

It was a Saturday evening, but not a normal one. It’s one of those rare days where you can spend quality time with your forever-busy boyfriend, who also happens to be a K-pop idol, Jackson Wang. He has just returned to Korea after a tour whereas you are working in the country, leaving your homeland in the bottom hemisphere of Earth.

You are so preoccupied with applying your make-up in front of the dresser that you didn’t notice him sneaking into your room. Slowly and quietly, he creeps behind you and extends his strong arms around your waist. “Oh babi!” You accidentally cursed and jumped in your spot, stepping on his right foot at it.

“When did you get in here?!” You ask in a daze as you try to wipe off the little smudge from your mascara. However, Jackson pays little attention to your question.

“What’s babi? That’s the first time I’ve heard you say that.” He asks while rubbing his sore foot.

“Err… It’s nothing. Anyway, where are we going again?” You try to diverge his attention to avoid him from peering more into the new word he just heard. But of course, that is only intriguing the Wang puppy more than ever.

“A~~~ Don’t change the topic. What’s babi? Is it a Malay word? What does it mean? Sounds cute though. Babi babi babi~~~”

He continues to sing the word in a playful tune, oblivious to the meaning that two-syllable word brings. You want to straight up tell him to stop, because that’s a word you wouldn’t want anyone to hear. However, along the way, you’ll have to admit your ugly side; swearing. You don’t want to stain that good girl image you always have in front of Jackson. And so, you decide to keep quiet and let him use the word unknowingly. After all, Koreans won’t understand it anyway. It’s a win-win situation. Or so you thought.

“Babi!” Jackson suddenly exclaims in the car as you two are on your way to your date spot. Your eyes go wide and you stare at him in disbelief. Then you realise he doesn’t know the meaning of it. You know he doesn’t mean it, but being swear at by your own boyfriend does twitch a nerve in you.

“Jackson, God forbid you to call anyone else with that word, you hear me?” You warn him before he starts running around addressing half of the population with his new favourite word.

“Of course I won’t! It’s especially reserved for my beloved! Babi! That’s a cute nickname, eh? I’m actually very interested in Malay language now, so you should teach me. What more cute words are you still refraining from me?” The eyes of Wang puppy glisten with pure curiosity. At this point, you’re feeling a mix of emotions.

Your boyfriend is truly eager to learn your mother tongue, but also not to forget that he has basically just given you an offensive nickname. Should you tell him the truth before he ruins his image as an idol, or simply assume he won’t get in trouble for it? Decisions, decisions.


It’s been exactly a week since you have last seen the hyperactive Jackson Wang. It also marks one week since a new word enters your boyfriend’s vocabulary, which he is actively utilising as much as he can. Every single text would mention the B-word. Every call you answer, he’ll greet with the said word. You can’t understand his obsession with that one particular word, no matter how much he claims that ‘it’s a cute word’.

“Goodness gracious! Jackson Wang Ka Yee! You need to stop using that word!” Your sudden outburst after being addressed as babi for the umpteenth time puts your boyfriend to a halt. You two are enjoying a relaxing evening together at your place, you preparing some tea to go with the snacks he has bought on the way to your house. Everything is calm, until he calls you out from the living room with that B-word again.

He creeps into the kitchen like a kid about to receive punishment from his parents, hesitant and nervous. His best guess is it’s that time of the month for you. But you know it’s far from that.

“Why not? It’s an adorable name!” He tests the water with a slightly protesting tone. He is expecting you to throw a tantrum, like you always do during your mood swings. Or perhaps, break down crying because Jackson refuses to lose to you.

However, you heave a long sigh of resignation, which sweeps him out of his feet. This isn’t what he’s expecting!

He’d rather have you break down crying or pulling faces because he’ll know exactly how to deal with those sides of you. But your I-give-up look never exists in his “Guide to Understand _____” book.

“Hey, is something wrong? Are you sick or something?” He reaches out a hand to press it to your forehead. You just let out an equally long sigh again.

“Jackson, I think I need to tell you something.” This sentence is already setting Jackson’s internal alarm on a rampage.

Is she gonna break up with me? Does she have another guy? Did I do something wrong? All sorts of negative thoughts surface into his panicked mind.

“Hey, if you don’t like it, I can stop calling you babi. I’ll spend more time with you. I’ll call you more often. I’ll send you gifts wherever I go. Please, don’t be mad,” Jackson takes your hands on the counter and holds them tight. You are confused of his sudden gestures. Plus, his gaze holds a rare seriousness.

“What is this all of a sudden? I’d really appreciate if you stop calling me the B-word, but I’m not mad at you, nor am I asking you for more attention whatsoever. I just need to explain something to you.” You look straight into his slightly glassy eyes. “Look, Jackson. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this from the start. I just don’t want you to think badly of me.”

“Wait, I don’t wanna hear the rest. I’ll leave, OK?” Your boyfriend dramatically says this and stands up, making his way to the kitchen entrance. You think he’s just joking, because he has always been a goofball since you’ve known him.

“Hey! I’m not done talking. This is serious stuff. I don’t want you to go out and offend everyone by mentioning the B-word.”

“Why would anyone be offended if I say it? It’s a nickname that they would appreciate!” He stops in his tracks to retort, dissatisfied.

“Jackson, it’s anything but a nice nickname! It is an offensive word! You can even put it in the vulgar category, if you’re in Malaysia!” You finally spit out the truth. For a moment, Jackson tries to process what you’ve just said. He approaches you and places his hands on your shoulders.

“Say what?”

You sigh and continue, “The reason I told you to stop, is because that B-word you’re obsessed with? It’s the Malay word for ‘pig’. And while ‘pig’ isn’t much of an offensive word, saying the B-word in Malaysia is very, very rude. It’s almost like the F-word in Western countries.”

“You mean, I’ve been calling your ‘pig’ all this while?!” He exclaims in disbelief, eyes gone wide. When you reply with a nod, he pulls you into his chest and hugs you tightly. “Oh goodness. I’m so, so sorry, ____! I didn’t know it means that. I just think it’s such an adorable word that means ‘baby’ or something like that!”

From his voice, you know he feels really bad. Terribly bad.

“I was the one who didn’t tell you the meaning. I’m sorry, too. I was just too egoistic to show my ugly side,” you wrap your arms around his torso and try to elevate your feelings and his. Suddenly, you hear a snicker, which soon turn into a series of hyena-like laugh. You feel the vibration from the body hugging you and you immediately pout.

“Yah! I thought you were sorry!”

“It’s just very funny that I’ve been calling you ‘pig’ for a week and you manage to put up with it,” he manages to say between his growingly uncontrollable laugh. You smack him in the chest, trying to stop him as your face burns up in embarrassment. But Jackson is forever Jackson. He just won’t stop.

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