Chapter 4

Sweet Affection


Seulgi saw Irene sitting on the balcony.. but before approaching her to talk, she went to the kitchen and made a hot choco drink for Irene and her.

Then, Seulgi went to the balcony, placed Irene's drink on the table, but Irene didn't notice as she's facing opposite direction. Seulgi sat down and took a sip of the drink before speaking and Irene gazed at her in surpise.

"You know we can fix it, but we can't be more than that you know?" said Seulgi to Irene.

Irene sighed. Seulgi continued,

"And I would like to apologise for acting like that to you all this time..."

"Is there no way for you to look at me? What do I need to do for you to love me as much as I love you?" asked Irene
"Here we go again.." replied Seulgi in a ridiculed manner "I already told that I won't fall for you, not even in a milion years."

Upon hearing Seulgi's words, Irene looked down and started frowning. 

"And can we please stop talking about this? I thought once I told you we're not the same you'd stop asking me?" said Seulgi in a serious voice.

Irene was left speechless and walked out.

Wendy who has seen them talking saw Irene walked out and aproached Seulgi, "How did it went? Why did she walk out?" Seulgi just shrugged and just continued drinking for Wendy to stop interrogating her.

"Don't let this night end without making up with her Seulgi." said Wendy. Seulgi just looked at her and mocked what she said.

Seulgi realised that Wendy's right so she immediately went to Irene's room and made up her mind to speak calmly.

"Unnie, sorry. Hope we're ok now." said Seulgi to Irene in a soft voice and continued, "I hate the we're beng like this, can we just go back to waht we used to be?"
Irene stood up, "Okay, but I can't promise you I can control my feelings."

Seulgi replied, "O-okay, I have no choice since I love you...... as a friend and a leader unnie." {FRIENDZONED?}

Irene closed her eyes upon hearing Seulgi and said "Ok, I have no choice as well." 

Seulgi came over to Irene, hugged her and whispered, "Thank you, unnie!"

[A couple of weeks have passed and the girls are enjoying their vacation with a few photoshoots]

At the dorm, Seulgi and Irene are alone.

"Where's the other 3?" Seulgi asked to Irene as she dry her hair with towel after taking a bath.
"They went out." replied Irene.
"Without us? How unfair!" said Seulgi.
"Don't you want it? You're here alone... with me?" Irene said slyly.

Seulgi just snorted and laughed what Irene said off.

Seulgi sat beside Irene in the couch and asked her.

"Unnie...." utters Seulgi as she puts her face closer to Irene... Slowly and closer.. making Irene's heart pound and making her confuse.

Seulgi come closer and closer making Irene's heart pound harder that she can even feel her heartbeat..

"Y-ya! What are you doing?"  yelled Irene turning her head away from Seulgi and covering her face from feeling fluttered.

Seulgi laughed "Hahaha. I'm just teasing you unnie."

Irene pouted and hit Seulgi softly because of embrarassment .

"Ouch unnie, hahaha you liked it didn't you?" chuckled Seulgi.

"Stop playing with me! It's not funny" Irene said bitterly

Seulgi was shut off and was worried if she made Irene angry.

She massaged Irene's shoulder and apologized, "Unnie, sorry.. sorry for goofing around. Are you mad at me?"

"You know how I feel about you, right?" sneer Irene and turned away from Seulgi.
"Sorry unnie :(((" Seulgi said and hugged Irene from behind

"Unnie, can I have a favor?" asked Seulgi jollyingly
Irene touched Seulgi's hand, "What is it babo!?"
"Can you comb my hair?" - Seulgi

Irene laughed in surprise, "What the heck? I thought it was something serious. Hand me the comb, babo!"

Seulgi is so happy Irene's combing her hair.. and somewhat she felt something weird. She didn't know what it was, but all she knows is she feel happy for an unknown reason.

"Hey wanna go out?" asked Irene.
"Go-go out? What do you mean?" - Seulgi
"Haha. What do you think I'm trying to say?" - Irene
"U-unni.. what are you trying to say? Are you telling me dto date you?" 
"LOL. I mean let's go out and have fun, go somewhere. I'm not that thick-faced and frank to ask you to date me, babo! Why? do you want to date me?" 
"Ahhhhh. Hahaha. I get it now. Where should we go?"

"I know just somewhere to take you. It'll change you." Irene said and winked at  Seulgi.


"UNNIE! What is this? Why here?" said Seulgi as she read the clubs sign.
"Come on. We're gonna have fun!" Irene said and held Seulgi's hand and entered the club.

Irene ordered drinks and some appetizers, and checked in a private room.

Irene handed Seulgi's drink, but Seulgi waved off the drink, "No, thank you, I don't drink. You should have gotten me a juice."

"I know you don't drink that's why I ordered you a lighter drink.. wine for you and vodka for." said Irene and placed Seulgi's drink on the table near her.
"Vo-vodka? Isn't that too strong?" 
"There's a lot of things bugging me, you know. And I can't sleep well at now. This vodka will be my sleeping pill." said Irene and made a toast with Seulgi.

[After less than an hour]

"Hey, hey, hey you're pretty drunk now. Let's get home" said Seulgi as she let Irene stand up from hear seat.

"No! I need more of this Vodka!" said the tipsy Irene.
"Don't be stubborn, unnie. It's getting late now. We have to get home!" said Seulgi as she pull Irene up.
"You don't understand me! Nobody understands me! If you want to go home then go by yourself!" shouted Irene
"Aish!! What' wrong with you? Why did you drink that if you can't even handle alcohol well. Make up yourself and let's get home. I'll go grab a taxi!" - Seulgi
"NO, DON'T GO. DON'T LEAVE ME." yelled Irene and grabbed Seulgi by her shoulder.
"What now?" We must get home, I'll call a taxi, you go fix yourself" Seulgi said removing Irene's hand from her shoulder.

But Irene won't bet stopped... this time pulling Seulgi to her face and kiss..kissing her and grabbing her hair, but Seulgi controlled her body .. Irene's lips just grazed Seulgi's lower lip.

For a short moment they were in that position. Seulgi pushed Irene away, still in shock.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you doing this?!" - Seulgi
"S-seulgi, I-i love you! Can't you give me at least a chance? Give it a try please!" cried Irene in a trembling voice.
"Why are you being like this? I thought we're already done with this?" Seulgi said as she grabbed Irene's shoulders.
"I don't know. All I know is that I love you. I love Seulgi." 
"Stop it! And we have to get home."
"No please Seulgi give me a chance!" Irene kneeled down.
"Ya stop that" Seulgi approached Irene and tried to pull her up.
"No I won't stand up. I'll stay like this if you don't answer me!"  ersed Irene
"If only I could leave you here, I would. If you won't get up. I'll call our manager to pick us up." - Seulgi
"No please not the manager. I'm scared the company will know about this!" begged Irene
"Then are you going to get up now and go home!" - Seulgi
"Just give me an answer first please" Irene continued to beg.
"Alright then that's it! I'm calling Wendy to come and I'll leave you here if you'll continue to be stubborn" 

"But don't tell her what you're feeling for me!" said Seulgi.




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Chapter 6: Hope she can love bae
Chapter 6: update more pls~
fxsonegirl03 #3
Chapter 5: Woah! Irene's sure into Seulgi much.
And im into ur fic much.
Thanks for the update!
I really wanna know what happens next.haha
Chapter 4: bae, pls stop hurting...
fxsonegirl03 #5
Chapter 4: Wow.too much drama.
Whats up with Seulgi?well maybe she just doesnt want the group to fall down.
But poor Irene!
This fic just keeps gettin better!
Thanks for the update^^
taengsta154 #6
Chapter 4: Yahh babo ddeulgi!! Why are u acting like that? Poor baechuuuu :(((
Chapter 4: ._.

...silly seulgi...
Chapter 3: why why why seulgi? :/
fxsonegirl03 #9
Chapter 2: Why am i looking forward to this fic so much?
Poor Irene.Whats up with Seulgi?
Thanks for the update!
P.S. i really wanna know what happens next please.thanks!^^
fxsonegirl03 #10
Chapter 1: Im already lovin it.
Im sure this is gonna be an awesome fic.