The first encounter

Conflict within

Chapter 2



Wendy couldn't help but think about this petite and frail looking girl she met earlier at school.Maybe it was the longing stare that captivated her.She didn't know why herself and it wasn't helping since she've been already assigned with homework even on the first day.To procrastinate,was Wendy's instant thought the moment she was handed with this homework requiring her to write two pages worth of self-introduction but, she decided against it hoping that focusing on this would at least kept her from thinking about that girl.




"Aish",frustrated with her failed attempt, Wendy punished herself with a self knock on her head and decided to take a walk.

"ShoSho! I'm heading out,I'll be back by dinner."

Wendy has had a sense of guilt for ShoSho who was kind enough to take her in when she was completely alone and helpless.They weren't related in any way nor even close, ShoSho just once was her middle school teacher and now she is her only one true guardian,caring for this hopeless bum.All this high school and homeworks meant completely nothing to Wendy, she couldn't care less about her surroundings and the world and whatever the future has set for her.She sorted out her thoughts and decided to finish high school fast and work hard to pay back ShoSho for all the caring and temporary shelter she had provided for her,then will finally drift off faraway on her own and be who-knows-what.



"Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was..."Wendy was left speechless when she glanced up and saw who she has actually bumped into.It was this girl who has been constantly on her mind.

"Irene..",Wendy slipped out the name without intending to.

"Oh, so you already know who I am."


Wendy couldn't believe how a person could have such a soothing and comforting voice.Irene just didn't only have the looks but her voice was also heavenly and with just that simple sentence Wendy actually got tensed and self-awared of her own hoarse voice.Then she snapped and suddenly realised she's been staring at Irene for quite awhile without a reply.

"Yeah,I sit behind you in class"said Wendy,fixing her hair attempting to cover up the mark.

"I know.You live nearby here?"

"Right above that ramen place" Wendy pointed to a worn down building.

"Guess I'll be seeing you around a lot then" said Irene with a smirk and left.

The kid in the blue overall who was left speechless and mesmerized, noticed how awkward and lame she must have looked in this baby outfit. Wendy then came to wondered why Irene said that with a smile.

Was it intentional?

Maybe she was just being courteous.

And why do I care so much, its not like it matters.




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my first ever story, pls understand if it's lacking. hope y'all like it :)


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 3: hello
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: Ohhh
Chapter 4: what was that, bae?o.o
RVFXCookieDough #4
Chapter 3: Looks interesting...
Rina9m #5
Chapter 3: aw poor wendy haha. great story!! i love it<333