My Eyes Adored You
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"So, what are you going to wear for tonight?" Baekhyun asked Sehun while they were having a sci-fi movie marathon at Sehun's house.


"Do I really have to wear a costume?"


"Of course, Sehun. It's a costume party. Actually, I'm the one who suggested it to Minseok."


"Uhm.. I'll just wear the alien costume Kai gave me on my birthday."


"What?" Baekhyun laughed. "No, Sehun. Think of something else."


Sehun paused to think for a while but couldn't come up with any idea. "Can you help me?"


Baekhyun grinned widely. "Actually, I already have an idea. I was just waiting for you to ask me."


"What's your idea?"


"You love rock music, right?"


Sehun nodded.


"Sooooo.... My idea is... We'll transform you into a rock star!"


Sehun looked reluctant. "But.. I don't think it will suit me. Look at me. I certainly don't have the looks of a rock star."


Baekhyun heaved a sigh. "See? This is exactly why I've been wanting to give you a makeover for a long time now. You have low self esteem. I was just hesitating to ask you about it since I was afraid I might offend you."


"But I've been like this ever since I was a kid."


"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you have to stay that way for the rest of your life. Don't be afraid of change. Especially if it's for the better."


"How.. How are you going to transform me into a rock star?"


Baekhyun's face lit up. "Don't worry. My sister will help you."


"Your sister?"


Baekhyun nodded. "Actually Sehun, I was once like you before. I was a nerdy, introvert kid. But time came when I couldn't stand the bullying anymore, so I wanted to change. And my sister was the one who helped me."


"Really? I can't imagine you as an introvert."


"Believe me. I was exactly like you once. But our difference was, I wasn't afraid of change. I slowly came out of my shell. It wasn't easy, but I was determined. If I was able to do it, then you can too. And you won't be alone in it anyway. I'll guide you. So don't worry about anything, alright?"


Sehun became immersed in his own thoughts for a moment before he nodded firmly. "Okay. I.. I will do it."


Baekhyun abruptly stood up in excitement. "Very Good! Now, c'mon. Let's go to the mall. I'll just call my sister and tell her to meet us there."






"Yoona, this is Sehun. Sehun, this is my older sister, Yoona." Baekhyun introduced. 


Yoona smiled warmly at Sehun. "Hi Sehun. I'm glad you agreed to Baek's idea."


Sehun shyly nodded and smiled a little.


"Don't worry, Sehun. Leave everything to me. I'll make sure you'll look like a rock star tonight." Yoona told Sehun who seemed anxious.


"So, what are we waiting for? Let's start the makeover!" Baekhyun beamed vibrantly.









"Oh. My. God." Baekhyun's jaw dropped as he stared at Sehun after the makeover. He was wearing a skin-tight black pants, black shirt under a black leather jacket, and black ankle boots. His hair was gelled and brushed up, his eyeglasses were removed and was replaced by contacts, and he was wearing a black stud earring on his right ear. 


"I did a good job, didn't I?" Yoona proudly told Baekhyun.


"Good job? I think the more accurate term is excellent." Baekhyun uttered in a daze. "Wow. Sehun. You look hot."


Sehun hung his head shyly, still feeling awkward and uncomfortable with his new look.


"Oh. I think we have few more things to fix." Baekhyun said.


"What is it?" Sehun asked. 


"Your habit of looking down and avoiding people's eyes."


Yoona nodded in agreement. "C'mon, let's walk around the mall so you can practice being confident around people. But don't worry, Sehun. You can take it easy. No need to rush yourself. You can't change a habit overnight, but we'll start today with small steps. Okay?"


"And one more thing." Baekhyun added. "This change won't only be for tonight's party, Sehun. Tomorrow we'll go again here so we can shop for your new wardrobe. Don't go back again to the nerdy look, okay? You've been hiding your good looks behind your thick eyeglasses and lousy clothing and hairstyle. It's time to show the world how gorgeous you are."


Sehun looked at Yoona and Baekhyun with grateful eyes. "Thank you. Thank you a lot. I don't know how I can repay you for this."


"Boost your self esteem. Be confident with yourself. That's how you can repay us." Baekhyun stated.


Sehun slowly smiled and nodded. 


Baekhyun smiled back and patted Sehun's shoulder. "I'm looking forward to seeing you spread your wings, Sehun. But for now, let's go and practice flaunting what you've got. We'll leave in thirty minutes. Can't be late to my boyfriend's birthday party."






"Happy birthday." Sehun greeted Minseok and handed him his gift when they arrived at his house. 


"Thank you, Sehun. You look good. I wouldn't have recognized you if Baek didn't tell me beforehand that he was going to transform you into a rock star. Look, some of my guests are staring at you." 


"Well, my sister's an excellent stylist. But this outfit wouldn't have worked out if Sehun wasn't good looking in the first place." Baekhyun stated.


"Did your sister also style you today?" Minseok asked Baekhyun.


"Yup. You like it?"


"You look hot in that pilot's uniform, babe." Minseok stated as he encircled one arm around Baekhyun's waist.


Baekhyun giggled. "Thanks." He then leaned in and pecked Minseok's lips.


Luhan, who was walking towards them, clenched his jaw at the sight. 


"Minseok. Can you introduce me to your friend?" Kris said as he suddenly appeared beside them, staring lustfully at Sehun.


"Back off Kris, he's off the market." Luhan warned as he approached them. "C'mon Sehun, Kai's waiting in the garden." Then he hauled Sehun away from the group without even sparing Minseok a glance.


"Off the market? Is Sehun in a relationship?" Minseok asked in confusion.


Baekhyun smirked. "Not yet, but I think it will happen really soon."


"What do you mean?"


Baekhyun raised his brows. "You didn't know? Luhan's trying to win his heart."


Minseok's eyes instantly widened in shock. "What? Luhan?"


Baekhyun nodded. "Luhan likes Sehun. I thought you knew. I mean, you're his bestfriend, right? I wonder why he didn't tell you."


"Wait, how did you know all about this?"


"I caught him sneaking a love note in Sehun's locker. Anyway, C'mon, I'm hungry." Baekhyun said as he took Minseok's hand, and Minseok just let Baekhyun drag him to the kitchen, disoriented with the news he just heard.





"You look good, Sehun." Luhan said.


"Thank you." Sehun simply replied.


"Kai's gonna have a heart attack when he sees you." Luhan mumbled to himself in amusement.


"What is it?"


"Oh. Nothing." He said as he stopped at the glass slide door at the back of the house, leading to the garden. "Go. Kai's waiting for you." He smiled before he turned around and walked away.





"Kai?" Sehun called as he walked towards the bench where Kai was sitting. 


Kai turned his head and instantly dropped his jaw as he slowly stood up.


Sehun, on the other hand, also gaped at Kai when he saw his whole outfit. Kai was sporting a nerdy look, exactly like how Sehun looked before he had a makeover.


Sehun reached the bench and stood in front of Kai, and no one of them uttered any word as they just both stared at each other in a daze.


"Sehun. You.. You look.. You look amazing.." Kai stuttered as he slowly snapped out from being paralyzed.


"Baekhyun and his sister styled me. You're really a supermodel, Kai. You.. You still managed to look hot even in a nerd's outfit." Sehun blurted out.


Kai slowly smirked as his brain registered Sehun's words. "Did you just say I look hot?"


Sehun shyly averted his gaze. 


Kai clicked his tongue. "First you said I look cool. And I look dreamy. And that my beauty is out of this world. Now you're telling me I'm hot. I must have really captivated your eyes, haven't I?" He stated in a playful tone.


Sehun gasped as he looked at Kai with bulged eyes. "When did I say that you look cool and dreamy and out of this world?"


Kai stifled a grin. "You even begged me to abduct you and take you to another world."


Sehun was utterly confused. "I don't remember ever saying

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965 streak #1
Chapter 11: Thank you so much for sharing this story of childhood friendship that blossomed into love, both reciprocated and otherwise.
965 streak #2
Chapter 5: I could feel the longing!
965 streak #3
Chapter 2: I just started reading this. I'm glad I foynd this. I was actually searching for a particular Sekai fic. But it would have to wait until I finish this cute fic
I'm happy that Kai just made a direct move. I always like the imagery of two people sharing an umbrella in the rain.

Thank you so much for sharing.
161 streak #4
Chapter 11: awwww so cute :))))) as sad as the ending was it made sense so I wouldn't have it end another way :)
Chapter 11: oof i loved this~~
also lovedddd Sehun's quirkiness~~ XD
Chapter 3: i cracked at the "you have an interesting choice of pets" "theyre not my pets. they're my children" fkdndkdk ?
Chapter 11: In the whole story I feel really sorry for Lu-ge because he didn't do anything wrong by falling in love. But I love how the story ended with Lu-ge realizing that he can let go and fall for someone else. And that someone else is our beautiful unicorn Zhang Yi Xing♡
Chapter 10: This was Beautiful ♡
Chapter 3: "I'm not. Someone who's a VIP to me is." I squealed so loud, that's friggin cute!!!!!
Baozisaur #10
Chapter 11: Wowwww this is awesome. It's actually nice that xiuhan ended this way. Not all "i love my bestfriend" is successful.. I love how u ended it with a possible layhan fufufufu i secretly ship them together XD