Chapter 3: When I'm Screwed in the Figurative and the Literal Sense

The Shirt

            The news of the missing Exo shirt may as well have been broadcasted via television because the entire student body seemed to know about it.

            “I wonder what happened to it…” Alice wondered aloud as she poked at her Greek salad.  We both had three classes on Monday nights, one of which was a night class, so we ate dinner together in the campus cafeteria.

            This was usually a fun activity, but today Alice only seemed to care about the damned Exo shirt.

            And I, under any circumstances, DID NOT want to even think about that.

            A heavy cloud of guilt and confusion had flocked my mind during my World Literature and Psychology classes.  Questions continued to fall through my head, with no answer to accompany them.

            Who am I going to tell?

            What if it’s a different shirt – no it’s definitely the one I took.

            Do they know that I took it?

            What am I supposed to do with the evidence?

            Why do they care so much about a stupid t-shirt anyway?

            “Hello, Ladies!” I looked up to see my two Chinese transfer student friends approaching our table.  Luhan, the more feminine, if you will, looking of the two, had on his bunny grin – meaning he had something interesting to discuss.  Kris was carrying both of their trays, and his face was fixed in its usual bored scowl.

            Alice and I had met Kris and Luhan in our “foreigners’ classes.”  All transfer students were required to take a set of classes dealing with Korean culture and language.  The four of us had been paired up for a group project our freshman year, and Kris and Luhan were assimilated into our group of friends in no time.

            “Did you hear about the Exo shirt?” Alice shouted, nearly jumping out of her chair.

            “Of course,” Luhan’s bunny gossip grin grew as he and Kris took their seats at our table.  “I wonder what girl took it.”

            “It was a girl?” Alice’s eyes grew as she looked over at the table on the opposite end of the cafeteria where about half of the Exo boys were eating (and many scowling) their own dinner.  Chanyeol was among them, and he appeared to be mutilating what was once kimchi with his knife.

            “Yeah, word on the street is that she nabbed it from one of the members at the party last weekend,” Luhan whispered as a few people from the adjacent tables looked over in interest.

            “I wonder what girl would take it, better yet, why they would take it,” Alice questioned aloud.

            That girl would be me, and I took it because Park ing Chanyeol was asleep on top of mine, I thought to myself in anguish.  I had no ulterior motives, I swear.

            “I don’t see how it really matters.  It’s just a shirt,” Kris mumbled, poking at his food.

            “Kris, Kris, Kris, little naïve Kris,” Luhan babbled and patted his friend’s back.

            “I’m bigger than you.”

            “Our little Kris does not understand that for some odd reason, Exo is obsessed with this shirt,” Luhan continued, ignoring his friend’s statement.

            “It’s okay, Hana didn’t even know about the shirt,” Alice pointed out.  Luhan’s deer-like face turned to mine.  He pinched my cheeks and I furrowed my eyebrows.

            “You have so much to learn about social interaction,” he stated in a wise tone.

            “Whatever, Luhan,” I sighed and ate a big bite of rice.  “Did you guys start that Korean history assignment?” I asked, changing the subject.


            Walking into my College Algebra class felt like a sweet escape after that horrendous dinner.  No matter how many times Kris and I changed the subject, Luhan and Alice always wormed their way back to talking about the missing Exo shirt.

            Taking my spot in my seat towards the back next to the window was all a relief, until I remembered one pivotal fact about this class.

            There were not one, but three Exo-frat boys in this class.

            As if having heard my mental epiphany, Kim Jongdae, Zhang Yixing, and Byun Baekhyun waltzed in through door.  Jongdae and Baekhyun were both laughing loudly, Yixing was trailing behind them with a flirty smile; it was as though I had never taken their t-shirt.

            That feeling did not last for a long time.

            Lee Taemin, a member of another frat, Lusty was its name or something to that effect, all but sprinted to the front of the room and gripped Jongdae by the shoulders.

            “Did something happen to the shirt?” he tried to ask coolly.

            Jongdae let out a musical laugh before dragging Taemin and his two fellow frat-members to a few desks in the middle of the room.

            I glanced down and pretended to be working, but secretly was listening in, like the rest of the class.

            Kim Jongdae was the school’s biggest gossip, he was an even bigger one than Luhan.  Jongdae was a Mass Communications major, was the head of Seoul University’s newspaper, had more followers on Twitter and Weibo than some celebrities, had nearly everyone at school’s phone number, and he had a tendency to grab random people in the hallway, some of which were total strangers, and tell them about the most recent thing he had just overheard.  If Kim Jongdae knew something, the entire school knew that something.

            “So, if you didn’t know,” his famous gossip opener fell from his smirk-coated lips, “somebody stole the Exo shirt.”

            “It was stolen,” Taemin gasped.

            “Yeah, by a girl,” Baekhyun chimed in with a grin.  Byun Baekhyun was an easy-going character.  He spent money like it grew on trees as his family was insanely rich, and he was the orchestrator behind all of the Exo parties.  To Baekhyun, everybody was his friend, and he very much enjoyed surrounding himself with lots of fun people and alcohol.  He was also the school’s golden male singer.  Talented and rich – not fair.

            “Who?” Taemin asked with wider eyes, if that was even possible.

            “We don’t know,” Baekhyun said.  “But, she was at the party, so we’ve been going through the logs of who used their ID to get into the party.”

            “Back to the story,” Jongdae cut in, “So, our raging party is going on, right?  When me, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol see this wicked hot girl drinking and kind of swaying to the music by herself.  The legs on her- Jesus.”

            I turned my head out the window, hiding my blush.  They probably weren’t even talking about me, anyway.  I opened up my Algebra book and absent-mindedly worked on some homework that wasn’t due until the end of the week, secretly listening to Jongdae’s tale.

            “Chanyeol has not gotten laid in a long time, so Baekhyun and I decided to be good buddies and let him have a go at her.  Well, he was too afraid to do jack , so we kind of pushed him over to her, and they collided!

            “They started talking, and pretty soon they were completely wasted, and getting beyond dirty on the dance floor.  Joonmyun, being as much of an ahjumma as he is, complained that it was an ‘obscene sight,’ and that they should get a room.  So, Tao, who at this point was also smashed, went over and got Chanyeol to take her upstairs,

            “After a while, the party ended, but Chanyeol and the girl were still going at it.  Nobody in the house had ever been that loud in bed.  And it wasn’t just her screaming, Yeol was too.  They were even louder than both Lay and Jongin, and that takes a ing miracle to accomplish.”

            I do not remember screaming that loud – okay maybe a little.

            “She must’ve been really good,” Taemin stated with a laugh.

            “Yeah, considering Chanyeol has never been a screamer.  Anyway, I have no idea what time they stopped, but they eventually did.  Next morning, we’re all down to breakfast, everyone is really excited to meet this girl, when Chanyeol runs down with this horrified face.  The girl stole the shirt and left before any of us woke up – like a freaking ghost.  The only thing she left was her shirt.  It was like she had never even been there in the first place.”

            By this point, from the corner of my eye, I could see that the entire class was in a state of drop-jaw astonishment, and Jongdae was very proud of his gossip.

            “And that’s what happened to the shirt.”

            “Woah,” the girl sitting next to me breathed.

            “Do you know her name?” Taemin asked, breaking the silence.

            “No,” Baekhyun answered with a sigh, “Everybody is angry about that, especially Joonmyun and Chanyeol.  She told him her name was Jenny, but there was no Jenny in the ID catalogs.”

            And that, is why I always use my American name to go partying, I thought to myself in glee.  Them not knowing it was me, was the one good thing that had come from this conversation.

            The teacher’s timer resounded that class would begin in five minutes.  Many of my classmates began working, moving their interest away from the Exo boys and Taemin.  I, however, was fully in-tuned as I continued to do some basic problems

            “We think she’s probably a super-hot club-house girl, trying to get revenge or something,” Jongdae announced.

            “I don’t.”

            Zhang Yixing’s voice was clear and as smooth as running water.

            “It couldn’t have been a party-girl.  They aren’t usually very much fun, and their moans are never that refreshing,” Yixing stated.

            I felt a cold-lump crawling up my throat.

            Yixing, better known as Lay, was Exo’s major playboy.  He was well known as a girl-magnet, and an expert in romance.  He could get any girl with the snap of his fingers if he wanted.  Yixing was also well known for being the connoisseur of the Exo frat.  He was supposedly a god in bed, and many girls, including some of my housemates, fantasized about spending a night with him.

            “I know it was a nerd.  Nerds are the best in bed, by far.  I only ever find myself making noise when I’m with a smart girl in the bedroom,” Yixing’s voice continued to melt out like butter.

            “Really?” Taemin asked, “Like who?”

            “Let’s see, who do we have in this class,” he purred.  There was a brief pause before, “ooh, right there.  By the window, the one with the head in her notes.”

            If my face turns red right now, I am ed.

            “The one not paying any attention?” Taemin’s voice questioned.

            “Yeah, her.  She’d be amazing in bed.”

            “Oh that’s, God what’s her name?” Jongdae asked himself.  “I think her name is Hana.  Yeah, that’s definitely it – Hana.  She’s Hyoyeon and Alice’s friend.  I think she’s a member of DBSK.”

            We’re not a clubhouse, dammit, I growled in my head.

            It took all of my focus to not look up.  My heart was beating faster.  How did Jongdae even know my name?  Did he have my number?  Above all, I hoped they wouldn’t dare look up if I had attended their party or not.

            I pushed my glasses up my nose, to further convey that I was not, even though I totally was, listening to their conversation.

            “So, what do you plan on doing to the girl once you find out who did it?” Taemin’s question peaked my interest.

            “We’re not sure yet, although there will be some very heavy pranking and humiliation.  I think Chanyeol has written four speeches of what he wants to say to her, and has come up with a long list of what he wants to do to her,” Baekhyun explained with a laugh.

            Please, no pranks.

            Exo’s pranks were incredibly well planned out, and socially lethal.  Nobody every messed with Exo for fear of what they might do to them.  I for one, did not want to become the next subject of their pranking.

            “I don’t care what we do,” Yixing lazily stated, “As long as I get a nice, long turn with her in the bedroom.  And maybe that Hana girl too, Jongdae do you have her number?”

            I thought I was going to pass out.

            “Okay class,” our teacher greeted as he entered the room, “Let’s talk about some new forms of functions.”

            Well, I’m ed.

Hey guys!

So, I hope you liked this chapter - I had way too much fun writing this *smiles evilly*

Anticipate what is to come, as I have a lot planned.

Thank you to everyone who has subscribed and commented - you have made all of this work truly worth it.

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Chapter 7: Ah man, I miss all these old fics
gigglechan #2
Chapter 7: OMG!!! I'm dying to know ho wthe story goes!!
This is the most hilarious fan fic I've ever read!
Please write more, Author-nim.. PLEEEEAAAAASSSEEEEE..................
Ahhhhh you left us on a cliffhanger!! Are you planning on continuing this story?
hcanarda #4
Chapter 7: OH MY GOD THIS STORY IS PERFECT AND YOU HAVENT UPDATED IN SO LONG HAVE YOU GIVEN UP ON IT? I'm really really really really really sad if this isn't going to continue, besides it was like the best part (╥﹏╥)
psiphidragon #5
Chapter 7: Oh my goodness.
Chapter 7: Omo sehun knew hana is Jenny the one who had one night stand with chanyeol and the one who stole the shirt.
andreaoh #7
everyday i log in to aff im eager to read this story its so funny
Good job authornim, you bring up my mood every morning
Mirandahappylife #8
Chapter 7: O my luhan and his cuddling! This is a great chapter like always! But how did sehun find out that she was jenny? Do the rest of exo know?
Chapter 6: Update? Had to try. This is the best comedy I love it!!!!