
Once Upon a Winter in Munich

Jieun shuflled around the apartment, trying to get everything in order as quickly as she could. Boxes of things she had shipped from furniture stores online where in evidence throughout the apartment.

'Now, where to put this...' Jieun mumbled as she struggled to reach the top of a shelf, just as she heard a knock on the door.

'Coming- ouch.' Jieun rubbed her head where the metal cup hit her head. Jieun kept a hand on her head as she manuevered her way among the hodgepodge of boxes and other items to the door, opening it just a crack.

'Oh... Yongguk-ssi?' And there he was, smiling at Jieun, before he noticed her hand on her head.

'Are you okay, Jieun?' Yongguk stepped into the house, gently lifting Jieun's hand away from her head.

'I.. its nothing, just a bump.' Jieun pushed Yongguk's hands away, desperately willing not to blush just because of that slight contact.

'Well... if you say so. I came here to see how you were doing.'

'But its only been a day, Yongguk-ssi. I'm still unpacking.'

'Okay, do you need help with that?'

'Are you not busy at all..?'

'Not really, I can help out a little.' Yongguk smiled, offering a hand to Jieun and looking around.

'So... where do I start?'


A few hours later, Jieun and Yongguk were sitting at the kitchen counter, where Jieun had made tea and put out a plate of biscuits.

'I'd have loved to bring my friends over sometime, but I'd have to work for a little bit first.'

'Well, you could always take the job with me, you're still welcome.'

'But Yongguk-ssi, I'm not trained to be a secretary of anybody-'

'Nonsense, who said you needed to be qualified to be a secretary. All you have to do is plan a schedule and follow me around when i go for meetings and functions and whatnot.'

'Are you sure you want to hire me, Yongguk-ssi? I'm just a designer.'

'Okay, how about this? Work in my company as one of our designers. I'll attach you to my group.' Just let me spend more time with you.

'But, Yongguk-ssi, that doesn't make any sense.'

'Well, the pay is good, and the workload isn't that heavy, Doesn't that sound attractive enough to you?'

'It is, Yongguk-ssi, but isn't it a little... unfair to you?'

'Unfair? How so?' Yongguk frowned, looking absolutely confused.

'Someone else who is more qualified should be your secretary, not-'

'Not someone with a university degree?'

'Thats not what I mean.'

'Jieun-ssi, do you or do you not want this job.' 

Silence. An awkward shuffling as Jieun stared at the mug of tea.



'I'll take the job.'

'Okay, I'll be sending you the contract soon, and you can start work the next working week.'

'Thank you.'

'I'll see you soon, Jieun-ssi.'




I took so long with this chapter and I don't even know why.

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Double update, why not? Do you like the poster?


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Chapter 3: i love your fanfic.. please update soon :)
Chapter 3: hohoho, its so cute <3
baby_eunkyura #3
Chapter 2: It's great! ♥ I'll wait for your next update^^
Hey! Fighting for your story! Please do request again if you don't mind~ Left a comment and an up-vote for your story! :)
- ChibiAigoo (one of the designer and the owner of Falling in Love Shop)