I Got One, But I Lost One

How To Be Aphrodite's Son-In-Law

Kim Taehyung was almost insane. No, Suga didin't share his enormity and brutality to Taehyung, everything was pure from Taehyung's mind. Taehyung became a very brutal and mindless person, even Hoseok was surprised. Jungkook changed him into that killer machine, everything was because of love, but his love for Jungkook was way too much. He killed the dragon and minatour in a single hand slice, he pushed the minatour with all his strength until it fell down into the lava ravine, he stabbed the dragon and blood spurted everywhere. That was sadist, but Taehyung didn't mind about organs that would spread everywhere.

He protected Jungkook from Hoseok. Hoseok might look easy going but since back then Taehyung never underestimate anymore, everything he wanted to do was to kill Hoseok and his friends and his soldiers.  Hoseok held his sword tightly, he wanted to slice Taehyung into pieces so bad but when he saw Taehyung killed the monsters in fast way and how brave he was, Hoseok started to think that Taehyung wasn't that weak to be beated.

Hoseok looked at Jackson that was fighting with Jin. "Son of Hermes versus son of Aphrodite," said Hoseok cynical, "they both are weak."

"Don't ever mention son of Hermes again," said Taehyung in deep voice, he had deep look too. His sword was still spouted right to Hoseok, "even his feces is still more expensive than your life."

"I thought that kid was weak." Hoseok smiled and rinsed his lip with tounge. Eye contact between them was really tighten, it seemed like we only had to wait who was gonna attack first and who would die first. "It must be very pleasant to see one of your darlings die."
Taehyung couldn't deal with Hoseok again, his sword started to move and almost sliced Hoseok's face, too bad it didn't happen.

Taehyung wouldn't stop move his sword before he succeed to finish Hoseok. Suga accidentally sought them from afar, he smiled and felt proud of Taehyung because his brutality was functioned that time, it made his spirit grew faster to fight Namjoon there.

Jackson was enjoying his battle with Jin and some monsters around him, he held two weapons in both hands. He stabbed a harpy and cut its claw and made it as a weapon for him. His nervous and scare face disappeared and seemed like it wouldn't come again, no one would underestimate him again. He was then turn into a mature and strong boy, he was a new Jackson, that experience in Tartarus made him stronger. Jungkook almost fainted, his strength wouldn't last any longer. He had put out too much blood from his body, his heart was getting weaker and weaker. But as what Jackson has said, no one touched him.

Taehyung was successful to slice at least five scratches on Hoseok's body and Taehyung had at two wounds on his belly. He didn't stop swing his sword and injure Hoseok. The time when Hoseok was on his weak point, Taehyung pounched his belly and tore Hoseok's hand until the sword fell. Taehyung took the fallen sword and Hoseok wasn't able to take it. There was a big satisfied face, Taehyung smiled evil and lifted his chin.

"I wanna kill you." said Taehyung, he was breathless.

Hoseok smiled even though he was already in agony. "Then kill me, !"

Taehyung laughed when Hoseok called him , he spitted out, lucky not onto Hoseok's face. "Who is the ? Me?" Taehyung put his foot on Hoseok's neck, he just put it and didn't do anything else. Hoseok started to tremble and panic. He couldn't put a smile again. "Choose a way! Die fast or slowly?"


Taehyung took his sword and almost fell it onto Hoseok's belly, but his sword ended up fell on Hoseok's leg and stabbed it. Hoseok screamed loud, he was really tortured. Taehyung let his sword implanted inside Hoseok's leg, he saw Hoseok cried and painful, he didn't mind about it and left Hoseok behind when Hoseok was already numb.. Taehyung ran to help Suga fought against Namjoon, suddenly his body was bounced and slammed a rock. He saw two cyclops were standing in front of him and holding two log. Taehyung laughs and looked at Hoseok cynical.

"Yak! Jung Hoseok!" Taehyung was breatheless. "You see! They are the creature that you hate the most, right?!" Taehyung walked exhausted closer to the cyclops, Hoseok tried to get up but his leg was really in pain, even he tried to pull the sword from his leg but it would hurt him more.

"Kill him!" Hoseok shouted in pain. It didn't make Taehyung gave up or became afraid, it gave Taehyung strength furthermore Hoseok was stuck there.

"Kill me? You said kill me? Hey ugly cyclops!" Taehyung swung his sword undirected. "The one that you should kill is him. He hates you!"

The cyclops didn't hear Taehyung, they just saw a drunk guy and a desperate guy down there. One of the cyclops raised his log and hit Taehyung right on the waist, Taehyung bounced again and again, he felt nothing but headache, he was stagger but smiled like a jagger, he swung his sword no matter if it touched the cyclops or not. Jungkook still lying limp and saw three heroes were fighting to save him, they were busy, injured, exhausted, bet their lives to save a soul. Jungkook wanted to help the so badly, but he had no strength, he watched how an incredible battle was run. One thing that made him always feel scared but curious; what Jackson said to Taehyung, that he would be okay and nothing would touch him. That was right, it looked like there was nothing noticed him there.

- flashback -
"How was school? People must be like you." A man with eye-glasses moved clutch beside him.


A boy who sat next to him threw his backpack to the back seat, "yeah, some of them are annoying."

"Don't throw your backpack like that, your mom would be angry."

"Mom is not here." the boy tighten his seatbelt.

"I got a text message, it said that you had math test today, didn't you?" ask the man. As a father, he tried to not annoy his tired son, because the boy looked very terrible.

"I did. I hope my grades will still increase this semester." The boy laid his head onto seatbelt.

"It will, you've done very well at the school." The father looked so proud.

"Dad," the boy stared at his father, his narrow nose was like pointing the father's cheek, his eyes were glaring too. "What if I don't pass this year?"

The father laughed, he that boy's hair. "Why? I've seen your grades, you are good."

"It actually not it," the boy siged hard, "I'm afraid I can't continue to university, that's every parent biggest pride, isn't it? I'm afraid I can't make you proud someday." the boy pouted. 

"Jeon Jungkook, listen," the father turned the steering wheel around, "it is your choice whether you want to go to university or not, you can do whatever you want as long as it is good for you."

The boy, Jeon Jungkook, he didn't make any moves, he was quiet. "My biggest pride is when you can make yourself proud someday." the father focused on rearview mirror.

"I'm sorry but..... this is a hard struggle for me."

"I know son, I know," said the father. "This is just a little piece of huge temptation you should struggle."

Jungkook bit his lower lip, he thought about many thing that he should pass in high school. He still had one semester to go, but that was the hardest time as long as he ever lived. Being a third class high schooler in Korea always seemed fun, but actually never that easy. University was a whole new level of competition and pride, whereas not every student was able to reach it. Each students had their own deficiencies; money, grades, time, and many more. Jungkook actually had everything that he needed to become a freshman in university, but his deficiency was terrible; 'interest', he didn't have something like that. Other students might haven't money and intelligence, but at least they had interest to choose which university they would struggle for.

"You right, this is just a piece of huge struggle. This is still nothing." Jungkook pulled his cheek to make him more relax.

"Don't force yourself, son." the father seemed to worry.

"Mmm, but, dad, I have a wish. I hope you accept this gracefully." Jungkook raised his eyebrows and cleared his throat. The father waited for his son to say something he wanted to say. "I will finish high school, I promise. But, if I choose another way beside university, will you still accept and proud of me?"

The car stopped because the light traffic changed into red, the father smiled. "This world is very wide son, a lot of different people and temptation will approach you. You'll feel the real battle someday in your life, there will be a point where you must fall and crawl hard, and you'll feel it everywhere, not only school. If you can pass that time, no matter what will you be, I will always proud of you."
Jungkook started to smile, he scratched his nape of neck and felt strength came into his soul. He stared at his dad and hugged him tight. "Thank you dad." Jungkook giggled.


The father was happy too and he rubbed Jungkook's back. "Don't forget about girlfriend, it can be one of your encouragements."

"I will get one." Jungkook giggled happily.

- flashback end -

This is what he said, if I pass this and he will be proud of me, thought Jungkook. He was still on the ground, gripping the ground and tried to lift himself. He closed his eyes for a long time and wished for the battle came to an end sooner.

"Jungkook-ah?" someone touched his cheeks when he tried to get up. He thought someone wouldn't touch him, but then he opened his eyes and saw Taehyung was trembling. They stared each other for a while and Jungkook fell down again. Jungkook could hear Taehyung's deep voice through his ears, Jungkook had to close his eyes because the pain on his head that hit him. Eventhough it was heavy, but Jungkook opened his eyes again and saw Taehyung right in front of him, smiling and teary, he could feel how soft Taehyung rubbed his cheek, he could count how many scars Taehyung had, and how fast the heart beated.

Jungkook smiled, "am I on your leg?" he asked, Taehyung nodded steady. Jungkook glanced around, he saw a messy room and some people standing around, "where are the monsters? I saw they tried to kill you."

"Hey, no one could kill me, no one could kill us." Taehyung laughed in tears.

"Kim Taehyung, I miss you." said Jungkook in broken voice. Taehyung immediately kissed Jungkook's lips, that was what they wanted so bad all this time, to feel the warm heaven thing only between them. Such a beautiful scenery inside the darkness of Tartarus, Suga and Jackson felt happy too to see them finally reunited. Taehyung looked like he never let go of Jungkook's lips from his lips, it made Taehyung forgot about what just happened few seconds ago, Jungkook really healed him.

They were done for the heaven thing. Taehyung his own lip and stared at Jungkook, he pecked on Jungkook's lips again. "I'm sorry." Taehyung whispered. "I took you into this problem."

"You took me because you love me." Jungkook tried to be happy as well.

"My love was terrib--"

"I love you." Jungkook interrupted Taehyung, closed his eyes slowly and opened it again, like a camel, he didn't want to loose any second to be with Taehyung. "I love how you put me into this problem, it proved how much you love me."

Taehyung smiled, he couldn't hide his feeling, if he could scream then he would. Taehyung played with Jungkook's torn shirt, he couldn't saw Jungkook eyes because he was too excited, butterflies inside his stomach were starting to grow and grow and flew to his heart.

"I love you too." answered Taehyung shy. They laughed each other and kissed like a new groom on their wedding. Jungkook relieved the kiss and Taehyung's hair slowly, but his expression changed when he saw a movement like ninja behind Taehyung. "What is it, hm?" Taehyung put Jungkook's hand on his cheek.

"J-J..." Jungkook trembled.

"What?" Taehyung was still looking fine.

"J-Jackson..." Jungkook looked like possessed by a spirit.

Taehyung confused, then he turned around to see what happened until made Jungkook trembled. His smile disappeared, there was no more joyful atmosphere, Taehyung felt like stabbed by hundred swords when he saw a sword was stuck on Jackson's body. Jungkook moved away to give Taehyung a little space with his friends.

Suga pulled the sword out from Jackson and tried to bind the wound with his shirt, Jackson was keep bleeding a lot and it wouldn't stop. Taehyung ran to him, he was panic, he slapped Jackson's cheeks softly for several times.

"Bro, bro, Jackson..." Taehyung shook Jackson. "You can hear me, dude? You still hear me right?" Taehyung became really panic, he never be this panic before.

Jackson opened his eyes slowly, same like what Jungkook did; he smiled, sighed but looked very happy. "You won bro, you won! You saved Jungkook."

"No, no, no, no, bro... hey, listen, we won okay? All of us. Hey, you are the hero." said Taehyung panic.

"I'm proud of you." said Jackson breatheless, his voice was break.

"No, Jackson, come on, you are stronger than everyone thought. See! Jackson! We can go home now, let's go practice again!"

But Jackson didn't say anything, he just smiled.

"Come on, dude! You... have... to... live..." Taehyung pumped the blood on Jackson's belly, he took off his shirt and did the same thing as what Suga did. Suga took Taehyung's sword and kissed Jackson's head.

"Keep alive for us bro." Suga whispered and he went somewhere with two weapons in his hands, maybe to revenge at Namjoon that stabbed Jackson faster than Zeus's lighting bolt.

"Ask my dad if he is proud of me." Jackson laid limp.

"We are proud of you, Jackson. No, you must alive, you must live for us, please...."

"Promise me you are still my bestfriend when I'm gone."

"Don't say such thing, ! Jackson! You won't go anywhere, you are gonna stay, Jackson Wang!!!" Taehyung shook Jackson's body desperately, but fate chose a different way for them. Jackson closed his eyes slowly, but from back then, he would never open his eyes again. 

"Jackson? Can you hear me? Bro? You are kidding us right? Open your eyes, hey dude, open your eyes! You can hear me! I said open your eyes, , keep alive, you can't leave us like this, Jackson....." Taehyung shouted, but he couldn't change anything. Jungkook came over eventhough he had to crawl, but he hugged Taehyung, he kissed Taehyung's forehead at least to make sure that Taehyung still had someone that would stand together with him.


But for Taehyung, Jackson was Jackson, he was bestfriend, his friend of life, someone who was irreplaceable.

- Tbc -

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Thelollipoptaesucks #1
lame_llama #2
Chapter 25: Awww the ending is so beautiful...... i luv the story good job authornim!!!/throw hearts and kisses/
Chapter 1: I have been searching for a Greek mythology themed fanfiction for ages! Thank you writing this ^^
Raeline #4
Chapter 25: I literally read it all in only few hours . Really well done , thank you for your story :-)
oohaninchan #5
Chapter 25: Need a sequel about vkook kekeke
Chapter 25: awww the end >___<
this is a beautiful fic omg i love this im not regreting that i found this fic xD

but i need a sequel maybe? c: hehe
tysm for writing this story /throw kisses/ wow ignore that.
Chapter 25: Waaaahhh!! It ended ㅠㅠ
What is life??
This is awesome im thirsty for more taekook stuff~

sequeeeeeel~ ((only if you want but if you dont its okay too))
BabySkypeia126 #8
Chapter 25: END........?????? O.O

waaaaaahhh!!! >.<
Tho I hope to read more chapters of this story but can't help it if u decided to end it here, rite???

It was a really good story.. I enjoyed reading it.
Hope to read another good stories of urs inda future...

Good luck~!!<3
Chapter 24: so touching omg
i love this chap too;--;
but i dont really get it tho did jackson alrd alive again or that was a flashback? omg sorry;^;
oohaninchan #10
Chapter 24: Oh my hearteu.. so touching.. pls update soon!