The Text Message

Mr. Boyfriend & Ms. Girlfriend

*Kwangmin's P.O.V*

I woke up and found Victoria was in a deep slumber.

"This girl, she must've been really tired" I smiled to myself.

I lifted her bridal style into her bedroom, carefully not to wake her up.

"Oppa,you're a jerk!" She mumbled.

I was taken aback. I thought she was awake not until I realised she still closed her eyes. I hope the jerk wasn't me =___=

"Oh oppa, how is Youngmin oppa?"

"That guy, I better informed him about Victoria" I thought.

I grabbed my phone and send Youngmin a text message. I left her apartment not long after that.

*End of Kwangmin's P.O.V*


*Youngmin's P.O.V*

Man, Hyuna was being a retard. She had been sending me a hundred text messages within one day! What was she? A stalker? I snorted.

I was laying in my bed when suddenly, my phone vibrated.

"Arghh.. Not her again?" I groaned while grabbing my phone lazily.

You've received one new text message

Sender : Kwangmin


I opened the text.

"Victoria is back.She just arrived this morning."

I starred at the screen.


*End of Youngmin's P.O.V"


A/N : Annyeong readers~ I hope my readers aren't abandoning this fic O___O Sorry for not updating, my laptop is broken and currently I'm using my sis's laptop to update. Also, sorry for the short chapter cause I'll be sitting for my Add.Maths paper2 exam on friday. Actually, I had been sitting for my paper 1 this morning and the paper really ! T.T Don't worry, I'll update again when I'm free :') And wish me a best of luck, Thanks! ^^,

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Chapter 12: Update soon
hotqian #2
Chapter 12: victoria <3 kwangmin
wooheera16 #3
안녕 my treasured readers! Just wanna inform that i'm re-doing this fic cause i wanna make this fic to be more better,more events and read-able (Oh well,i hope) ^^, it's going to take a while for me to redo everything though but i think it'll worth,check it out! :) Mr. Boyfriend & Ms. Girlfriend (Renewed version) do comment and subscribe! ^^, 감사합니다~ <3 뿅!
wooheera16 #4
minwoo_addiction : thanks for your endless support! :') anyway i'm thinking of renew-ing this fic to make it more read-able but then you have to read it again from the beginning =| idk what should i do cause i wanna make this fic to meet my expectation and satisfaction.
minwoo_addiction #5
yay me! done reading chapter 12 and i sooooo love minwoo!!! he is such a nice guy!! update soon please!
minwoo_addiction #6
<<<<chapter 11>>>>>>><br />
i love youngmin!! he's so arrogant and so mean yet i love him? hehe... anyways, cant wait to read the next chappie! hehe<br />
wooheera16 #7
u-kisslovergirl4ever : thanks for subscribing and commenting! ^^, glad you like it :'D hehe
Kyaaa~ ! I love this fanfics ! >.< Update soon ! Honestly I hate Youngmin's attitude in this fanfics =='' hahahah XDDD
wooheera16 #9
hello guys, i have something to tell you.i might not be able to update this fic for the meantime cause i'm stress with so many works but i'll do update when i feel free.the more the subscribers and the comments,the more i feel encourage to finish the story and update more,do comments and subscribes this fic if you think the story line is good so far :') gamsahamnida and sorry for the inconvenience =|
wooheera16 #10
haha i love youngmin! :D he's cool just like that haha ^^, might update new chp tomorrow :)