A starry night

Conflict within



Chapter 4



For a saturday night, it was rather quiet and null.Maybe people just didn't want to come nearby this worn down, luck-lustre neighbourhood.Wendy preferred it just this way,nothing but the sound of crickets accompanying her peaceful alone time.The bench she was resting on and the lamppost beside lighting up with gradual blackouts has been her only acquaintances for a while.The night sky was clear, with no sight of clouds but an immense amount of stars.As she was spacing out with her head tilted up,almost to the extent that her neck could break any moment she felt a tap on her back.

"The weather's real nice,huh?"Irene broke the silence.The voice was as soothing as always.

"Yeap" Wendy patted the open spot beside her motioning Irene to come sit.With no hesitation,Irene jumped at the opportunity and immediately sat.

Not quite sure what to talk about, Wendy being her awkward self she blabbered "Do you want to go get some ramen?"


She just sat, idiot.


"I don't actually like ramen" was the reply."You must really like overalls" she added not knowing Wendy would get all shy."You're cute"

Wendy flustered red at the unexpected comment, grabbing onto the straps of her outfit as if would be of any help.

"Yeah and you're pretty" Wendy mumbled quietly.

Irene must have heard because she too blushed.If any other stranger witnessed this scene,they would've find it so cute as two adorable snowballs kept complimenting each other with their cute little pinchable red cheeks.

"Why have you been avoiding me these days?" finally Wendy asked what she's been most curious about.

Irene kept silent.After a moment of utter silence she brought her hand upwards slowly closing in on Wendy's face.She swept away the string of bangs and placed her hand on Wendy's forehead.The latter trembled at the bold action of the flawless girl,as she felt the warmth of the delicate,slender fingers.Irene slowly started to trace the scar with her forefinger,trailing along the long line that has always been kept covered by silk-smooth hair and which has mend into as part of the girl's body.Wendy remained still, finding peace at Irene's touch.Suddenly Irene pulled away and stood up.Wendy noticed the sudden change in Irene's expression.Before she could realise what was going on, Irene bent down closing in on her.Their faces a mere centimetre apart.Irene stared deep into her soul.A swift kiss on the tip of her nose was what she felt only then to find herself all alone again in the lonesome park.


A few steps away and behind the trees,which was covering the only bench in the park, Irene ran as fast as she could.Whilst the adrenaline still remained in every piece of her body, she stopped to catch a breath hoping the excitement would die away.She couldn't believe what a crazy wild act she had allowed herself to do.What just happened should never have.Desparately trying to calm herself ,she looked up as she felt a gaze strongly placed on her.Not so far away on the left side, the third floor balcony of building A to be exact, stood ShoSho who just happen to saw everything.





A/N: I cant believe I've managed to continue this far.Well i'll be brief, the ending's coming up ;) Im about to finish my first ever story haha.I started off this story without a concrete plot set in mind.I,myself, dont know yet what's going to happen but certainly there's quite an unexpected series of events coming up, look forward to it eh.Will update soon.



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my first ever story, pls understand if it's lacking. hope y'all like it :)


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 3: hello
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: Ohhh
Chapter 4: what was that, bae?o.o
RVFXCookieDough #4
Chapter 3: Looks interesting...
Rina9m #5
Chapter 3: aw poor wendy haha. great story!! i love it<333