You cant love me

Love me
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“ What? “ Jongin shocked.

“ You can’t love me. Cause, i dont have a feeling toward you!” Jongin said and walk to his room.

“ Your room is upstairs beside my room. If you need something just ask me..” he continuing.

“ I’m hurt inside...” Kyungsoo said in his heart.

- Tomorrow morning –

Kyungsoo made a breakfast for both of them.

Suddenly Jongin who had ready go to his office greeted by Kyungsoo.

“ Morning Boss. Let’s have a breakfast” Kyungsoo said.

Jongin sat at the chair and start ate the meal.

“ Who’s make all of this food?” Jongin ask.

“ Me! I make it baceuse I want to thank you for your careness. About last night, Just forget it “ Kyungsoo said and finished his food.

“ i know! “ Jongin mumble.

“ From now on Just call me Jongin” Jongin said.

“ Ne..” Kyungsoo answered.


3 month passed. Kaisoo  friendship was become better. Kyungsoo feeling toward Jongin is still strong.

Jongin always take care of Kyungsoo because Kyungsoo is going to the sixts month of pregnancy. Kyungsoo will gave birth to a baby boy.

“ Soo.. Let’s go buy our kid stuff” Jongin said.

“ Umm.. okay!!” Kyungsoo answered.




After buying a very much things for their baby, Jongin ask Kyungsoo to lunch.

They ate silently until Kyungsoo start the conversation.

“ Honestly.. I still love you Jongin-ah..” Kyungsoo said.


- silent-


“ I said dont love me. Bacause I don’t have a feeling toward you. Dont you understand?”

“ and for your information, my attention toward you is just a part of my responsibility. It doesn’nt mean I have a feeling for you..” Jongin yell at Jongin.

Fortunetely, the food court was empty Just Jongin, Kyungsoo, and a few worker of the food court.

“ I’m sorry if my feeling is bothering you. From now, dont give me your attention. That might make me fallen for you deeper..” Kyungsoo got up from his chair and walk away.

Jongin felt guilty. He didn’t know his word is very hurting Kyungsoo. But, he couldn’t do anything.


Kyungsoo call Chanyeol to pick him up.

“ Just wait. I will be there in 15 minutes..” Chanyeol said from the phone.

15 Minutes later Chanyeol came.

Kyungsoo get in the car and crying hard.

“ what happen? “ Chanyeol ask.

“ h-he yell at me!” Kyungsoo sobing.

“ That bastard! I will punch the out of him” Chanyeol yell.

“ calm down Yeol~.. it’s okay. Can i stay at your place tonight?” Kyungsoo said and wipe his tears.

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Chapter 3: jinja kyeopta!!
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