Family and visitors.

Min Miracle (Re-write 2015)

(YAY Okay So i can update this now since I finished the next chapter. :D Enjoy!!)





Minho sat up in the hospital bed, his body ‘baby’ free as he watched them carry the new born infant towards him. He let them position her in his arms. Her face covered by the cloth around her.

‘Here she is?’ The person spoke.

Minho slowly took the material in between his fingers and pulled the cloth part away from her tiny face. A small infant lay asleep peaceful. Minho chuckled. ‘She’s beautiful isn’t she?’ he said proudly, and looked back up to instead see his four other band members, all stood at the very end of the hospital bed. His smile dropped, and his brows creased as he found them wearing their costumes from their Japanese song. (1000 years by your side.) All were staring at him with blank expressions. ‘Guys?’ he asked. ‘Come here, come see her?’ He looked to the youngest. ‘Tae..?’

Taemin turned his head away, while Jonghyun and Jinki looked to Kibum who twitched his head to one side. ‘You look at her,’ He replied.

Minho glanced back to his baby, only to find her with bright blood red eyes, staring back at him. He gasped in shock. ‘W-what is wrong with her-’ Minho looked back up again but the boys were gone. He looked back to his child and to his horror, his newborn daughter slowly faded from his arms. A cloth left slumped in his lap.

‘Where is she?’ He panicked and looked up again.

This time Frankie instead stood beside his bed, holding the infant carelessly at arm’s length. ‘Sorry Minho…we couldn’t save her’ He spoke with a monotone voice looking only at the wall. ‘She broke the barrier. We couldn’t stop it’.

Minho flung his hospital bed sheets aside. Climbing out to take the child from his arms, how dare he hold her like that! But he shrieked as Frankie let her tiny body drop from his hands. As Minho lunged to catch her, she faded before his eyes, at the very spot where she would have hit the ground. Minho looked up but Frankie was no longer around and Minho instead found a small coffin placed, where he once sat.

‘No’ he said as he realised what it meant. ‘No!’ He spoke louder, as he read the words on the small plack. Beloved Daughter of Choi Minho. ‘NO!’ He screamed.

Reaching for the tiny coffin he pulled at the lid. She couldn’t be dead She couldn’t be gone. This wasn’t fair. She was his baby. He had spent months in pain and agony just to give her a chance. He had only just held her…Why was she dead! Minho pulled and tugged with all his might but found himself unable to pull it open. Giving up he cried out and dropped to his knees, weeping into the bedside only to hear his own deep voice. ‘Let’s go now baby girl.’ That familiar voice said.

Minho looked over to see his own self in the black same costume for (1000 years) an outfit to claim them as the people who collected the passing and lead them to the bus to heaven. Beside him was a small girl. Hair dark and thick. She looked around four years old. Tiny plush lips and a face so beautiful to him he was in awe of her. Her wide brown eyes blinked at Minho.

She leaned into the other blanked faced Minho who picked her up into his arms. Resting her head against his shoulder, she let him take her from the room.

Minho screamed after them. Trying to stand but finding his legs unable to move. He crawled instead, discovering he could stick his hands into the ground to pull himself along the floor. But as he reached the hospital room door. The other Minho and the little girl faded into the hallway and the whole empty hospital began to turn completely dark.

‘GIVE HER BACK!’ Minho screamed, now choking on blood that spluttered from his mouth. ‘GIVE HER BACK!’ He wanted his little girl back why would they take her away. He was so confused! ‘GIVE HER BACK-GIVE HER BACK!’


Minho awoke with a start, blaring extremely loudly in his shout, into the room, where he had napped on the sofa. ‘GIVE HER BACK!’ He yelled. ‘GIVE HER BACK!’

Jinki was so shocked by the outburst he jumped and stumbled back into the desk draws. Jonghyun clamped a hand to his chest in surprise, while Taemin barely affected, instead quickly knelt before Minho, who was crying now. Hands to his face as his nightmare still haunted his dazed state. He coughed on unwanted blood from the baby kicks. And Kibum brought the air mask to his mouth. ‘Deep breaths Minho,’

‘Hush Minho…Shush’ Taemin tried to calm him. ‘It’s okay…its okay it was just a nightmare…shush.’ He tried to comfort Minho who cried out harder behind his mask. ‘Get her back’ he choked. ‘Get her back Tae..Get my baby back.’

‘Minho she’s right here.’ Taemin spoke moving beside the male, and holding his hand in his own.

Minho hiccupped on his sobs. Looking to Taemin in confusion as he finally settled into his surroundings. ‘He took our baby girl’ he sniffled coughing up blood again. Taemin stoked his sweaty head taking Minho’s hand and placing it against his protruding bump. ‘Nobody took her, she’s right here okay?’

Minho frowned looking to his hand and letting out a deep thankful sigh. He cuddled at the bump somewhat.

‘She was dead.’ He sniffled. ‘The ghost took her away’.

‘Oh believe me, she isn’t dead Minho, no one took her and no one will…you can feel her kicking right now can’t you?’ The upset male nodded. ‘Minho we need to calm her down now okay...this isn’t good for either of you.’

Minho blinked now feeling the pain inside him and looked to Jonghyun for help. ‘H-hyung?’

‘On it!’ Jonghyun spoke, knelling before him and leaning near to the bump singing straight away. As Minho leaned into Taemin, he relaxed more. Tears still lingering, and trickling from his eyes.

When the baby finally calmed. Minho thanked Jonghyun and Kibum for their help, and rested his head against Taemin, who wrapped his arms around his shoulders to comfort him. But the nightmare had scared Minho deep inside and he feared that something could happen. Like it was a premonition of some kind. Something that he never ever wanted to be the end results in his final days.


Frankie examined Minho over, sad at seeing new formed bruises where they had just recently healed. He checked Minho’s sore organs the best he could and took note on how swelled he was with both the baby and his bruising. ‘So what happened?’

‘Nightmare’ Kibum confirmed. ‘Minho woke up screaming. It set her off’.

‘Oh dear…well we really need to avoid this from happening again. Who knows what could have happened. You are very lucky Minho. You understand that?’.

Minho ignored the Doctor looking at the wall instead and letting tears trickle silently past his nose. Taemin watched him sadly. Reaching over to wipe one away. ‘Don’t cry hyung’ he pleaded, his palm cupping Minho’s cheek.

Minho shuffled looking the other way. Arm over his eyes to block them out. ‘I just want to be alone’ he whispered. ‘Please leave me’.

Kibum, Taemin and Frankie looked to each other with sad expressions. ‘Well… I can leave you in here for a bit. But I have a patient at 2pm’. Frankie spoke eventually, and moved towards the door ‘Press your little red button if you need us. I want you wearing that all the time now.’ The two other boys reluctantly left also. Taemin dragged out by Kibum when he moved too slowly.

Minho finally moved his arm from his eyes and placed his palm against his bump, softly running it along the bruised skin. As the baby shuffled, causing a dull ache to fill him, he rubbed at the foot shape presses, but the movements where somewhat pleasing to him. At least she was alive for now. ‘Please don’t die’ He whispered finally. ‘I’ll give up my own life for you…just don’t die’.



Taemin looked up quickly from the plastic chair he sat on, having been waiting for Minho to finish his alone time, and been sat annoyed that his phone battery had died to play games on. Hwa Young came running up to him. ‘I found her’ she smiled with and excited spring to her step.

Taemin stood up quickly, shock upon his features ‘R-really…already?’

‘Yeah…here’ She passed him some documents. ‘It turns out for three years no-one selected her. And the adoption agency decided they would still also wait for her father to come, but they just couldn’t find him, and are grateful for your contact’.

Taemin laughed happily hugging the women tightly who blushed. ‘Oh you have no idea how great his is’. He smiled. ‘This is the best news I’ve heard all day’.

‘It’s fantastic news.’ Hwa Young grinned back. ‘Would you like to meet her, they said you can go anytime?’ Taemin nodded quickly.

‘Yes! Yes I would love that’.

‘What gong on Tae?’ Kibum asked still sat down, confused by the conversion. ‘Who has she found?’

Taemin read the papers before him. ‘My niece…she found my niece.’

‘You have a niece?’ Kibum gawped.

Taemin nodded. ‘And now I’ve found her.’


It took Jinki, Kibum and Taemin to compromise leaving Jonghyun alone with a very hormonal Minho, who had spent half the day throwing pillows again, claiming that his child was ‘‘residing in his womb cave…and needed to vacate the premises’’ before breaking down into tears when he dropped half a biscuit in his cup of warm tea. Then telling Jinki he was and needed someone to rub his s since he was so sensitive. Only to accuse Taemin of being a ert when he was chosen as tribute. Jonghyun said he could handle it, and so they travelled to the orphanage in the next city. Jinki was more of an older Hyung support, while Kibum with his English skills and a little help from Hwa Young had called a meeting up, for Taemin’s long lost niece to rejoin with her uncle. It was a long hour journey on a train, but they finally made it.

Taemin seemed excited to meet her, as he waited pacing in a room. And after eighteen minutes of re-reading the English posters and notices on walls, the door opened, and a British blonde haired female stepped in first. She knelt down in the centre of the room and held her hands out to lead someone in.

‘Come on honey?’ She spoke softly.

The males stood beside each other all looking to the door when a small girl finally peeped her head into the room. Her eyes went on each of the male’s for a second. Before she locked onto Taemin and hid again. Kibum knelt beside the female. ‘Hey?’ he spoke. ‘Will you come in?’ he asked in his best English voice. ‘We won’t bite?’

The girl looked to him, before pulling open the big front pocket on her knee length denim dress, and pulled out a small picture, eyeing it carefully. She glanced at Taemin again and then with quick movements ran to him. Taemin looked down as she grabbed at his leg. He patted her hair and looked at the others with a surprised smile.

‘She looks like my brother.’ Taemin chuckled. He knelt down as the girl looked up at him, playing with a strand of his hair that fell into his face before looking back at him again with her adorable brown eyes. She placed the small picture from her hand into his and Taemin laughed as he found her holding a picture of Taesun and himself from a few years ago.

‘Where did she get this?’ He looked to Kibum to translate.

‘It was on the belongings of the mother. She had told the people she stayed with all about you two and wanted them to tell her. But after she died her parents didn’t want it and since we knew he was the father the team decided to give it to her when she asked for Daddy. She carries it everywhere’.

The girl poked at Taemin’s cheek like she could see Taesun in his features. ‘She does not think I’m the father right?’ Taemin asked, her hair.

‘She knows her father is the one of the left’.

Taemin smiled at the girl who leaned in to kiss his cheek. It was a little wet. But it made Taemin’s heart melt.

‘Does she talk?’

‘Well we have had a language teacher in, to speak and learn Korean with her since we wanted to keep her heritage going encase her father ever came. But leaning both English and Korean is hard at this age; she’s not even near school age yet.

The girl clung to his shirt, leaning into him and smiling at her social workers. ‘Name?’ Taemin asked.

‘We called her Masie.’

The younger male nodded. He glanced back to the girl, cheeks rising as she smiled a few growing baby teeth at him. ‘Hello Masie I’m Taemin.’

The girl smiled back. ‘ello’


Jonghyun lazily watched a particular Drama episode on a small laptop with Minho, who had said he needed to catch up. Though Minho was drifting in and out of sleep beside the elder, and would probably need to watch it again later. Minho grunted, curling into the elder and papping dry lips. ‘Hyung, I’m thirsty’. He whispered.

‘Would you like a cup of tea?’ Jonghyun asked him. ‘I bought you low fat ginger biscuits to have with it?’

Minho nodded sleepily. Jonghyun smiled. Pausing the Drama and walking away to put the kettle on. But after placing the teabag in the cup. He turned back to find Minho snoring, with his head hung slightly. So instead Jonghyun walked over, taking a blanket and placing it softly over him. The male gave a little whine as the baby kicked him. But was back to his slumber seconds after. Jonghyun slowly moved his head to rest against the back of the sofa and his hair ‘Sleep well Minho.’


At London airport, Taesun rolled his eyes, trying to avoid stares while two boys behind him argued. Suho and Kai dragged their small suitcases along the floor behind him. Kai seemed adamant to move out the airport quickly before a random foreign fan girl saw him. While Suho looked around in awe of not having fan girls around hm.

‘Hyung hurry!’ Kai hissed. ‘Move! Move! Move!. They could jump out any second! We are not safe!’.

‘Hurry where? We don’t even know where we are going yet!’. Suho scoffed. He looked at Taesun for a route to take to find the male arms crossed and tapping his foot.

‘Look you guys, Taemin said that he only wanted me to come to England and collect something from him, not you two. You were not even invited here!’ Taesun hissed.

‘You would not tell me why Taemin came to England Hyung!’ Kai replied though clenched teeth. ‘Now where is he?’

‘Because it was not my place to say, I know you and Tae are close but he has reasons for not saying anything until he is ready. And why did you even come…whatever your name is…’ Taesun glared at Suho. ‘You’re not even that close with Taemin’.

‘He made me come…said I was a bad leader if I didn’t’ Suho coughed slightly pointing at Kai.

‘I only asked you because D.O was busy’ Kai muttered. ‘Now where is Taemin!’

‘Look I don’t know okay! Let me call him. Now be quiet!’


Taemin held out his arms as Masie came running to him, a skip in her step. She jumped up and giggled when he hugged her tightly, pecking her cheek with a soft kiss. ‘I missed you’ He cooed. ‘And I got a surprise for you later’.

The girl starred unsure of what the words meant but smiled anyways. Taemin turned and thanked the woman who brought her and said he would call as soon as his brother finally came to collect her, and get him signing the papers when he hopefully took her home. Taking a heavy bag, he brought her towards the red doors.

‘Who is this adorable little girl’ Frankie said as he appeared beside Taemin taking the heavy bag so he could hold her properly.

‘My niece’ Taemin smiled proudly. ‘You know the one Hwa Young Nonna helped me find’.

‘Oh yes…yes. She is just adorable’. He pinched her cheek. ‘Are you taking her to see Minho?’ The younger male nodded. Shuffling the girl in his arms and pausing outside a random red door.

‘Yeah, I think she will cheer him up a bit. He’s been upset the last few days. And he adores Children. And, she technically is my baby’s cousin after all’. Frankie chuckled. ‘Oh yes…well good, great. I hope Minho is glad for her presence.’

Taemin and Frankie walked to the room where Minho stayed and with a gentle knock, Kibum opened the door to them. He smiled brightly when the little girl waved at him. ‘Hey! Hello Masie’.

Minho looked up confused, eyes frowning at the sight of Taemin holding a child. Taemin stepped inside, while Kibum took the heavy bag from Frankie. The dancer moved and finally stopped in front of Minho.

‘Minho Hyung I would like you to meet…Masie,’ Taemin spoke sitting down beside him. ‘Masie, this is Minho Hyung’

Minho looked to the little girl as she waved at him. ‘What is she doing here…who is she?’

Taemin bit his lip. ‘She’s my niece, Minho. I lied the other day when I said we were going shopping. I didn’t tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise…and you kept throwing pillows at me saying you wanted to hurt me.’ He coughed. Masie blinked between the confusing ramble and then looked at the male, noticing something move inside his swollen bump on his tummy. As Taemin explained briefly about Taesun’s story and what happened before he came to England. Minho responded with a surprised look. And was genuinely glad they had found her so easily.

The little girl gave an excited squeak as she stared in wonder at his baby bump, and gave it a soft rub, when she saw the baby move. Minho’s eyes trailed to her, before looking back at Taemin again. ‘Also I wanted her to meet her baby cousin.’ Taemin laughed and looked down at Masie. ‘Masie, my baby is in here. She will be your little cousin okay, will you look after her?’.

Minho blinked, as the little girl squealed excited again. Before looking down at her once more, Masie giggled at the kick the baby gave. Then gave his tummy a kiss, before mumbling in a mixture of English and Korean words towards the males, and maybe a bit of plain nonsense. And after four days, and hours of angry moods swings, a smile finally found its way on Minho’s lips.


Minho cooed at the girl who stood on the sofa beside him. Her giggles bringing a smile to his face after he stuck out his tongue, and pulled a face at her. The girl copied him and giggled a third time before playing with Minho’s hair, which held many pink hair clips. And a sparkly hair grip ribbon. Minho looked down to the plastic baby doll in his arms, that Masie had ordered him to hold, and smiled at the thought of a real one in them soon. Masie sang a tune, she made up as she combed part of Minho’s hair with a red comb, and the two stilled when the baby shuffled. Before she continued her song. Minho laughed as Jonghyun pouted from the floor at him.

Kibum watched them from the door. Where Taemin stood waiting anxiously. ‘I can see it now. Umma Ho’ He laughed to himself. ‘This is why he’s so good with kids’.

‘You’re just the same Hyung’ Taemin said leaning his head out with his body and huffing. ‘Where is he!’ Kibum rolled his eyes and moved to sit down again.

Jonghyun was on the floor pretending to be a puppy, since Masie had asked him to play ‘Doggie’. And Jonghyun could never say no to her cute request. Jonghyun hung his tongue out breathing heavily until Kibum started to . Tickling his neck and patting his head. ‘Good puppy’ Kibum laughed at him. Then placed a half bitten biscuit on his nose. ‘Stay…stay…good boy’.

Jonghyun glared. But Masie found it so funny, that he acted along to Kibum’s teasing game. Only to punch Kibum’s leg when Masie looked away.


Jinki sat on the wall just outside the medical centre. Phone in hand waiting for Taemin’s brother to arrive. When he heard his name called, he looked up and smiled brightly as Taesun waved an arm around. But his smile dropped as Suho and Kai came running at him.

‘What are you two doing here?’

‘We came to see Taemin…why are you guys in England? You know we’ve been looking after Kenny since you all left. Why are you all here? Where are the others?’

Jinki nervously laughed, scratching his neck. ‘We’ll come back soon…promise…something came up.’

‘It’s been months!’ Suho hissed. ‘Do you know how many fangirls have been spamming our accounts to find you lot! Too many!’.

‘Look I just need to take Taesun inside to see Taemin first then…’ The leader spoke pulling Taesun towards the door.

‘What?’ Kai stamped his foot. ‘Why can’t we go together? I want to see Taemin too!’

‘Just stay here for now, we won’t be long. I promise, I’ll send Jonghyun out’.

Kai huffed dropping his suitcase and sitting on the wall. ‘Well hurry up’.

Jinki nodded. ‘Yes yes…okay’. He dragged Taesun and took him inside. The male looking around the medical centre in confusion, not sure why he was even at this place when finally Taemin came running. ‘Hyung!’ The brothers embraced and Jinki jogged off to tell Jonghyun to go entertain their visitors.

‘Taemin…I need to go back soon. What is it I’m taking back?’

Taemin took a breath. ‘I found her’

‘Found her?’

‘I found your daughter’ Taemin smiled. ‘She’s here…In this building…you can take her home.’

Taesun paled and looked at the double red doors. ‘S-she’s here?’ He took deep breaths. ‘I’m not ready this Tae’ He panicked back stepping in response.

‘No…no no hyung I promise you…once you see her.’

Taesun shook his head, as Taemin tried to pull him to the red doors. ‘But what if she doesn’t like me?’

A smile covered Taemin’s featured and he shook his head. ‘Oh believe me, she’ll love you’.


The door creaked a little as it opened and Masie turned from Minho, who now had a Princess crown on his head, to see whom had entered. Her eyes widened and lit up like she was receiving a gift when her father stepped inside. Taesun started to cry as he looked at her. ‘Hi’ he whispered.

The girl shuffled from the sofa running at his legs and holding tight. Taesun reached down to pick her up and held her in his arms. In an embrace both had needed and wanted. ‘Oh..Taemin…she’s perfect’ He sobbed out. The girl rested her head at his shoulder and smiled at Taemin behind them, though tears seemed to be evident in her eyes.

‘Congratulations Hyung…you’re a father now’.

Taesun began to sob harder and turned his head to look at her and see his daughter’s pout, from seeing his tears. ‘No cry’ she said.

The new father laughed ‘Okay’ He leaned in to kiss her and the girl responded with one of her own. Taemin smiled at them both.

Minho then started to cry from the sofa. Waving his hands about at his face. ‘Oh this is too much…someone get me some tissues!’

Kibum passed over the tissue box. But not before taking one for himself and wiping his own tears. Jinki sniffled before running to the bathroom claiming he had something in his eye.

‘I don’t care! I want to see Taemin now!’ A voice shouted.

Taemin frowned back stepping from the room and looking out to see his friend. ‘Kai?’ He watched as Jonghyun struggled in his attempt to pulled the male back. Suho catching up awkwardly behind them.

‘What are you doing here?’ Taemin asked eyes wide.

‘I would like to ask you the same question!’ Kai grunted grabbing the male and holding him tight. ‘No calls, no texts…NOTHING!’

Taemin tried to grab at the door and shut it, but Suho moved in to glance into the room. ‘Hey’ he waved at the others. Before looking at Minho, his eyes met the baby bump first and his jaw dropped.  

Minho gasped. ‘Suho Hyung?’ Before grabbing at the blanket near him and trying to cover himself up. But it was too late. Suho had already seen it.

‘Minho?...Are you…pregnant’.





(Dun Dun Duuuuuuuun!!! Suho and Kai came :P Forget the orginal I've jsut changed everything haha. What did you think? I may or may not get another chapter up before I leave I've got 2 weeks 4 days left till I'm off to South Korea. -fingers crossed for Minho to fall madly in love with me - lol. Okay comment please :D xx )



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Chapter 37: What am I supposed to do now? Like I got so engrossed in their stories I feel so empty. It was a really good story and the best soap opera out there hehe XD Damn going through this whole story n life of 2min n miracle I feel so old lmao. Thank you unnie for writing this! You did a great job!! I'm gonna miss this so much ಥ‿ಥ
Chapter 35: Yaaaay Hannieee way to goooo!!
Chapter 33: Awww they're finally married and Jinki is grown up too T.T I can't believe this is coming to an end ಥ‿ಥ
Chapter 32: Taemins gonna be furiousssss
Chapter 31: Awwww they're getting married!! ・゜(。┰ω┰。).・゜ I can't believe this was such a roller coaster omg
Chapter 30: Another cliff hanger? -_-
Chapter 29: YESSSS THEY ARE FINALLY GONNA TELL THE TRUTHH. Also mirasoo first time ooof (♥ω♥*) Also how old is 2min at this point? 46?
Chapter 28: another drama surfaces oof