
Be careful what you wish for

The bright sunlight hits Chanyeol’s eyes as he groans in his sleep. He pushes himself up but stops when he realized someone was hugging his arm. He turns to the left when he sees Kyungsoo leaning against him and hugging him. His mouth opens to scream at Kyungsoo but when he sees how peaceful Kyungsoo looked, he stopped. Kyungsoo’s long lashes were beautiful to look at.


Kyungsoo’s features were beautiful and Chanyeol’s first conclusion was- plastic surgery. It’s common anyways. There’s no way those Exo boys would be that gorgeous without plastic surgery.


Finally Kyungsoo shifts and opens his large eyes. Right when he made eye contact with Chanyeol, his eyes widen as he jumps up from the bed. “I’m sorry” he bows, “I…well you…you invited me to sleep in your room. I know I was supposed to sleep on the floor but…your bed looked comfortable. I was supposed to wake up before you. I overslept. I’m sorry”


Chanyeol had to hold his laugh because a freaking out Kyungsoo is literally the cutest thing. His eyes looked like an owl.


“No more sleeping on my bed. Go make some breakfast.” Chanyeol says with a straight voice and when Kyungsoo rushes out of the room to brush his teeth and cook breakfast, Chanyeol felt his heart racing faster. He didn’t know why it happened. Was it for the wide eye short thing?




Chanyeol has summer off from his University courses and he used to bother his friends to hangout with him. It’s been a week since they heard any calls from him so when Chanyeol sees a phone call from Baekhyun, he forgot he even had friends.


“Sup Baek?”


“Yo I thought you died. Come clubbing tonight with Jongdae, Jongin, and I.”


Chanyeol turns to Kyungsoo who is watching kpop on the television and starts to think to himself. Can he really leave this little thing at home by himself? Well it shouldn’t really matter. Kyungsoo isn’t a child and it’s not like he’s holding custody for Kyungsoo.


“Sure man. See you guys tonight.”


When Chanyeol hangs up the phone, Kyungsoo turns around, “are you done eating? Where are you taking me today??” he is like a little kid that always had to go out. It’s not like Chanyeol is his babysitting him but it really feels like it.


“Have you been to Disneyland?”


Kyungsoo jumps up from the sofa and runs towards Chanyeol, “once, but fans were following us everywhere. Can we please go together? Pleaseeeeee” Kyungsoo’s wide eyes were beginning to scare Chanyeol.


“Ok let’s go.”




Tickets were definitely not cheap. It was close to 100 dollars a person and that is not ok in Chanyeol’s eyes/wallet. He is making a note to rip off the celebrity when Kyungsoo gets back with Exo.


Kyungsoo is hyperactive- especially at Disneyland. He even wears a hat with Mickey Mouse ears and pulls Chanyeol everywhere asking Chanyeol to take pictures with him. Chanyeol isn’t a selfie person but Kyungsoo insists- for memories.


It was a good thing there were many kids at Disneyland so they don’t know who the heck Exo is. So Kyungsoo could run around freely and smile at everything he sees. Chanyeol did not understand where this short thing energy came from. Chanyeol was running low on energy from all the pulling Kyungsoo did on his arm.


“Stay here. I will go buy some food.” Chanyeol warns Kyungsoo as he makes the smaller sit in a spot. He did not want to lose Kyungsoo at a crowded place like this.


When Chanyeol grabbed some hamburgers back, Kyungsoo wasn’t in the seat. Chanyeol places the tray on the table and runs around the eating area to look for a strange huge eyed boy in mickey mouse ears. He thought his heart almost stopped beating until he sees Kyungsoo play with a little kid. In the middle of the food court was Kyungsoo and 3 other children.  


“Those kids are only friendly with him cause they’re the same height.” Chanyeol rolls his eyes. He approaches Kyungsoo and grabs Kyungsoo’s arm. “I told you to sit in the same spot.”


“I was…but then the little girl asked if I wanted to play with her…”


“You had me worried sick you know that?” Chanyeol bites the hamburger as he shoots Kyungsoo a glare.


He thought Kyungsoo would be scared of him but Kyungsoo just smiles his heart shaped smile. “Don’t worry.  You won’t lose me. Do Kyungsoo will always find Park Chanyeol!”


Chanyeol stares speechless as he thinks to himself. It isn’t even legal to be this annoying?




When the two were walking to Chanyeol’s car, the smaller was sweaty and tired. He did get too wild with some of the rides there. He made Chanyeol get on all of them with him even though Chanyeol said he had motion sickness (not really- it was an excuse) but Kyungsoo dragged him anyways.


He was so hyper but he did make Chanyeol happy. It isn’t often to find someone like Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo might be a tad bit annoying but he was a pleasure to have around. Without him Chanyeol would go back to his bored self.


“When we get back. I’m going to take a shower, have dinner, and then head to the club with my friends ok?”


“C…Club?” Kyungsoo turns to him.


Chanyeol turns on the air conditioning and nods. “Yes club. I haven’t seen my friends in a while and they wanted me to go.”


Chanyeol thought Kyungsoo wouldn’t even mind cause the boy was so carefree about everything. He thought Kyungsoo would rather stay at home by himself too because he can do anything without Chanyeol yelling at him, but instead Kyungsoo voice gets soft, “c…can I come with you?”


“No. I’m hanging out with my friends. Bringing you would be so strange. Especially since they know I hate Exo. Or their loudmouths would get out and the media would know about you being in Los Angeles.”


“I want to come with you. Pleasee Chanyeol?” Kyungsoo tries to hold his arm but Chanyeol yanks it away.


“I’m driving. Quit it or I’m kicking you out of the car.”


Kyungsoo lets out a pout as he looks out the window and crosses his arm. For the first time it seems like he was giving Chanyeol an attitude. “Go and dance with other girls then. I hate you.”


Chanyeol wasn’t sure what Kyungsoo meant by that but when they get to the apartment Kyungsoo doesn’t talk to Chanyeol at all. It isn’t often that he says he hates Chanyeol because he was always fond of driving Chanyeol nuts. Never expressing hatred.


They don’t talk and Chanyeol gets dressed for the club. The guys are going to call him soon to make sure he isn’t late because when the club is crowded, it is hard to find each other. Chanyeol eats a quick dinner and turns to Kyungsoo who is just focusing on the television. “Aren’t you going to eat?” Chanyeol calls out but instead of answering, Kyungsoo just shakes his head.


“Starve then.” Chanyeol rolls his eyes as he grabs his jacket and leaves the apartment. When Chanyeol left, Kyungsoo hugs his legs and a tear slides down his eyes.




Usually at the club is where Chanyeol feel at ease and free because they all find random girls to dance with. They can do anything crazy and no one would judge because everyone around them was crazy as well. It was a fun environment. Except this time Chanyeol drinks but his mind keeps on wandering off.


“Yo, what’s up?” Baekhyun asks, “you don’t seem like you’re having much fun today.”


“I’m having fun. Just not in the mood to dance.”


“Dancing is the best though hyung!” Jongin tries to pull Chanyeol out to get him with a girl but Chanyeol doesn’t nudge.


“If I told someone I’m going clubbing. And their reaction was dance with another girl then. I hate you. What is that supposed to mean?” Chanyeol asks randomly- maybe cause he was getting a bit tipsy. He doesn’t dare get too drunk though because he had to drive home.


“That person is jealous. You idiot.” Jongdae hits Chanyeol on the head.


Jealous? Kyungsoo is jealous?


“Who is that person? What the Chanyeol you’re meeting someone and not telling us?!”


Chanyeol doesn’t even answer the question as he runs out of the club and gets into his car. He knows he ed up again. If it’s true that Kyungsoo is jealous that means the feeling is mutual. He’s been having dumb thoughts the whole time at Disneyland and he thought he was crazy thinking Kyungsoo is seriously the cutest thing there. Maybe he is developing some feelings for the younger as well?


He doesn’t realize how stupid he is. He always messes things up with Kyungsoo or is too mean to the latter. This time he will make sure he gets back to the apartment and bring Kyungsoo with him. He will bring Kyungsoo everywhere with him.


Chanyeol parks his car and runs up to the apartment. He opens the door and is surprised by the darkness that surrounds him. Did Kyungsoo already go to sleep?


“Soo?” Chanyeol calls out- still not used to calling Kyungsoo by his name and not by some derogatory term. “You sleeping Soo?” Chanyeol opens the door to his room and he doesn’t see the smaller. Now he freaks out.


Sweat trickles his forehead as he panics. His apartment is small so him not finding Kyungsoo is serious. The smaller doesn’t even have a cell phone!


“Soo! Where are you?” Chanyeol screams louder.


He runs out of his apartment and gets into his car. He couldn’t scare Kyungsoo off right? The latter wouldn’t leave him like that. Chanyeol hits his hand hard on the steering wheel feeling like he’s such an idiot.


Los Angeles isn’t a safe place to be running around at night. Kyungsoo doesn’t even speak English. He’s also so naïve and doesn’t know anything about this country. Chanyeol would not live it down if he knows that something happened to Kyungsoo.


Let me find him please” Chanyeol prays.


He doesn’t know what he is doing driving around Los Angeles but he knows that he is losing patience because he doesn’t see Kyungsoo at all. Chanyeol finds a place to stop and asks people walking around. If they seen a large eyed boy who is kind of short.


No one has seen him (or they didn’t understand Chanyeol’s description) and it made Chanyeol defeated. He drives home and drags his feet inside his apartment. He’s been crying in the car and it was rare because Park Chanyeol doesn’t cry for anybody- especially some wide eye boy from Exo that Chanyeol hated.


When he opens the door, he sees Kyungsoo standing there holding an ice cream cone, “here!” Kyungsoo gives Chanyeol the ice cream and smiles, “so you can stop being so grumpy all the time.”


Chanyeol did not take the ice cream cone. Instead he pulls Kyungsoo towards him and planted a kiss on the smaller. “I thought I lost you for good this time!” Chanyeol kisses Kyungsoo again and again and again.


Kyungsoo drops the ice cream cone from shocked because never in his life would he expect Chanyeol to kiss him. “I…I thought you needed some ice cream so I went to buy it...”


“Don’t leave or go anywhere without telling me.” Chanyeol’s eyes was starting to water again but he stopped himself so he doesn’t look weak in front of Kyungsoo, “I was worried sick. I’m sorry for being too harsh on you. I really care about you Soo.”


A small smile makes its way across Kyungsoo’s lips, “Park Chanyeol cares about Do Kyungsoo? Woahhh”


Chanyeol presses his finger on Kyungsoo’s forehead playfully, “yes. I guess I do. I mean at first I found you annoying but I gotten used to you. Precious pumpkin.”


Kyungsoo laughs as he wraps his arms around Chanyeol’s shoulder and kissed him. Chanyeol hugs Kyungsoo’s waist and kissed him more passionately.


“Yo how dare you ditch us at the club?” Chanyeol’s apartment door opened and Baekhyun shuts his mouth once he saw the scene in front of him.


Chanyeol cursed to himself. More explaining to do.

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Chapter 4: This story was so cute I enjoyed it hope u'll continue
Chapter 4: it's 2018 and you still haven't updated :( im sorry but i've waited for 2 years for this :'(
Chapter 4: and the conflict will come...
cant wait update>< thankyou for nice story!
Chapter 4: This cliffhanger made me even more stressed.. Can't wait for the next update :)
Hassoo #5
Chapter 4: I really hope u will continue this still waiting for update..
nammy93_ #6
SooYeol1261 #7
Chapter 4: what happened to this?? Are you not going to continue this story?? (´・_・`)(´Д` )

please~please~please update (T ^ T)
I love it so much!! Like so much !
Chapter 4: Does it end? Like this?
Chapter 4: Updateeeeeee plsss!