Chapter 7: When I Cuddle and Contemplate Suicide

The Shirt

            “ing !”

            Dara’s whisper of a curse echoed across the locker room outside of the dance studio.  I stared in pure horror at the torn shirt.

            In three seconds, my situation had just gotten 90 times worse.

            “Did anybody else hear something?”

            Dara paused her mini tantrum and we looked at each other in pure terror.

            The question had come from inside the studio.

            The two of us moved in a half-hazardous frenzy.  Dara hurriedly began packing the tampons back into my bag.  I shoved the two pieces of shirt into my bra, grabbing my friend’s arm, hoping we left no evidence, before we sprinted into the hallway.

            I wasn’t a very good runner (I wasn’t athletic at all, actually), so the majority of our escape from the school was Dara dragging me along and complaining, and me breathing as though this was the Iron Man Triathlon.  I was too focused on not physically collapsing to look back, but from Dara’s reactions whenever she glanced behind us, I figured there was nobody following us.

            “Dara,” I panted, “can we please slow down.”

            “No, they could start following us at any time!  And if they see us and take one look at your , they will know we’re guilty.”

            “We’re about to leave the school,” I whined.  “If they were going to follow us, they probably would have a while ago.”

            “Fine,” she huffed, releasing my hand, “but, if we get stopped, it’s your fault.”

            “Hey, Dara!”

            We both slowly turned around, expecting to be superiorly caught.  However, the person before me, allowed me to take a great sigh of relief.

            “Not now, Taecyeon.”

            The closest thing Dara had to a steady relationship was 2PM frat-boy, Ok Taecyeon.  He was Dara’s favorite buddy, and there had been several attempts on both parts of their relationship to turn it into something more.  However, every time they tried, they always decided to be friends.  I didn’t mind at all when they went through a break because Taecyeon seemed to lack a filter of sorts.

            “Woah, Hana did you get surgery?”

            “Excuse me?” I coughed.

            “Your s are,” he made an awkward hand movement like he was stretching something.

            The shirt in my bra…

            “I-um-no, I-just, I-didn’t have-um, enough space in my-uh backpack.”

            “Your backpack doesn’t look that full,” he chided, pointing at the bag in my hand before raising his eyebrows.

            “It’s a side-effect from the tampons.” Dara cut in.

            “Excuse me,” I squeaked with a glare.

            “Side effect?” Taecyeon questioned.

            “Yeah, a side effect,” she continued, much to my horror, “The biggest brand of tampons that people had been giving her, weirdly affected Hana’s period bloating.  For some reason, rather than going to her stomach, it all went to her ,”

            “Woah, Hana, I’m so sorry,” he sympathized with a gentle smile.

            “Thank you, Taecyeon,” I grunted through clenched teeth.

            “But you said your period ends tomorrow, so hopefully it will stop, and people won’t give you anymore tampons.” Dara stated, holding onto my shoulder in a sad way.

            At this point, I was ready to chop off her hand.

            “Really? It’s over tomorrow?” Taecyeon clarified, “I better tell my clubhouse to stop buying tampons.”

            “That would be wonderful,” I mumbled.

            Taecyeon bid Dara and I good-bye as he headed for his class.  As soon as he left, I awkwardly yelled at Dara as she laughed at me.  She was only fueling my Tampon-Girl fire that Hyoyeon had started, and I was furious to say the least.

            “If people start calling me ‘Bloated s,’ Dara, I will torch your room,” I growled as she continued to cackle.  We walked out of the building, me grumbling, wishing that the shirt had never existed, or that I had never slept with Chanyeol and taken it.

            “Are we going to tell the others about the shirt?” I asked after Dara had calmed down enough to speak normally again.

            “I think it would be best if we did,” Dara said.  “It’ll be a lot easier to fix this with the others working on it.  Even if Hyoyeon kills us before we can return it.”


            Dara had essentially hit the nail on the head with her statement about Hyoyeon.

            As soon as we relayed the news to the others (unfortunately after a few comments considering why my chest was plumper than normal), Hyoyeon had chased my partner and I, until we were hiding, clinging onto each other in the attic as she banged loudly on the door, letting out angry curses and threats of making us eat her brownies.

            It wasn’t until Alice’s voice began promising that she and Naeun had somehow compromised our friend that we finally descended and all met at the kitchen table for discussion.

            As we all sat, and Hyoyeon glared, I took the two halves of shirt out of my bra before setting them on the table.

            “God, we’re ed,” Alice muttered, Naeun nodding in agreement.

            “At least you won’t be the one who is most severely humiliated and pranked,” I whined.

            “I honestly have no idea what we are going to do,” Hyoyeon grumbled, her face hitting her palms in disdain, “I cannot believe you guys ruined Exo’s shirt.  We could’ve given it back before, now I don’t even know, we might as well sign for our deaths.”

            “We could always keep it in my shrine.”

            “Shut up, Dara,” Hyoyeon, Alice, and I all shouted.

            “Do you have any ideas, Naeun?” I asked.

            “Time machine?” she whispered.

            “Nice idea, unfortunately, not an option,” Alice stated.

            “The best thing that I can think of is hiding the shirt for the time being until we can think of a solution,” I mumbled.

            “That’s probably the only thing we can do,” Hyoyeon agreed.  “That and everyone should avoid Exo at all costs, especially you Hana.  Treat Park Chanyeol like he’s got the plague.”

            I was about to open my mouth and release the news that I would now be tutoring Chanyeol, when the doorbell saved me.  We all looked at each other before everyone went for the shirt.  Dara and Alice ended each sitting on top of one of the corresponding halves, while Hyoyeon went to answer the door.

            I heard the voice before I saw the person.

            “Ladies of DBSK, the party has arrived!”


            The loud Chinese boy and his silent tall counterpart entered the room with a bug-eyed Hyoyeon in tow.

            “Luhan, Kris? What are you two doing here?  It’s not Sunday…” Alice greeted in a confused voice.

            “We missed movie night last week, and decided to make it up today for an apology!” Luhan cheered.

            “I brought caramel corn,” Kris mumbled and held out a bowl.

            “Caramel corn, yes!” Dara shouted, standing up.  Naeun who was next to her quickly forced her back into her chair, covering the shirt-half again.

            “I-I don’t think this is the best night for a movie night, we have school tomorrow,” Hyoyeon tried to reason.

            “Who cares?” Luhan proclaimed, taking a seat upon Alice’s lap.

            “I brought caramel corn,” Kris repeated.

            “Plus, Kris and I feel obliged to make up for lost time since we’ve been hanging out with Exo more,” Luhan continued.

            This was true.  Since the announcement of our Korean Language project, Kris and Luhan had grown incredibly close with the Exo Clubhouse.  They danced with them, they went to their clubhouse after school, and they even had begun to ditch out on lunch with us to eat with them.  It was beginning to look like the two were going to be welcomed into the Clubhouse soon.

            “Fine, we can have movie night,” Hyoyeon conceded, “why don’t you two go get comfy in the living room?”

            “Yes! Get up Alice, it’s your turn to cuddle with me,” Luhan stated as he held her cheeks like one’s large, affectionate aunt might.

            Alice’s face was contorted with conflict.  Under her was half of the Exo shirt.  And atop her lap was a whiny Chinese kid.

            “I don’t think I should cuddle with you today, Luhan…I haven’t been feeling well,” she smoothly lied.

            “I don’t care.  It’s not Dara or Hyoyeon’s turn to cuddle with me, I want to cuddle with my French buddy.”

            We were truly in a pickle.

            I knew what I had to do, and I was not happy in the slightest.

            “I’ll cuddle with you, Luhan,” I muttered.

            Everyone snapped their heads in my direction.

            It was a well-known fact that I did not tolerate cuddling well (Naeun did not either).  I didn’t cuddle.  I didn’t like it, so I didn’t do it.  To add to this distaste, Luhan’s preferred style of cuddling was very intense and pretzel-like.  I had only ever cuddled with Luhan once before, and he had decided that I was the best cuddler in the house.  It took a long time for him to give up on the idea of ever cuddling with me again.

            “You will, Hana?” he asked in wonder.

            “Why not…” I grunted.


            “It’s been too long since we last cuddled, Hana,” Luhan giggled happily for the fourth time during Leap Year.  At this point, he was speaking more than Amy Adams was.

            “Shut up, Luhan.”

            “I agree, we should totally do this more often.”

            I gave a big eye roll and tried to get comfortable in Luhan’s Koala hold that trapped my legs in a weird angle within his.

            “Also, Hana, I think you should hang out with me and my new friends,”

            “I’ll pass, now can we just watch the movie,”

            There is no way that I am going to hang out with Exo.

            “Please, it would be sooooo fun, wouldn’t it Kris?”

            Kris’ answer was a glare.

            “Plus, some of them already like you, like Jongdae thinks you’re hilarious, and Chanyeol always has good things to say about you.”

            My heart jumped for a second.


            “And Lay really wants to meet you!  OH MY GOODNESS – you should get bubble tea with him, Sehun, and I!”

            Five heads turned around and shh’d Luhan, who blew them off and continued speaking despite my lack of response.

            “You’ll love Sehun!  You two are so much alike, and he is so nice!”

            “Sehun’s an ,” I muttered. “He’s my partner for the Korean Language-Linguistics project.  He’s not nice at all.”

            “You just need to get to know him…Now come closer, I love cuddling!”


            I walked into my Foreigner’s Class with a more open mindset than normal the next day.  The night before, Luhan had convinced me to give Sehun a better chance after a half-hour lecture.  According to my friend, he was “a hoot.”

            He seemed pretty cold and unenthusiastic to me.

            However, today I was not allowed to think like that.

            Today I was supposed to open up to Oh Sehun and let him be himself, and most specifically “to not judge him.”

            This would prove difficult.

            Oh Sehun walked into the room with his permanent -face and an eye-roll in my direction that briefly turned into a smirk.

            The smirk made me nervous, and uneasy feelings began to brew in my stomach.

            “Hi,” I said quietly, in English.

            “Well, hello, thief,” Sehun responded in his near perfect English.

            “What did you just say?”

            “You heard me right, Jenny Yoo,” he stated proudly.  “Now on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate Park Chanyeol in bed?”

Hello Friends!

I know its been a very long time since I last updated...and I shouldn't excuse myself for that, but I'm gonna BECAUSE I'M AT COLLEGE AND I LOVE IT OMG

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Chapter 7: Ah man, I miss all these old fics
gigglechan #2
Chapter 7: OMG!!! I'm dying to know ho wthe story goes!!
This is the most hilarious fan fic I've ever read!
Please write more, Author-nim.. PLEEEEAAAAASSSEEEEE..................
Ahhhhh you left us on a cliffhanger!! Are you planning on continuing this story?
hcanarda #4
Chapter 7: OH MY GOD THIS STORY IS PERFECT AND YOU HAVENT UPDATED IN SO LONG HAVE YOU GIVEN UP ON IT? I'm really really really really really sad if this isn't going to continue, besides it was like the best part (╥﹏╥)
psiphidragon #5
Chapter 7: Oh my goodness.
Chapter 7: Omo sehun knew hana is Jenny the one who had one night stand with chanyeol and the one who stole the shirt.
andreaoh #7
everyday i log in to aff im eager to read this story its so funny
Good job authornim, you bring up my mood every morning
Mirandahappylife #8
Chapter 7: O my luhan and his cuddling! This is a great chapter like always! But how did sehun find out that she was jenny? Do the rest of exo know?
Chapter 6: Update? Had to try. This is the best comedy I love it!!!!