My Eyes Adored You
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I'm loving every minute 'cause you make me feel so alive.


"Goodmorning!" Kai brightly greeted Luhan when he arrived in their class.


"Goodmorning buddy!" Luhan greeted with the same liveliness.


"Okay. You first. Why are you grinning from ear to ear?" Kai asked in amusement as he took his seat.


"Well.. I spent my sunday with Minseok.. And we're going out later after class. We barely get to hang out anymore like usual since he's always with Baekhyun these days.. But now I'm starting to become his priority again." Luhan excitedly stated.


Kai patted Luhan's shoulder. "That's good to hear."


"Your turn. Why are you grinning like an idiot?"


"I was with Sehun yesterday.. And look, he gave this to me." Kai said as he showed Luhan the necklace he was wearing. "He said I make him happy." Kai giggled.


"I'm happy for you buddy. Looks like you're slowly breaking down his walls. By the way, do you still do it?"


"Do what?"


"Strawberry juice. Love notes."


"Of course."


"Why? You get to hang out with him now. And I think he doesn't even drink the juice. He just stocks them in his fridge."


"I enjoy doing it everyday. And I drank the juice yesterday to show him it's safe to drink. Speaking of, can I ask you again for a favour?"


Luhan narrowed his eyes at Kai. "Let me guess. You'll make me a strawberry juice delivery boy again?"


Kai flashed him a silly grin. "Just for tomorrow."


"Why? You won't be here tomorrow?"


"I'll be here, but I have plans in the morning." 


Luhan nodded. "Alright. By the way, I already talked to Tao and Victoria. They said yes, but let's try to finish the filming in one week since they're also busy with a theatre play." 


"Okay. Oh, he's here. I'll just talk to him." Kai said as he stood up and approached Sehun who just arrived in the class.


"Sehun. My stomach didn't hurt or anything. The juice is safe to drink." Kai beamed.


"Oh. Okay.." Sehun simply replied and smiled a little when he saw that Kai was wearing the necklace.


"By the way.. Sehun.. Uhm.. Can I pick you up tomorrow at 4am?"


Sehun stared at Kai, a little bewildered. "Four.. in the morning? Why?" 


Kai smiled. "I want to bring you somewhere."


Sehun furrowed his brows. "But.. we have class at 7am.."


"Don't worry. We'll make it here on time. So.. I'll pick you up tomorrow, okay? 4am sharp."  


"O- Okay.." Sehun reluctantly replied, wondering where would Kai possibly want to bring him at four in the morning. 





"Minseok! Let's go?" Luhan was glowing in joy as he approached Minseok after class.


"Oh. Luhan. I'm sorry but I can't hang out with you today." Minseok said distractedly as he was busy texting.


Luhan's face instantly fell. "What?"


"Baekhyun's mom was rushed to the hospital this afternoon. I'll go there right now to visit her."


"Baekhyun's.. mom? Have you already met his mom?"


Minseok nodded. "He introduced me to his parents last saturday."




"What why?"


"Why did he introduce you to his parents?"


Minseok shrugged. "He said he really introduces all his friends to his parents."


"Were they nice to you? Did they like you?"


Minseok smiled a bit. "They were warm and welcoming."


"You like them? You like his family?" Luhan interrogated.


"Luhan, let's just talk tomorrow, I have to go now."


Luhan desperately grabbed Minseok's arm. "Can you.. Can you go to my place tonight? After you visit Baekhyun's mom?"


"I can't.. I'll be staying there until late night. Baekhyun's alone there since his dad left yesterday for a business trip. I know he easily gets bored when he doesn't have someone to talk to."


"Tomorrow after class? Can we go out tomorrow after class?"


"I already have plans for tomorrow."


Luhan suddenly lost his temper. "But we don't get to spend time with each other anymore!" 


Minseok stared at him, taken aback. "What? We were together yesterday, right? And we see each other everyday here."


"But it's not the same anymore!"


Minseok heaved a sigh. "Let's just talk about this tomorrow, okay? I have to go, bye." 


Then without waiting for Luhan's response, he turned around and walked out of the classroom in a haste, while Luhan just stood there devastatedly, his eyes b with tears.






I wanna be with you night and day.


"Goodmorning!" Kai greeted with a big smile as Sehun opened the door. 


"Goodmorning." Sehun greeted sleepily.


"Ready to go?"


Sehun nodded.


"Okay, C'mon!" Kai hollered cheerfully and walked to the garage.


Sehun followed him and immediately froze when he saw a black Ducati. "We.. We'll ride that?"


Kai turned to him and handed him a helmet. "Yup."


"Can we.. Can we just take.. the bus?"


Kai supressed a smile. As he expected, Sehun would be reluctant to ride the motorcycle. And he knows exactly why. "Why?" He asked, pretending to look innocent.

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972 streak #1
Chapter 11: Thank you so much for sharing this story of childhood friendship that blossomed into love, both reciprocated and otherwise.
972 streak #2
Chapter 5: I could feel the longing!
972 streak #3
Chapter 2: I just started reading this. I'm glad I foynd this. I was actually searching for a particular Sekai fic. But it would have to wait until I finish this cute fic
I'm happy that Kai just made a direct move. I always like the imagery of two people sharing an umbrella in the rain.

Thank you so much for sharing.
161 streak #4
Chapter 11: awwww so cute :))))) as sad as the ending was it made sense so I wouldn't have it end another way :)
Chapter 11: oof i loved this~~
also lovedddd Sehun's quirkiness~~ XD
Chapter 3: i cracked at the "you have an interesting choice of pets" "theyre not my pets. they're my children" fkdndkdk ?
Chapter 11: In the whole story I feel really sorry for Lu-ge because he didn't do anything wrong by falling in love. But I love how the story ended with Lu-ge realizing that he can let go and fall for someone else. And that someone else is our beautiful unicorn Zhang Yi Xing♡
Chapter 10: This was Beautiful ♡
Chapter 3: "I'm not. Someone who's a VIP to me is." I squealed so loud, that's friggin cute!!!!!
Baozisaur #10
Chapter 11: Wowwww this is awesome. It's actually nice that xiuhan ended this way. Not all "i love my bestfriend" is successful.. I love how u ended it with a possible layhan fufufufu i secretly ship them together XD