4- “And anyone who tried to deny you must be out of their mind” Green Eyes – Coldplay.



  -And remember boys, if you do the crunches wrong you will…- Jinyoung voice echoed in the back of his thoughts, he wasn’t listening the old man’s talk.

No, ¿how could him?  ¿How could he dare to play attention to anything other than… Wooyoung lying in front of him, making crunches with that painful, yet cute expression on his adorable and kissable face? ¿Who in Earth could have the will for turned his eyes off of those blushing chubby cheeks, and those pink lips breathing heavily? ¿Who could stop looking at those black and tired eyes, which seems to beg him to finish this horrible practice, with the most y and cute look that he ever saw?... ¡You have to be out of your mind!

-N-Nichkhun-hyung…- Wooyoung pant, almost under him.

-¿Mmm…?- he mumble, lost in that image in front of him. 

-¿I-I’m doing it r-right?- the small boy asked him, obviously tired.

So then Nichkhun smile softly. –You are perfect, Wooyoung…- he told him in a low tone.

-¿W-what?...- he ask, moving his body up and down.

-I-I said you are doing it perfect, Wooyoung.- he repeated, feeling a little shy.

And the black hair boy smile at him, saying something that made his heart beat faster. –G-Good… I want hyung be proud of me…-

-¿W-Why would you want that?- the Thai boy asked feeling anxious, his eyes fix in those blacks orbs.

-B-Because hyung is really good at this, and h-hyung is teaching me… s-so I don’t want to disappoint you hyung.- he answer honestly, looking back at him with those innocent eyes.

So Nichkhun sight smiling, ¿it could be possible to him to be cuter? Yeah, he knows he could… and he want to see it.

-It’s okay, Wooyoung… you can stop now.- he told him, patting his little head.

He stood up, offering him his hand. –Come on, let’s go to the bathroom.-

-¿B-Bathroom?- Wooyoung pant, looking him with a puzzled look.

-Yes, you are thirsty, ¿aren’t you?- he asked with a soft smirk, taking his hand and pulling him up gently.

-W-Well… yes, but… ¿Jinyoung-hyung won’t me mad?- he questioned, a little afraid of the old man reaction.

-He won’t, just let me talk, ¿okay?- the brown hair boy said with confidence, without turned his gaze off of those blacks eyes.

The younger boy just nod, his breath was normal again, and Khun couldn’t help thinking that his close mouth was as temping as his panting lips for moments ago… ¡Ugh! ¡He just want to kiss him so bad! And he knows, is wrong, but he can’t help it. He can’t help that feeling of kissing him every time he sees those pink and plump lips. It’s impossible… he just wants to grab his cute face and…

-¿Hyung? ¿It’s something wrong with my face?- Wooyoung’s voice reach his ears, waking him up.

-¿E-eh? N-no… nothing’s wrong. ¿Why you ask?- he questioned, feeling nervous.

-Ummm… because you were staring at my mouth… I thought I had something…- he answers with that innocent tone of his.

-I was just… thinking…- he mumble a little ashamed. –Let’s go.- he said, graving his left wrist and making him walk beside him.

He could feel the burning and nice sensation as their skins touch again, making him shiver… he wonder if Wooyoung felt that too. But… ¿why is he feeling all this things? The hunger of kissing him, the happiness when he sees him smiling, the shivers when his skin touch his, his heart beating faster every time his near… or when he thinks about him… or when he sees him… or when he talk to him.  ¿Why he is so confuse? ¿Isn’t it obvious? ¿Why he doesn’t want to accept the truth when he already knows it? He can’t keep denying what he feels, it’s not healthy… and it’s not honest.

-Mr. Horvejkul, Mr. Jang; ¿where are you going?- Jinyoung voice interrupted his thoughts.

-To the bathroom… we already finished our crunches.- Khun answer, a little bother.

-¿50 each?-  the old man raised an eyebrow, doubtful.

-Actually, we made 100… each.- he clarified, a proud smirk on his lips.

-Wow…- Jinyoung said, clearly surprised. –Well done, Mr. Jang. That body of yours will firm and strong as Mr. Horvejkul at the end of the year if you keep working like that.- he smile, creepy as always.

-I-I will try my best, hyung…- Wooyoung bow, feeling ashamed because his body is not as firm as Nichkhun… and he knows it.

-You two can go, I have to stop Chansung before he breaks Junho.- the teacher told them quickly, rushing beside the tall boy and stopping him just in time.   

-Poor Junho, he was so red…- Wooyoung chuckle, following the older boy as they walk out of the gym.

He looks at the tall boy beside him, seeing that frown on the Thai boy’s handsome face like if he was thinking in something really important… and he couldn’t help but look at those big brown eyes, and those stick eyebrow, that perfect nose, his white skin… and that mouth… Wooyoung his own lips unconsciously, thinking in one thing that was incredibly unexpected. He feels his cheeks blush, turning his gaze off of the older boy as they reach the bathroom.

The smaller boy sigh relive as the cold water hit his hot face, hoping that could clear his blush. He drinks some of that fresh water, feeling his throat not dry anymore.  

-¿Better?- Nichkhun asked him, leaning beside him against the sink.

The younger boy just nod, wiping his mouth with the back of his wrist. –Yes, thank you.- he said with a sweet smile.

And the brown hair boy swallows hard, clinging to the sink; holding back that strong desire of kissing him.

-So…- he said, looking for something to talk. – I-I notice that you only talk with Junho…- he mentioned, feeling a bitter taste as he says that name.

-Ummm… well… I’m kind of shy…- Wooyoung answer in a soft tone. –And, ummm, Junho has been by my side since I remember… so I guess I got used to be always with him.- he told him, looking at his eyes.

-Oh… but, ¿don’t you want to have another friends? I mean… ¿why just Junho?- Khun questioned, a little bother.

-I-I want to have new friends… I just I don’t know how. I’m not that interesting…- he said with sadness in his words.

-Well, I think you are interesting… very interesting, actually.- he smile at him, seeing those chubby cheeks blushing again.

-¿R-Really? ¿Why?...- the smaller boy asked with curiosity.

-It’s that looks on your eyes… I can never know what you are thinking no matter how much I try…- he answer, staring his black eyes.

-And you look very mysterious, too. You had always talked only with Junho and I always asked me why… Or when you read a book, oblivious to everybody… it does just make me wonder about you…- he told him, getting closer to him.

-¿That’s mean h-hyung has been w-watching me…?- Wooyoung asked, clearly ashamed.

“Oh, you are so dead…” his inner self hissed.

But Nichkhun just keep calm, or he tries to. He smiles friendly to the younger boy, pinching those red, chubby cheeks.

–Of course I have been watching you. ¡You and this cute chubby cheeks!- he said in a funny tone, praying that he didn’t realize the truth.

-¡Ah! ¡Hyung! ¡Don’t do that, it hurts!- Wooyoung whine amused, taking the older boys hands in his.

-Oh, I’m sorry Wooyoung…- he apologized, secretly caressing that smooth skin.

-It’s okay, hyung. You are nice… not like Junho, he really pinch them hard.- the dark hair boy told him, smiling sweetly.

-Oh, don’t call me ‘hyung’ it make feels old.- Khun joked, not wanting to talk about Lee Junho.

-¡Okay, Nichkhun!- he said in a happy tone, which made the taller boy chuckle. –We should go back, Jinyoung-hyung may be angry.- he comment, a little afraid.

-Mmm… yeah, but… Wooyoung, ¿can I asked you something?- the Thai boy said, a bit of seriousness in his words.

The younger boy just nod, feeling curious about what the question was.

-¿Do you… have plans for the weekend?- Khun asked him anxious, but he didn’t show it.

-No, I don’t. ¿Why you asked?- the smaller boy questioned, innocent as always.

-Mmm… well… My friends and I were planning to go to a club this weekend, and I was wondering if you want to come with me… I mean, with us.- he explained, trying to no look too obvious.    

-¿R-Really?- Wooyoung asked, startled. And the Thai boy just nods smiling. –¡Of course, I would love to go!- he answer, cheerful.

-I’m really glad that you want to come.- Nichkhun comment, his heart beating faster. –We will pick you up at your house. Junsu can drive.-

-¿It won’t be bother Junsu-hyung?- he asked, a little shy. 

-Of course not. ¿Who can be bother by those cute cheeks?- he joked, smiling at him.

The younger boy just roll his eyes as he chuckle, starting to walk out of the bathroom. –Whatever you say, hyun… Nichkhun.- he mumble in a funny tone.

And the brown hair boy just follows him, without erase that smile off of his face; without controlling those crazy hearts beats; and without wondering anymore about the ‘whys’ about all those feelings… because he finally have understand, he finally have accepted what his heart and his body scream so clearly all this years… and he can’t agree more with that.


Awww! Our Wooyoungie is so cute! ^^ But, that's not what i want to talk about... I was thinking that this fic needs some spicy scenes, you know, . But the thing is... I don't think I can write anything like that :/ So if you knows someone who could like to co-work with me or co-author, or if you could like to do it; PLEASE let me know! And, well, if I can't find anyone... I guess I will do it anyways... but I don't think it will be SO good :/ 

Okay, that was all I wanted to tell you, people! Thank you for reading! I loooooooove you all! ^^


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It's been four years already since I've read it and still love it so much
I've read this story before and when I passed by its sequel, I thought I miss the very cute and innocent woo who always to please his khun hyung...so here I'm starting reading <3
Chapter 18: This ended sweetly ;___;. I love this couple and their characters so much !

I guess both too afraid of losing each other. Thats why took ages to convey each other's feeling.

But im happy it's happy ending fanfic ♥.♥ and fluffy romance is the best !
Chapter 5: Marathon reading for me cause once i read i cant stop ! I love this genre and plot. Wooyoungie is so cuteeeeee. I love his character and also gentle but funny plus clumsy nickhun. Ok ! Continue reading and will put another #not so important# comment again later hehehehe ... ^.^
With this story,I became more interessted on coldplay's songs and now i'm a big fan of them <3"! Absolutetly awesome and cute!!!
Chapter 18: i don't kniw what must i say. Your story always make me crazy. How can your imagination be the best imagination for your story. The best.
Author, i want to vote, but i don't know how. I don't understand about the choice.
Mitsumichi #7
Again a beautiful story!!! Thank you!!! ^^
this story is so sweet!!! I love the way you make Wooyoung is such an innocent one. I love the way love grow between these two... Thank u so much for writing this story... keep up the good work... :D
YeonYeon #9
this is the sweetest story i ever read !
I love shy wooyoung, he is cute (pinch wooyoung cheeks)

Thank you for shared this story

although this story already end, i will miss this so much

Good jobbbbbbbbbbbbb !