

A/N: So I lied about updating this on Friday. I've decided to post it up today instead~ I feel that the ending was too rushed, but I couldn't end it well so I'm sorry. Also, I would be adding a very short bonus chapter on Friday. So look forward to it. Enjoy~


1 week later, it was the first day of Irene’s MC recording. The whole of Red Velvet have to be present at music bank too, due to their promotions and also, they had to open the stage for the 2 new MCs of the show. Everyone was getting ready when Wendy sneakily walked over to Seulgi who was getting her mic attacked to her outfit.

“Psst. You remember the plan right? Today is the D-day.”

“Of course I remembered. I’m not that forgetful alright? I’m nervous as hell right now I might just forget my parts later when I am performing. Gosh, can you feel my heart beat?”

“You did not just did that lame pun you lame bear. Anyways good luck later, I’ve already prepared everything in our room, just take it out later and I would be in charge of dragging the maknaes out for some late night ice cream treat. Irene unnie has a short briefing after music bank so she would be home slightly later, that should give you ample time for the plan.”

Seulgi gave a rigid nod before walking out to do a mic check and volume check. The rest of the members followed suit and did the pre-recording for the stage. Luckily Seulgi managed to complete the dance routine without any mistakes. Irene had a special collaboration stage with her co MC so she went ahead to prepare for it too. The members were all in the waiting room monitoring Irene’s performance.

“Oh my god, they held hands! The 2 of them look so cute together!”

“Gosh Yeri, why are you even spazzing about it? I am much cuter than the 2 of them combined!”

“Park Sooyoung, don’t be gross, I’m the cutest actually. But being the kind and nice person I am, I have always restrained from showing my mind blowing aegyo. Do you wanna see it?”

“NO THANKS UNNIE!”  Joy and Yeri exclaimed in unison.

“Man, you guys can’t appreciate the real cuteness. Seulgi, wanna see it?”

The 3 members were looking at Seulgi who was looking intently at the TV screen. More like shooting lasers out of her small eyes trying to burn both Park Bo Gum and Irene. Isn’t she enjoying this too much? Look at her smile. Urgh I’m so jealous. What?! Come on! What’s with the rose seriously, that’s so cliché.

“The plan… is equally cliché by the way.”

Seulgi turned around in alarm and saw the 3 members holding back their laughter. Damn it. I spoke out my thoughts again. Argh… wait, how…

Wendy quickly explained after feeling a murderous glare coming her way. “They know, the maknaes. I had to tell them because they refused to go to the ice cream shop with me if I didn’t tell them the reason as to why they had to leave the dorm at night, without manager oppa’s approval.”

“It’s okay unnie, we approve of your plan! It’s about time you did something too, instead of being a love sick puppy… or in this case, a love sick bear.”

“Yeah, I agree with Yericifer here. I am sick of seeing you getting all depressed whenever unnie goes out for dates. Go get your Baechu tonight! We would be rooting for you.”

Seulgi felt touched by words the maknaes said. Who would have known the evil maknaes would be such sweethearts sometimes. This however, also shows how obvious Seulgi has been. Even the maknaes, which she thought was clueless, knew about her feelings for Irene. What if… Joohyun unnie knows of my feelings for her? Nah, I doubt that, she’s always so oblivious, right?

The music show has finally ended and everyone was preparing to leave the broadcasting station. As expected, Irene had to stay back for a short meeting so the other 4 members went back to dorm first. After arriving back at the dorm, Wendy, Joy and Yeri changed into their casual clothing before leaving for the ice cream shop 2 blocks away from their dorm building. Seulgi immediately got to the plan by grabbing the candles and roses from the room before placing the candles forming a path from the door to the middle of the living room eventually forming a heart shape. The rose petals were scattered within the heart shape formed by the candles. Looking at the set-up, Seulgi can’t help but feel slightly embarrassed. It was indeed cliché and well, cringe worthy. I can’t believe Seungwan would think of such an idea… but then again, she is always reading all those overly sweet and far from reality romance books. Can’t really blame her for this diabetic worthy confession setting.

Clinking noises can be heard coming from the front door and that’s the cue for Seulgi to rush to turn off the lights before hiding at the kitchen. The door finally unlocked after a few seconds and Irene opened the door before letting out an audible gasp. She was looking around the dorm looking for any clue as to what all these were about but there was no one in sight. She slowly followed the path made by the lighted candles before reaching the heart shape in the middle. Silently, Seulgi walked out from the kitchen and walked over to Irene. She was holding a single stalk of rose and tapped Irene on the shoulders with the single stalk of rose. Irene turned around and looked at Seulgi with a mysterious smile ghosting over her lips.

“What’s all these about, Seulgi ah.”

“Uhmm… Joohyun unnie…” Seulgi was nervously playing with her fingers before looking up into Irene’s eyes with burning determination. “I… I love you, a lot. So much, really and I… I didn’t even know about my feelings until 6 years ago, on this exact date, when you suddenly bounced into the practice room telling me that you are going on a date with a fellow trainee. I didn’t know what I was feeling back then before you told me about the date. The touches we shared, hugs we shared, encouragement, tears, laughter and so much more during our trainee period, it all clicked in my head the moment you told me you were going on a date. I’ve realised why I felt all the butterflies in my stomach when you held onto me, slept on my shoulder, wiped my sweat and even drinking from my bottle. I felt like I would explode every time you did any of those stuff and so much more. But when you told me you were going on a date, I felt like I was a fish out of water. I couldn’t breathe and I felt like I was going to faint any moment.”


Irene smiled widely after hearing the confession before taking Seulgi into her arms for a hug. The front door unlocked with the lights turning on and in came the 3 remaining members of the group. Wendy entered the dorm with Joy and Yeri trailing behind her. The 2 babies of the group went into their respective rooms getting ready for bed as they were sleepy from eating 3 pints of ice cream (poor Wendy and her wallet).

Wendy sat down at the sofa looking at Seulgi and Irene seemingly waiting for something to happen.

“Joohyun unnie, are we… together right now? Like together together?”

“What do you think, my dumb bear? I’ve accepted your confession afterall.”

“But… what about that girl you went on a date on. Are you guys not together anymore?”

“Oh that? That’s nothing. Right Seungwan?”

Both Wendy and Irene were smirking devilishly to each other. Seulgi was looking at them cluelessly.

“Seungwan, what does Joohyun unnie meant by that. Are you hiding something from me? My god, stop smirking you don’t look badass at all. Just tell me what’s happening right now.”

“Well… I think it’s better for you to hear it from Irene unnie in person. I’m off to bed since I’ve done my job here. Unnie, don’t forget about my reward for helping you. The 5 sacks of organic cabbages from Daegu that you’ve agreed to give me. I need to make more healthy juice.”

“Alright alright. I remembered okay. It’s going to be delivered here tomorrow so don’t worry about it. You and your weird taste buds I swear. Who drinks cabbage juice seriously. Is there even enough water content in the cabbage to be made into juice?”

“I add in other vegetables and fruits too of course. Anyways goodnight you two. Don’t do weird stuff or make any weird noises please.”

The door to the room closed with a soft click and Seulgi was looking at Irene, waiting for an explanation of some sort. Irene was about to speak up before she was cut off by Seulgi.

“Why is Seungwan drinking something so gross? Why are you even buying her cabbages all the way from Daegu. Wait… that’s not even the point. What I really want to know is what were you guys smirking about. What do you mean by that’s nothing. You weren’t dating the girl? But she kissed you! On your lips… I was supposed to be doing that…”

Seulgi felt her cheeks being pinched lightly and her head being turned to face Irene.

“There isn’t a girl. I wasn’t kissed by any girl.”

“What? But… Seungwan said she saw you on a… oh my god. Did she… I was being played by her lies right?! Oh my god. I can’t believe it. Why did she even do that to me. What if I was rejected by you. I cannot beli…”

Irene placed a soft kiss on Seulgi’s lips to stop her from blabbering on and on.

“Sorry, but I was the one who asked her to do that. I told her to lie to you. No, I made up the lie and bribed her with Daegu cabbages to help me with it.”

Seulgi widened her eyes, both from the kiss and the revelation made by Irene. She was confused as to why Irene would do that. Was she, playing with her? She couldn’t think and was utterly confused. Irene looked at Seulgi lovingly. Wendy was well-known for having a great variety of facial expressions in the group. But right now, Seulgi is making so many different expressions in a span of less than a minute and Irene can’t help but fall in love more with Seulgi.

“I’ve always loved you, since our trainee days. I tried giving you hints but being the oblivious bear you are, you didn’t notice the hints. I know about your crush on me, you were being really obvious about it you know?” A small smile graced Irene’s face before continuing, “So I started telling you about the dates I go on, but those were never really dates. I was just hanging out with fellow trainees and helping them with their dancing and rapping skills. We would sometimes go out for snacks or drinks, but we are always in a group of at least 3 people. I did that to make you jealous, thinking that you would finally confess to me. But it was going on for quite some time and you never showed any reaction except for that sad expression whenever I said I was going on a “date”. So I approached Wendy and asked her for help to encourage you to be open to your feelings and finally confess to me. I told her what to say and what to do so that you would be triggered to finally confess to me. However, these candles and flowers are not my idea. My deal with Wendy was only to push you to confess to me. I can’t possibly think of the set up for my confession too right? That’s just so weird. I’m sorry we lied to you, but I just really want you to face your feelings and be confident about yourself.”

Seulgi was completely speechless. She was slightly angry at first while listening to the explanation Irene had but by the end of it all, she realise that Irene only wanted her to face her feelings and stop running away from it. Wendy was only being a good friend by participating in this plan. She looked at Irene in the eyes before kissing her lightly on her forehead.

“I love you.”

“I love me too.”

“Unnie! You are ruining the moment here.”

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it. I love you too, my Seulbear.”

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ParkJung #1
SwirlYAu #2
Chapter 3: Haha so funny, love your story author-nim!
TaetotheNy69 #4
Chapter 3: Omo, the last part tho HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
marielsoshi9 #5
Chapter 3: Joyri is so funny i cant even AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Chapter 2: Sweet..sweet wait ur update
Chapter 2: The last part >_< kyaaahhhh /faints/
chomi5ever #8
Chapter 1: awww why next friday?:(
seulseul #9
Chapter 1: The wait will be long but im interested on how it will change
vousmevoyeznini #10
Chapter 1: heyyy! friday would be long~ hahaha. i like this. hahah. and seuldy, oh the mischievous 94 line. hahah