My Eyes Adored You
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You're brighter than a shooting star, so shine no matter where you are.


"I like Tao and Victoria. Let's cast them again in our next film." Minseok stated while they were having dinner at a restaurant after the filming was wrapped up. 


"Told you. They're easy to work with." Luhan said.


"Where will we edit the film?" Baekhyun asked.


"Luhan's place." Kai replied.




"Sehun, try this." Kai said as he placed a piece of steak at Sehun's plate.


Sehun smiled and took a bite of the steak. "It's good."


Luhan eyed the two with a smirk. "You're smiling a lot these days, Sehun. Any special reason?"


"Uhm.. You all make me happy." 


"That's good to hear.. But who's your favourite out of us four?"


"Did you really have to ask that? Of course I'm Sehun's favourite. I'm his first friend in our class." Baekhyun confidently stated.


Luhan rolled his eyes while Sehun just smiled a little at Baekhyun.


"Anyway, I'll just go to the comfort room." Baekhyun said before he left the table.


In just a couple of minutes after, someone started to play the piano at the small stage of the restaurant. The song was Sam Smith's Lay Me Down, and it was Minseok's favourite song so his head automatically turned to look at the stage. 


"Baek?" Minseok uttered in surprise as he saw Baekhyun behind the piano, making Luhan, Kai, and Sehun also turn their heads to the stage.


The four of them watched as Baekhyun played the piano and sang the whole song, wondering why he suddenly went up there when he said he was going to the comfort room, and much to Luhan's dismay, Minseok was staring at Baekhyun in awe, captured by his heavenly voice.


And then Luhan's worst nightmare happened.


"Goodevening everyone. The song I played is dedicated to the person who's been making me really happy these days." Baekhyun said before he stood up from the piano seat and went to the center of the stage, holding a mic.


"Minseok. I know this might be too soon. I might be moving fast, but I don't wanna waste any more time. I've liked you for a long time now, and I know you're already aware of it by now. So, what I want to ask you is.. Minseok, will you go out with me?"


Minseok was silent as he stared at Baekhyun in shock for a moment, but Baekhyun waited patiently for his answer, until Minseok flashed him a blinding smile. 


"Does that smile mean yes?" Baekhyun asked in glee.


As soon as Minseok nodded, the guests cheered and clapped while Baekhyun excitedly went down the stage and handed the mic to a restaurant staff before he ran back to their table.


Minseok stood up and welcomed the teary-eyed Baekhyun in his embrace, while Luhan stared at them in misery. 


Then before Luhan could even stop himself, tears began flowing down his face. He immediately stood up and left the table, and Kai instantly pulled out his wallet and placed his payment on the table before he yanked Sehun's wrist to stand up. 


"Uhm.. We'll just leave you two alone so you could talk." Kai awkwardly told Baekhyun and Minseok who seemed lost in their own world. Then before the two could even answer, Kai hastily left the table and went after Luhan, with Sehun following behind him, utterly confused.





"Luhan!" Kai called as he caught up to Luhan who just got inside his car.


"I'll drive you home. C'mon. I'll just call someone to pick up your car." Kai said in worry as he tried to yank Luhan out of the car.


Luhan, who certainly looked nowhere near okay, removed Kai's grasp on his arm and started the engine. "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me."


"How can I not worry? Luhan, you don't have to keep it all to yourself, you can talk to me." 


"I want to be alone for now, Kai. Please." 


Kai stared at him for a moment before heaving a sigh. "Okay. Drive home safely. And call me anytime you're ready to talk."


Luhan nodded and closed the door after Kai stepped back. 


"What.. What happened to Luhan?" Sehun asked Kai as they watched Luhan pulling out of the restaurant's parking lot.


"He likes Minseok, Sehun." 


"Oh." was the only thing Sehun was able to utter.


"C'mon, I'll drive you home." Kai said before they walked to his car.






"Luhan. Why didn't you go to our class today? You know we have an exam." Kai said as he stepped inside the Karaoke bar private room. 


"I didn't wanna see them. How did you know I was here?" Luhan slurred and downed another shot.


"I know you like going here everytime you're stressed. C'mon, I'll drive you home. You're drunk." 


"Let's just stay for a few more hours. I don't wanna go home yet." Luhan slurred again and looked up for the first time since Kai arrived. "Oh. You're also here, Sehun. You two are inseparable nowadays, huh? Good for you." 


Kai sighed as he walked to the couch, with Sehun following behind. "Okay. Just drink as much as you want, only for tonight. Cry your heart out, pour out everything, I'll be here beside you. Then after this I'll drive you home." 


Luhan smiled a bit, but sadness was still clearly written all over his face. "Thanks, buddy. Sehun, drink with me, okay?" He said as he handed Sehun a shot of tequila.


"He doesn't drink, Luhan." Kai said as he took the glass and placed it back on the table.


Sehun, who thought he could comfort Luhan a bit if he joined him in drinking, took the shotglass from the table. 


"Sehun. You don't have to drink it." Kai said.


"It's okay, Kai. I.. I'll only drink a few shots. I'll be fine." Sehun said before he downed the shot, immediately grimacing at the taste.


Luhan smirked. "That's my boy."


Kai sighed. "Only a few shots, okay? Once you feel dizzy, stop drinking."


Sehun nodded.


"I'm happy for you, buddy. Looks like you're finally g

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966 streak #1
Chapter 11: Thank you so much for sharing this story of childhood friendship that blossomed into love, both reciprocated and otherwise.
966 streak #2
Chapter 5: I could feel the longing!
966 streak #3
Chapter 2: I just started reading this. I'm glad I foynd this. I was actually searching for a particular Sekai fic. But it would have to wait until I finish this cute fic
I'm happy that Kai just made a direct move. I always like the imagery of two people sharing an umbrella in the rain.

Thank you so much for sharing.
161 streak #4
Chapter 11: awwww so cute :))))) as sad as the ending was it made sense so I wouldn't have it end another way :)
Chapter 11: oof i loved this~~
also lovedddd Sehun's quirkiness~~ XD
Chapter 3: i cracked at the "you have an interesting choice of pets" "theyre not my pets. they're my children" fkdndkdk ?
Chapter 11: In the whole story I feel really sorry for Lu-ge because he didn't do anything wrong by falling in love. But I love how the story ended with Lu-ge realizing that he can let go and fall for someone else. And that someone else is our beautiful unicorn Zhang Yi Xing♡
Chapter 10: This was Beautiful ♡
Chapter 3: "I'm not. Someone who's a VIP to me is." I squealed so loud, that's friggin cute!!!!!
Baozisaur #10
Chapter 11: Wowwww this is awesome. It's actually nice that xiuhan ended this way. Not all "i love my bestfriend" is successful.. I love how u ended it with a possible layhan fufufufu i secretly ship them together XD