Free Charge for Jimin's Friends

How To Be Aphrodite's Son-In-Law

"A boring day as usual since few days ago. There are only two option for them, fly above and having a very boring day with the wind or walk below and enjoy monsters' attack. Monsters are worst obstacles for them and it's wasting their time, monsters drain their energy, that's why they always fall asleep everytime they go back to the wagon after get attacked. Energy drain and no food, no matter how hard they have practised in years, they still have human being genetic flowing in their blood.


They wake up from their daydream.

"Oh, that's fast." Suga rubs his eyes. They stretch their body because they've been sitting for hours and flying with the spaceless wagon.

"Aaaaaah, I'm hungry! Let's go eat before we get to the river that Jimin told us." Jackson makes the wagon sways.

"I know, but chill, I don't wanna fall again." says Suga cynic.

"Fall..... my memory, fall..... my energy, fall...... everything." Taehyung sings a random song while try to 'touch' the air, he swings his hand up and down, front and back, like a bird that tries to fly for the first time but fail.

"This kid is sick." Suga laughs offend.

"Yes, I am." Taehyung almost fall his head down. His brain is full of nonsense things and depression, everything is not in the right place inside Taehyung's brain, he used to use his right brain often and now he can't use the whole brain.

"Are you okay, bro?" Jackson massages Taehyung's shoulders. "We know you are tired."

"I'm definitely okay." Taehyung sighs hard and pretends that he is strong enough as Hercules, but bestfriends know things until its root.

"Don't give up Taehyung-aaaaah, we are close enough to Jungkook!" Jackson hugs back Taehyung and it warms Taehyung.

"No, I won't, dude." Taehyung ruffles Jackson's hair.

", you guys are too cute, I'm dying here." Suga makes a happy-sad face at the same time.

"You are just jealous because you are single." Jackson sticks out his tounge while still hugging Taehyung, it makes Suga wants to punch him on the face but Taehyung prevents him.

"Don't show off, Jackson! Suga may kill you this time." Taehyung laughs and slap Suga's cheek softly.

"Ugh, dear, for Zeus' sake, why should I jealous with gays like you."

"Because you are jealous, HAHA." Taehyung laughs satisfied. Suga is actually ready to kill two creatures in front of him, but he remembers not to use his sword to kill innocent people.

So, Suga always thinks this way:
Homouall/amnesia/insane/psycho = sick
Sick = unconscious
Unconscious = innocent


And Suga won't kill innocent people. We must appreciate him because Ares had given him a lot of patience.

"Won't you kill us?" asks Jackson cutely on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Sorry, but Ares taught me how to kill with manner." Suga forces a smile.

"Exchange father, dude?" Taehyung offers again.



"You are so cute recently, what happen to you baby bubububu?" Suga puffs out his cheeks and pinch Jackson's cheeks cutely. Taehyung just enjoys the drama behind him, at least there's entertainment to make his day.

"Why? You like it, don't you?" Jackson makes gwiyomi face.

"Yeaaaa, until I wanna puke on your face."

"Stop it guys! You'll get hug from me one by one." Taehyung arbitrates them.
Jackson and Suga keep compete their face behind Taehyung to show that they hate each other--pretend to hate each other.


"We are now in Busan, where are we going to land?" asks Taehyung.

"Let's land at ramyeon shop!" answers Jackson excited. They agreed with Jackson's statement since their stomach growling too.




We activate the magic mist so people won't see us landing weird behind the ramyeon shop with this old amazing wagon. Humans believe that people only can fly with airplane or parachute, but for humans like us, we can even fly with dragon if we want, just if you wanna die and eaten by the dragon.

I can feel my stomach sings in terrible falseto, lucky God has sent Jimin to us, I don't know which God has sent us Jimin, but certainly not Zeus. You know, I started to hate Zeus since every fact I've known from many sources told me that Zeus just played me this way, well maybe this is a test or something but I don't think this is funny. He has taken my memories, sent us rediculous monsters, he tried to kill Jungkook in Tartarus and everything he done is in purposive. I don't know how to say this or put this in words but seriously this is too much. Remember guys, don't hate your father because he makes you do something you don't want to, my case is different.

I won't be bored to repeat all my sentence above because for the first time in my life, I'm not proud to be Zeus' son.

My stomach makes my head can't think how it used to before, so I complain to Suga to get us something for eat faster or let's just break out this ramyeon shop, show our swords to the shopkeeper and they will give us whatever we want. That's all everything I can think about right now.

Actually we don't need to break the whole shop and kill them one by one, we just need to come in, give a bright smile on our face and tell them that we are Jimin's friends so we will get half price or even free, choose the most comfortable spot, say what we want to eat, wait for few minutes while they prepare the food for us and ta-da.. the food comes. That's all easy, isn't it? But my head always tell me that I have to spit on Zeus' face if we meet again someday.

"Uh, one ramyeon with medium spicy level, please." says Suga to the waitress. I still look at the menu card.

"Oh, oh, one ramyeon with the highest spicy level." Jackson puts his hand up.

"You'll get diarrhea, dude." I warn him.

"I don't care, I'll on the cloud or monster's face."

I like his idea, but that's kinda disgusting.

"One ramyeon with medium spicy." I give the card to the waitress and cross my hands on chest. I look around for architecture and design of this little ramyeon shop. I wonder where did Apollo get these brilliant idea? I mean.. this is Korean shop, but everything reminds me of Marvel comics; pop art things, dots, contrast colours, black and white floored, great perspective and sharp symmetrical, everything just mixed with south culture, and I find this amazing, I thought ramyeon shop would be so boring and only drunk people that come into this place, but for Apollo, I was wrong. Jimin might be the most creative demigod I've ever met.

And I'm still hoping that he is gonna join our camp. He might make a swag tobacco traffic in our camp.

"Here your orders." a woman comes to us while brings us our foods on tray. She puts our orders on the table politely. "Enjoy your meal."

"Thank you." We thank her at the same time.

"Bon appetite guys," Jackson strikes his chopsticks and eat the food deliciously. I just realize he ordered the highest spicy level, he doesn't look like eat noodles, he eats women period's blood. Because they already eat their food, then I join them. I feel like I'm living the stone age because I'm like the most starving person in the world, even though I never know how was it in stone age, I'm just saying.

"This is good." I make smoke from my mouth so that people will know how hot the ramyeon is.

"Hey! Lady there!" Suga shout at the shopkeeper, "how much should we pay for six bowls?" he asks.

"Because you are Jimin's friends, everything is free charge." the woman smiles.

"Oooh, I can die in peace now." Suga slays on his chair and continue eating.

"Did you just say six bowls?" asks Jackson while noodles are hanging on his mouth.

"I wanted to confirm if everything inside here is free for us, and it was proved. Eat as much as you want guys, Jimin treats us." I can hear Suga's voice is prevented by noodles inside his mouth.

"He doesn't treat us food, he treats us life." I say.

"I love Jimin." Jackson excites.

"So do you love Jimin or me?" I ask him for joke. "So are you cheating on me?"

"I love Jimin because you never treat me."

"Bull." I'm flirting back with my noodles.

While we are eating our foods deliciously and diligent, two men with muscles and black leather jacket approach our table and stand right in front of us like they gonna rob our noodles, heck no, I won't let them steal the most delicious thing. Only one of them wears a black leather jacket, the other only wears black sleeveless. We can see their biceps and like a boxer, their stomach seems like full of fat but I know they are beatless. We stop eating for a while because everything is getting awkward since they are here, I mean why the security didn't stop him at the front.

"Uh... hello?" Jackson smiles.

"Wanna eat like us? Say that you are Jimin's friends then you'll get free." Suga look doesn't care, he keeps eating. But there is me, a big baby who afraid that these guys will kill us.

"Go away! You are eatin on our table." they say. That's really an unnecessary reason, but I don't want them to touch me, so I hit Suga's waist and give him a morse like, let's just get outta here.

"What?" Suga looks confuse. Now I know why this kid never has a girlfriend. I thought we are just gonna moving and avoid these nuts people, but too bad Suga is son of Ares, his adrenaline of fight can't chill easily.

Suga hits the table and get up, we can see his face is turning like a bull, smoky and red, we know will happen because Suga can't relax his nerve. He look at the guys cynical and challenging, he pulls his sleeve then faces the guys.
Me and Jackson? We are just potatoes here.


"Hey bro," Suga starts to speak, "you see there? See? Use your eyes! There are soooo many tables that are empty, and do you see this?" Suga shows his middle finger.

OK! We are dead now. How do we scare of these guys meanwhile we've been winning against those monsters

"This means I don't give a about your table." Suga acts swag, but he is actually not.

"I give you one more chance," one of them pulls my t-shirt until my legs weak. He speaks near my nose and his breathe smells like onions settle in his stomach for 105 days. "Move, or this kid will be mincemeat!"

I wanna scream but fear snares my words. I hope Suga will just move or give in so this guys don't have to touch any parts of my body. But for Ares' sake, Suga is too long thinking about decision. MOVE MIN SUGA MOOOOVEEEE!!!! But he doesn't move anyway, so I let happens to me.

I can hear my own cheekbone cracks, my ears are buzzing noises and my neck feels like broken. This guy punch me for several times on the face, he makes my jawlines move.I want to fight back but headache enfolds me too much until my sights turn blur and I can't see everything except the big guy that never stop swing his palm onto my face. I wonder what happen to Suga and Jackson right there.

The guy punches me hard until my head hits wall, knock me on the wall through my belly for several times. Ugh, that's sick, I can't stand his attack anymore. This is the most childish fight in my life, I injured and battered by hoodlum because of table. This can't even get weirder. I let the hoodlum keep punches me until he satisfied, but I see in blur that Suga takes action with his swords and I don't know what kind of action he took. I let my eyes close and feel the pain around my head.




We are staring at Taehyung, he isn't making any moves. Bloods are still flowing from his nose and forehead and I don't know what to do now. OK! That was my fault to not doing something when he was beaten. Something prevented me when I wanted to help him, but when he fell down and the hoodlum stopped beats him, I reflexively took out my sword and almost kill the guys, but Jackson told me to stop. And now, my friend is the victim because of me.

If I could start to cry, I would. Taehyung moves his head a little bit and it makes us lucky. I mean, he doesn't die, he is still alive. The injuries are looking bad, as bad as what I did to him. He starts trembling and I get panic because I don't know how to say my apologize.

"Ugh, my head..."

"Which head?" asks Jackson panic. I hit his scruff, this kid is being ert at the wrong time.

"Can you open your eyes bro?"

"Uhhmm, yeah.. but.." he moans, "what happened, duh?" he can't open his eyes.

"Listen Kim Taehyung! I'm sorry, I was panic and I couldn't beat those jerks. I tried to fight back but something was kinda weird and when I--"

"Chill dude, chill," Taehyung stops my unfinished sentence. Well, I think I could make a paragraph with my useless words, "what jerks? why am I bleeding?" he touches his nose. Jackson and I look at each other.
Taehyung slowly opens his eyes, he can't open them all the time but I guess he starts able to recognize us. He laughs and sighs.


"Look at me!" Jackson investigates him, "who am I?"

"Jackson." answers Taehyung.

"And him?" Jackson points at me.

"Syugaaaaaa." Taehyung uses his drunk style again. That's good, he is normal. "Hey, did we just break someone's house roof?"


"I think we fell too hard." he says.

Now what?

"We... we... didn't fell." says Jackson stammered.

"But a phoenix attacked us, right?"

"Jackson......" I blank, did Taehyung just get his memories back???!!! I hope this is something good.

"Uh, Taehyung, do you still remember where are going?" asks Jackson curiously, his face looks worried.

"We are going to Tartarus."

"Because of what?"

"I need to save Jungkook."

"Why would you?"

"Stupid," he laughs, "I love him, don't you remember? A gorgon looked after him until she chased Jungkook to camp half-blood. He was kidnapped by someone or something I don't know, but I need to save him."

"Okay, now let me ask you once again." I get closer to his face. "How do you know if you love her?"

"Dude, he is my first love. I would do anything for him, should I die for him to prove my love?

"Would you spit on Zeus' face?!"

"Why would I?"

Now, that's our original taste of Taehyung.

- Tbc -

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Thelollipoptaesucks #1
lame_llama #2
Chapter 25: Awww the ending is so beautiful...... i luv the story good job authornim!!!/throw hearts and kisses/
Chapter 1: I have been searching for a Greek mythology themed fanfiction for ages! Thank you writing this ^^
Raeline #4
Chapter 25: I literally read it all in only few hours . Really well done , thank you for your story :-)
oohaninchan #5
Chapter 25: Need a sequel about vkook kekeke
Chapter 25: awww the end >___<
this is a beautiful fic omg i love this im not regreting that i found this fic xD

but i need a sequel maybe? c: hehe
tysm for writing this story /throw kisses/ wow ignore that.
Chapter 25: Waaaahhh!! It ended ㅠㅠ
What is life??
This is awesome im thirsty for more taekook stuff~

sequeeeeeel~ ((only if you want but if you dont its okay too))
BabySkypeia126 #8
Chapter 25: END........?????? O.O

waaaaaahhh!!! >.<
Tho I hope to read more chapters of this story but can't help it if u decided to end it here, rite???

It was a really good story.. I enjoyed reading it.
Hope to read another good stories of urs inda future...

Good luck~!!<3
Chapter 24: so touching omg
i love this chap too;--;
but i dont really get it tho did jackson alrd alive again or that was a flashback? omg sorry;^;
oohaninchan #10
Chapter 24: Oh my hearteu.. so touching.. pls update soon!