made him jump out of his body.Heart beating faster than normal,he took a look at the alien intrusion,only to find none other than Boo itself latched to his trousers.

"For crying out loud,not again!"he breathed, a hand on his chest.

It might've been cute if not for her launching head first for the poor animal and fight it like it had stepped on her turf.He just knew things would escalade and,before he could even try and get her off him he heard an all too familiar reaping sound.

Yep,there was a long slit up his leg that reached mid thigh.

He sighed in defeat,before he reached down to her rather contorted grimace(really,she played the awestruck,ashamed victim card?!) and grabbing her wrist tightly.Much to his surprise she actually froze in place,making it easier for Hoya to pull her up,almost butting heads.

"You know,i usually don't get double vision after a front attack,but now I seem to ."he whispered meancingly."Should I call security?"

"Ahem,I think you're being too full of yourself,mister."she pushed herself away from him."You're not that great."

"Really?That's why you're reaping my clothes off everytime we meet?"he mocked her,seeing her speech falter.

"I believe I'd tried to prevent that.It's Boo that developed a ..strange liking to your wardrobe."she looked down at the happy little creature,smiling affectionately.

Hoya was taken aback!She actually could look attractive,when not set on destroying his outfits or self esteem.

"Well,don't expect me to thank you just yet."he took his glasses off."But I do demand an apology."

"He can't speak,how do you expect Boo to..."she went on a rampage.

"I meant you!"Hoya emphasized,with little self constrain left.

"Oh."she gulped audibly.

"You really can't grasp the impact of my torn outfit?Do you think I'm doing this beca.."

"Fine,I apologise on Boo's behalf!"she cut him short."He's still growing accustomed with people.You could give him the benefit of..."

"What are you,animal lawyer?IAnd I'm not that thick skulled to cast the guild on a poor animal.It's you that acted irrationally.Twice!"

"Wow, like drama much?!"she gawked."Listen, you...diva,I'm not saying sorry so you can munch on it all you want.I apologised sincerely for Boo and if that doesn't satisfy your ego,than it's your problem."she took the said animal in her arms."Come,Boo,the mean mister here would have your fur if we stuck any longer around."she made a run for it.

Just when he was about to follow them,Dongwoo came rushing,all sweatty from the recent permormance.He didn't like the gleaming look he sent him!

"Sooo,what was that all about?A new crush?"he smacked him on the shoulder."You're getting bolder,Howonie.I like that!"he winked just to get on his nerves.

"Shut up!You have no idea what I had to put up with!"

"Yeah,I could see how you didn't like having her pressed to you.I almost cut the song!"

"If only you knew...."he whined,just before his eyes got stuck on the back-up dancers that came in a bee line."Hold on,scuse me."he barely whispered for one of them."Could I speak to you for a second?"he asked a little more confident.

The girl eyed him rather confused and maybe misread his intentions,if the faint blushing on her cheecks was any indication.He didn't care what rumours it would spread.

"Do you,by any chance have a...twin sister?"

Well,it was like all the wheels in her head stopped.She stared him blinking in a slow rate,like he had grown the proverbial two heads.

"Did you hear what I said?"Hoya asked again,impatiently.

"Oh...oh,yes.I mean i did.I...it's just..."she stuttered,much to his dismay.

"Listen,I'm not trying anything fishy.I'm sorry if I gave off the wrong vibe.But,just a few minutes ago,there was a girl chasing after a small..."he tried to make some sense to his question.

"!Boo got out?I'm so ed!"she cursed outloud,before making a run for it.

"What just happened?"Dongwoo looked at him half amused,half confused.

"i'm too afraid to say it."Hoya scrunched his nose,dashing after her,with the older boy on his tail.

"i don't mind the extra working-out,but why are we following her?"

"I need to find out something,so let's just find them."Hoya spoke undeterred.

"Right!Cause that's the first time we've faced unexplainable chance meetings."he chimed.

Hoya knew he was referring to the night they first met Gyu's crush,but he didn't care about Nari right now.In fact,she was the last one on his mind,which couldn't be said about the duo he was after.

They found them arguing and he almost cringed at the thought there was gonna be a blood battle.Instead,he witnessed pigs flying!The tough nut actually cried,out of frustration!Well,not really cried,but teared up a bit.

Boo had set himself free from her wailing grasp and made a dash for him and Dongwoo.He was a er for his whinings and he was sure to regret picking him up again(that's how the whole ordeal started anyways),but what else was there to rip?

"Hey,fella.What's happened?"he pet him,while Dongwoo watched in awe.

"So now you're a dog person?How come you didn't interract like that on our show?The poor Nurungie always trying to get your attention."he remembered.

"He was Gyu's soulmate.How could I compete with that?"Hoya mocked,scratching Boo behind his ears."besides,we have a special bonding of our own,right Boo?"at which,the creature barked,nussling more in his neck.

"See!You're overreacting!It's right there and fine."he heard the dancer shout.

"Stop calling him it!Boo is a living being!"the teary one stumped her foot."And that's far from a healthy interraction."she came before him."Give him to me before i have to pay your hospital fee."

"What's that supposed to mean?"he played offended.

In an instant,Boo bit down on his flesh.He almost pulled him away,if not for her stern voice.

"No.Boo,stop!"she commanded."Do not try and pull,he's close to your neck."she warned Hoya,looking straight in his eyes.

It was like she became a tamer,of whom,Hoya couldn't put a  finger on it.He just knew that he followed her voice like in a trance.Ever so slowly she reached for his neck,gently touching his abused skin.For some sick reason,Hoya felt he was attacked by two vampires,one biting and the other one luring.Her eyes were mesmerising.

"Can you pull your friend back?"she asked Dongwoo."I'll keep Boo in place."she assured them,counting soundlessly to three.

They were too relieved to notice a small hiss.

"He's not accustomed to people,Minah.When I say to keep him locked,you keep him locked!"she adressed the dancer,panting a little."I'll take him with me before he does any more damage."


"Take care of that.Boo had all his shots,but it might still get infected."she spoke to Dongwoo before rushing out.

"Oh,my God!That was scary."Dongwoo flipped.Are you ok?"he searched Hoya's wound only to find it was merely a scratch."Huh,I guess it looked worse than it was.But where did the blood come from?"

"Aish, that bratty...."he heard Hoya fuss,slapping his hand away."Come on,we have to find her."

"What's wrong?"Dongwoo followed.

"She put her hand in between my skin and the dog's fangs."Hoya explained,after considering.

​"You mean she got herself  bitten on purpose?"

"Hey!"the younger screamed when finally got a glimpse of her."Stop!"

"What now?"she turned wincing.

"You're coming with us."

"No way!"she pryed her arm away.

"Listen,I don't know what the two of you have against each other,but you really need to go see a doctor."Dongwoo,the voice of reason said.

"i know.I was just on my way there."she scoffed.

"Than stop being stubborn."

"I'm not.I've been taking care of such wounds for quite some while now.I don't need a macho to...."

"Jesus,do you ever shut up?Get in the damn car!"Hoya all but pushed her forward to the minivan awaiting for them.He had called Jungwook as they were running.

"What's the rush,Hoya?"their manager asked from behind the wheel."I barely had time to take a pi...oh,who's this?"he frowned at the sight.

"We're taking her to the hospital.She got bitten in my place."

There simply wasn't any room left for complaints.The scary look when Hoya got angry was enough for everyone to stay silent and obey;even the feisty girl.

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italic writing 4 recalling past events


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clouds930428 #1
Chapter 14: huh? gyu and nari already have kids?
clouds930428 #2
Chapter 13: is this chapter happened before the crying wolf's ending?
clouds930428 #3
Chapter 12: nah it's not rushed... the timing is right i think
already on it,but maybe i rushed into it? in the last chp? what do u think?
clouds930428 #5
Chapter 11: hoya and jungsoo i mean
whose relationship were u reffering to?
clouds930428 #7
Chapter 10: uhm its up to you author-nim, but you should focused on developed their relationship first
I was kinda debating weather i should end the story with the same lines(as in Nari announcing it at the end)but i'm still 2fond of her and gyu and i'd like to add the 'news'earlier in this story.what do u think?
clouds930428 #9
Chapter 8: is nari already pregnant in this story?
clouds930428 #10
Chapter 5: ah finally you update author-nim ^^
just wondering, is minah or jungsoo has connection to woolim?