
the chronicles



“Have you heard?!” Spemho paused on his tracks as his friend, Spemsu’s, shriek was heard all over the Seminiferous Tubules. He generally was not nosy but the urgency in Spermsu’s voice got him all curious so he swam towards his friends and waited for the announcement. “Master Geng is going to explode soon and I heard Mistress Heechul’s egg is the prettiest one out there.”

It piqued Spermho’s interest. Their master’s wife usually has pretty egg cells but this one was probably mighty fine as it was he only one worth an announcement. “What’s her name?” he asked before he could even stop himself.

“Interested?” Spermchun, his best friend, grinned at his own question.

“No!” he denied almost too quickly.

“Then you’re not joining the swimathon today?” Spermin asked, bumping on to his side with his forehead.

“Nope. Not interested. And besides, I haven’t practiced in a long time so I probably don’t stand a chance.” A frown decorated his face when his friends snickered. “What?”

“Because you’re so obvious.” said Spermsu. “We know you too well, Spermho hyung. And we knew you’d be interested in Jaegg. That’s her name, by the way. You haven’t been joining any swimathon for three ual s now so we figured we’d give this one to you.” He nodded and then continued, “Heads up though, there are lots of cells joining too so you must try your best.”

Before he could even respond, the three already smothered seminal lube all over his face and body then pushed him to the starting line. He looked back at his friends and glared at them though deep inside, his heart was swelling in happiness because of their support. They knew what he wanted and they were helping him have it. He could not ask for better friends.

“I’ll miss you!” he screamed. While he was happy that he would potentially finally find his happiness, he was sad that he won’t be able to see his friends anymore. Maybe he will, when they find their own partners who would make beautiful babies with them, but that would take a pretty long time.

The three wiggled their tails, waving good bye with tears in their eyes.

and grunting could be heard in the walls of the Seminiferous Tubules and Spermho put his game face on. “It’s time.” he mumbled to himself. As their Master Geng cried out in ecstacy, the passage slowly opened up and Spermho didn’t waste any time and swam swiftly with all his might, following the light at the end of the tunnel. “You can do this, you spermtard. You’re going to make sweet sweet babies with Jaegg.” he repeated in his mind like a mantra.

His tail was starting to burn from too much effort he was exerting on it but he did not give up. He kept on swimming until he reached the tip of his master’s and was shot out of it. A grin spread across his face because he knew he could win. He did not dare look back for he knew there were at least six competitors behind him.

He muttered out a string of curses when someone bumped into him. “Spermwoo.” he hissed as the other smirked at him before overtaking. Spermwoo was a notorious cheater in swimathons. He has heard a lot of things about how dirty he was during s but not once has he won in the first round. Just his luck, the unwanted competitor finally did in a swimathon he was in.

Spermho would not let Spermwoo win. Jaegg does not deserve a cheater. Determined to win the race and Jaegg’s heart, Spermho picked up his pace, ignoring the almost intolerable burn in his tail. He closed his eyes and continued swimming until he felt himself collide with someone. Gritting his teeth, he opened his eyes and was ready to tell Spermwoo off when a pair of doe eyes were staring right back at him. “I– you are not Spermwoo.”

“Well, yeah, because my name is Jaegg. And it’s very nice to meet you, soulmate.”



i - this isn't too weird, is it? i had fun writing it though. i actually researched about this a little like i watched this and all. spermwoo is no minwoo btw XD the things i write for yunjae, really



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Chapter 1: Oh ny god..... this was super hilarious .... oh god spermho and jaegg ... hahahahaha. I am saving this one for future reads like hey daydreamer.... you are an awesome writer
inassekar #2
Chapter 1: i never thought that can be this cuties xD you are one fine author ^^9
inassekar #3
Chapter 1: i never thought that can be this cuties xD you are one fine author ^^9
Chapter 1: Spermho and jaegg meet and made a beautiful handsome baby! Ahahaha this made my morning.
yunjaebiggestfan #5
Chapter 1: omg this story is really one of a kind!!! i love the plot n the whole story. i would love to know what would happen to spermho n jaegg... thankies for the cool story dear... :-)
Chapter 1: lol!! it's really cute and fun ^^
naoplume #7
Chapter 1: haha your fic is awesome! it made my day xD spermho meet jaegg!
JJ1006 #8
Chapter 1: Lolx... You just made me grin like a crazy gal on my way to work!
amuse_otaku #9
Chapter 1: This is .. Omg , This theme is so weird but I had so much fun while reading it, you're a Genius! LOL ..