
Please Don't Hurt Me

A/N: I'm on a roll! Two updates in lik 3 days! And this is my biggest one yet I think. Please enjoy!!


The next morning, Mari awoke with the sun as it filtered in through the crack of the curtains. She rubbed her eyes and turned her head slightly to the right where Yixing was still sleeping peacefully, his arm around her waist exactly where he left it last night.

Last night. Mari’s cheeks turned pink as she remembered their confessions. “So he’s really mine.” She whispered to herself while gently his cheek. “Zhang Yixing, what did I ever do to deserve you?”

She gently lifted his arm and crawled out of bed, tucking him back in warmly. As much as she wanted to stay there with him for the morning, she wanted to go downstairs and find the source of the smell of whatever it was Kyungsoo was cooking.

She walked downstairs quietly in her mismatched socks (old habits die hard) careful not to disturb any of the other boys who may have been sleeping. She rounded the corner into the kitchen and sure enough there was Kyungsoo piling pancakes high onto a plate.

Minseok was standing over by the coffee pot pouring a couple of mugs before he turned around and spied her standing there watching. “Good morning Mari. You’re up early. Would you like some coffee?”

She looked at the clock on the wall. 7am. “I guess I am up a bit early. Coffee would be great thank you.”

Minseok pulled out another mug. “Have a seat, I’ll bring it over. How would you like it?”

Mari pulled out a bar stool from the kitchen island and settled down into it, suddenly regretting she hadn’t thrown on a sweatshirt. It was early so it was still cool. “Extra sweet please.”

Kyungsoo chuckled from the stove. “Yixing did mention you having a bit of a sweet tooth. I guess he was right. So knowing that, would you like chocolate chips in your pancakes? I was making regular ones, but I can make an exception for you.”

Minseok placed the mug down in front of Mari and she wrapped her hands around it in search of its warmth. “Thank you.” She took a sip before answering Kyungsoo. “It’s alright. I’m fine with normal pancakes.”

He hummed in response before returning to the stove. A couple of moments of silence passed before Mari heard a yawn coming from the doorway. Standing there was Jongin and Sehun, the later with his hand up the front of his shirt scratching sleepily at his torso. Jongin’s eyes were half closed and his lips slightly pouted. He looked somewhat like a puppy.

“Good morning you two.” Minseok said in his normal chipper voice.

“Mmm. Early birds.” Sehun grunted as he walked to the fridge to grab a carton of orange juice.

“You’ll have to excuse them. They’re a bit grumpy in the mornings.” Minseok said quietly to Mari with a chuckle.

“I heard that.” Jongin said. But he didn’t seem too bothered. He just slumped down at the table and put his head down.

They all chattered quietly discussing little things like the weather and work while the others slowly filtered in to the kitchen table.

Baekhyun was quiet for once, but only because he was too tired to be loud. Jongdae’s bed head was striking once more, and Chanyeol’s glasses only seemed to become more and more crooked.

Junmyeon sauntered down in a matching pajama set, and Mari wondered how someone could look so much like a Ken doll having just woken up. His hair was perfect, cheeks glowing, and lips still slightly swollen from sleep.

Tao sat at the table with a pair of sunglasses on, and Mari only recognized it once she stood up to refill her and Minseok’s coffee.

“Tao, what’s with the sunglasses?”

He looked at her (well, in her direction. She couldn’t tell where his eyes were) and smacked his lips once before answering. “My eyes are still puffy from sleep. I can’t be seen like that.”

Minseok rolled his eyes. “He’s always been like this. Most caring nurse I’ve ever met in my life. But he’s a bit of a diva otherwise.”

A snort was heard from across the table. “A bit?” Chanyeol said.

“You’re lucky I don’t have anything to throw at you, Yoda.” Tao reiterated.

Chanyeol just made a face and pulled on his ears making them stand out more.

“Alright, alright. That’s enough. Breakfast is served.” Kyungsoo said as he placed plates onto the table.

“Where’s Yixing?” Suho asked looking at the empty chair.

“I’m right here.” Said a slow sleepy voice.

Mari turned around in her seat to spy a freshly awoken Yixing.

“Good morning.” A couple of the boys voiced out. Yixing just ignored them. He walked over to stand behind Mari’s chair and he draped his top half over her.

“I woke up and you were goooone.” He whined a sleepily. “You kept me warm all night.” He removed his arms from around Mari’s shoulders and sat down in the chair beside her.

Jongin and Jongdae were grinning from ear to ear.

“Did you two like, sleep in the same bed last night?” Sehun asked.

Mari’s face turned a light pink as she watched everyone elses heads perk up.

Yixing just nodded. “Of course we did. Because she’s my girlfriend now. And what girlfriend wants, girlfriend gets.”

“FINALLY.” Jongdae roared while throwing his head back. “I’ve been watching the two of you make googly eyes at each other for WEEKS now.”

“I told you everything would work out, Mari.” Jongin said with his eyes crinkling up and a smile spreading across his face.

“How about a toast, to the new beautiful couple?” Junmyeon said holding up his coffee mug. “To Yixing and Mari!”

“To Yixing and Mari!” the boys all echoed as they clinked coffee mugs or glasses of juice together.

Yixing slid his hand into Mari’s for a gentle squeeze and looked over, flashing her a big smile. Mari had never smiled so hard in her life. She had a great home, the best of friends she could ask for, and a caring handsome boyfriend. What more could she ask for?

“Oh!” Jongin said after finishing his mouthful of food. “Sehun and I had this great idea Mari. Since you used to be a stripper,”

Mari choked on her coffee. She pat her chest a couple of times before speaking. “I hadn’t told everyone else that yet, thank you Jongin.” She said a bit sarcastically.

Jongin just shrugged. “They don’t care. Look. No one is phased by it.”

Mari looked around and sure enough no one wore a look of disgust or distress. They were all either munching away or waiting for what Jongin was going to say next.

“Anyways,”  he continued on. “Me and Sehun want you to teach a pole dancing class at our studio. Only 3 times a week for now, but when the sign ups get to be too much, we can give you a full time job there for it. What do you say?”

Mari’s eyes went wide. “Are you serious!?”

“Of course. It’s a great workout and a very skilled level of dancing. We’d love to have that class at our studio.” Sehun chimed in. “And who else better to teach it than you? Better than you having to find some boring office job or be a waitress or something stressful.”

Mari just nodded her head rapidly. “Yes! Of course! I’d love to! Thank you both so much!” She jumped up and hugged them both around the neck and returning back to her spot beside Yixing and giving him one too.

“Me! Teaching a dance class! Can you believe it?” she asked Yixing who was still smiling at how incredibly happy the small girl beside him was.

“You’ll have to show me some time! Maybe teach me a thing or two!”

“That settles it then! We can get poles installed this week. We’ll advertise it to our classes and out in the town. And hopefully in a week or two we’ll have enough sign ups for you to start!” Jongin seemed just as excited as Mari was.


When breakfast was finished, Jongin and Yixing stayed behind to do dishes since they didn’t have work until later.

“Jongin, I really want to apologize.” Yixing started.

“For what?” Jongin raised an eyebrow and sat down the dish in his hands.

“For my behavior yesterday. Especially at dinner last night. When I saw you and Mari looking at each other, I couldn’t help but get jealous. She told me later why. And I felt bad.” He signed before continuing. “I’m just really protective over her. I have been the entire time. And I am now even more now that I know what she’s been through. I just didn’t want anyone else to sweep her away from me. She means too much to me. Also thank you for taking care of her when she passed out. Doing what you did. Giving her a job. She didn’t need one, I very well would have taken care of her if she wanted, but I know she wants to get out and make a name for herself as well. Thank you again Jongin. So much.”

Jongin just pulled Yixing in for a quick hug. “You’re so welcome. She’s a good girl. I would hate to see anything bad happen to her. And Yixing, I understand. And there’s no way on this Earth I would try to steal her away from you. You’re the best person for her. And I mean that. Besides, I have Sehun.” He gave a quick smirk before turning his attention back to drying the dishes.

“Wait what?” Yixing asked with a brow cocked.

“Yeah. Me and Sehun. We’re together. You didn’t know?” Jongin smiled at the confused look on Yixing’s face.

The later shook his head. “No. Never. I had no idea. How long?”

“Mmmm. About two years now. Mostly everyone else knows. Either because they’ve been suspicious or poor Kyungsoo walking in on us one night when we were having .”

Yixing’s laughter rang throughout the kitchen. “Is that why he didn’t look at you and Sehun for a week that one time?”

Jongin nodded. “Mhmmm. He got a full view of Sehun’s when he walked in.”

The boys laughter could probably be heard through the house as they finished up the dishes

Yixing walked back upstairs to his and Mari’s room. Instead of finding Mari at her vanity like he expected, he found nothing but an empty chair with a damp towel left on it and a made bed. He noted the sheets and blankets and pillows were all still white from having put them on after Luhan left.

“I wonder where she is.” He said outloud to himself. Shrugging it off, he took a quick shower and dressed and headed back downstairs.

Passing through the living room, he heard a piano being played further down the hall. “Chanyeol must be playing something.” He walked down the hallway and peeked into the half open door and saw not Chanyeol, but Mari plinking away at the piano keys.

“I didn’t know she could play piano.” The melody was soft, slow and familiar. Mari’s face looked slightly concentrated, but for the most part she just looked lost in her playing.

Yixing’s jaw dropped when he heard what came out of . “She’s singing in Chinese. Does she know Chinese? Why didn’t she tell me?”  He thought to himself. Then suddenly, it dawned on him. “Kris.” he gasped slightly.

When she was finished, he pushed the door open quietly and walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He felt her jump at the contact. He nuzzled his face in close to her neck. “I didn’t know you could play piano. Or sing in Chinese. It was beautiful. Kris would be proud.” He said quietly into her skin.

Mari shivered slightly at the breath on her neck. But as soon as it was there, it was gone and Yixing had sat down beside her.

“I only really know that one song. I taught myself on the piano they had at college for the short time I went. And I don’t know Chinese, unfortunately, I’m sorry. I just know that one song by heart because of how many times I listened to it when I’d watch the movie it’s from. And what do you mean Kris would be proud? Your old roommate right?” Mari was a little confused at the last part.

Yixing nodded. “Kris is the one who sings that song.”

Mari still had an eyebrow raised. “Wu Yifan sings that song.”

Yixing just laughed. “Kris is Wu Yifan. He moved back to China to start his acting career.”

Mari’s eyes grew wide. “So you mean to tell me the actor Wu Yifan, the main role in my favorite Chinese movie, is your friend/old roommate Kris?”

Yixing nodded.

“HOLY COW.” Mari exclaimed pressing her hands into the piano keys out of excitement causing a cacophonous sound. “I used to watch that movie all the time when I was sad and that song was just so beautiful I had to learn it. Next think you’re going to tell me is that the famous Chinese actor Luhan is you other…old…roommate…no. No way.”

Yixing slowly nodded. “Yep. Luhan too.”


Yixing was grinning. “Yes I know Yifan and Luhan. They’re two of my best friends. Maybe we can go see them when you come to visit China with me one day.”

“You want me to come to China with you someday?” She turned to straddle the piano bench so she could get a better look at Yixing. She placed her hands infront of her onto the wood of the bench.

“Of course. I want you to see my hometown. Where I grew up. All the old places I used to hang out. Meet my parents.”

Mari’s face went red. “Your parents?” she whispered.

Yixing grabbed her hands and took them in his. “Yes my parents. I’m serious about you. This isn’t just a little high school thing. This is the real deal. I wouldn’t date you if I couldn’t see myself with you for the rest of my life, and I mean that.” He rubbed small circles on Mari’s knuckles and kissed the back of each of her hands.

Mari’s lips parted slightly, unsure of what to say. After a few seconds she managed to stutter something out. “Of-of course I’m serious about you too, Yixing. I really am.”

Yixing reached up and placed a hand on Mari’s cheek. “I’m glad.” His thumb across the apple of her cheek a couple of times before he spoke again.

“Don’t eat without me tonight. After I get home from work, we’re going on a date. I know our first date should be something fancy, but I can’t wait, so this one will have to do.” A mischievous grin spread across his face.

“What are we going to do?” Mari asked.

Yixing shook his head. “You’ll see.”

“What do I need to wear? At least tell me that.”

“Whatever you want. It’s casual. You’ll look cute no matter what.” He gave her one last smile before standing up and heading towards the door. “I’m heading out for a bit. Just have some shopping to do. The boys will keep you entertained while I’m gone. I’m sending Chanyeol in to hear you play that song. Sing for him, and sing for him well. I know he’d like to hear it too and I’m sure he’d love to teach you to play piano more if you’d like. That big goof is a er for watching people play music. I’m sure the other two beagles will come in shortly after.”

“The beagles?” Mari asked setting herself back down to the piano.

“Chanyeol, Jongdae, and Baekhyun. They were all born in the same year and are pretty much inseparable hyper puppies which I‘m sure you’ve noticed. Hence, the beagles. Have a good afternoon, I’ll see you soon before I go to work.” And Yixing gave a small wave before leaving the room.


Chanyeol did come in not long after. The two sat for a bit, Mari showing him what she knew, and Chanyeol showing her ways she could improve it. He always seemed enthused with Mari even when she just played the most simple of things, and she was grateful for that. It made her feel like she was doing a great job.

Chen burst in not too long after, because apparently he can’t stand when people are singing without him, and Baekhyun hot on his heels dramatically whining about how he “Misses his big FanFan.”

Chen rest his arms on the piano and placed his chin into his hands. “So Mari~” he cooed. “How is Yixing? Hmm?”

Mari quirked an eyebrow. “He’s good I suppose? I mean, you all saw him this morning. Did he look unhappy to you?”

A smirk appeared across Chen’s face. “No no no. How is he…in bed?”

Mari heard Chanyeol snicker beside her and Baekhyun had on that stupid wide smile with his mouth wide open.

“Well~” she purred out. “I’d say he’s amazing.”

The boys’ eyes grew wide. “Are you serious?” Chen asked.

Mari nodded and leaned over the piano so she was closer to Chen. “Of course I am. He sleeps so still and he’s quiet. No snoring. The perfect sleeping partner.” She reached out and tapped on the bill of Chen’s hat knocking it over his eyes. “No you stupid! We haven’t slept together yet. We just got together last night! We haven’t even actually kissed yet. Yeesh!” She threw her hands up in the air as the other two burst into laughter.

“You kinda had me going there for a second, not going to lie.” Baekhyun said.

Mari stood up and began to walk towards the door. “Thank you Chanyeol for the piano lesson today. I’ll look forward to another one when we can get more done without these two buffoons asking stupid questions.”

Chen stuck out his tongue and Mari stuck hers out right back at him. A bunch of children they were, but Mari really enjoyed being around them. It was like going back to the fun parts of childhood she missed out on.

On the way down the hall, she wasn’t paying attention and nearly collided with Jongin.

“Sorry Mari!” He said steadying her by the forearms. “Are you busy right now?”

Mari shook her head. “No. I just got done having a piano lesson with Chanyeol, but Jongdae and Baekhyun were being..well…Jongdae and Baekhyun and asking stupid questions. So I decided I was going to go find Minseok and see if he had any good book recommendations but I forgot he’s at work like Tao and Junmyeon. So, I was just going to go back to my room for a bit.”

“Where’s Yixing?”

“He said he had some shopping to do and he’d be home before he had to leave for work.” Mari scuffed one of her feet across the floor.

“I see.” Jongin began. “Sehun and I were just going to go play some video games if you’d like to join?”

“Oh I wouldn’t want to be interrupting anything. I know you and Sehun are close.”

Jongin just laughed. “You caught on way quicker than Yixing. He just found out about Sehun and me this morning. But Mari, he and I have been together for years and best friends for even longer, you’re definitely not intruding on us by coming to play some video games for a few hours. So come on. Lets go play.”

Mari plopped down in the middle of the bed, Jongin on her left. Sehun handed her a controller.

“You can have the purple one. I swear this one goes the fastest. And you’re going to need it if you’re playing with me. Not trying to brag, but I’m probably the best at Mario Kart.” Sehun sat down on the other side of Mari, starting up the game.

“I’m not too hard to beat. Me and Yixing played a while back and he kicked my on almost every course.” Mari selected her favorite character, Princess Peach, because she liked the pink kart.

“Yixing beat you? This is going to be easier than I thought.”

Sehun smirked when Mari’s hand slapped playfully at his chest.

“Give me a break. I never played video games much.” Mari said snuggling in a bit to get comfortable.

Jongin looked down at her. “Stick with us and you’ll be a pro in no time. This is basically how Sehun and I blow off steam or spend a lazy day off.”

“Enough chit chat. I’m ready to kick some .”

“Sehun you’re so impatient.”


The three played for an hour or so, Sehun showing no mercy to anyone, when Mari felt her eyes begin to get a bit heavy.

“You guys play a couple rounds without me. I’m a little tired. I just want to watch.”

The longer she laid there wedged inbetween the body heat of the two boys with video game music in the background, the sleepier she got. She felt her eyes flutter closed and let her head relax, rolling off to the side onto Sehun’s shoulder.

She must have fallen asleep because some time later she was being woken up by Yixing, and Sehun and Jongin were no longer on each side of her. Instead she was laid down onto a pillow and tucked underneath a blanket.

“Hey sleepy head.” Yixing cooed as he gently her shoulder to wake her up.

Mari blinked rapidly taking in her surroundings remembering where she was and she pulled the blankets up over her face. “10 more minutes.” Her reply came out muffled by the blankets.

Yixing carded his hand through the hair on the top of Mari’s head. “You can nap later, I have a surprise for you right now.”

Mari’s face appeared from under the blankets. “What kind of surprise?” She was a bit more awake now. Yixing couldn’t help but grin at the slight mess her curls had gotten into during her slumber.

“You’ll have to come upstairs to our room to see.”

Mari groaned as Yixing lifted her up gently. “Later. I don’t want to move. Just stay here with me for a bit.” She flopped back down onto the pillows.

“We’re in Sehun and Jongin’s room. We can’t just stay in their bed.” Yixing fully lifted Mari from the bed this time and set her feet down on the floor. “You’re going to like this, trust me.” He guided her up the stairs and placed his hands over her eyes when they got closer to their room.

“No peeking okay?” he said opening the door to their room.

“I couldn’t if I tried. You’re hands are too big.” Mari stuck her hands out on instinct as to not bump in to anything.

Yixing removed his hand from her face, but not before instructing her to keep her eyes closed. “On the count of three you can look. One…Two…Three!”

Mari opened her eyes and scanned across the room. She was absolutely at a loss for words.

“Is it okay?” Yixing asked standing in front of her and grabbing both her hands in his. He had a slight worried expression on his face.

“Did you do all of this for me?” Mari managed to say after a few moments.

“Of course. This is your room now too. It needed to look like it.” He walked her over to her bed.

“First, I had to get you a new bed spread. Plain white is so not your style. That’s too boring. So I hope this blue and white is okay. The bold zig zag patterns looked nice. Of course that needed lots of pretty pillows to go with. I know how you like a lot of pillows.”

He then pointed over towards the wall her vanity was at. “You needed a new vanity chair, and things to organize all your makeup and jewelry in so I got a bunch of organizers and put them in the drawers for you. Now it’s not so cluttered up there.”

He walked over to her closet and opened it up. “A hanging shoe rack. So now you can see all of your shoes instead of them being on the floor in the back of the closet.”

He closed the door and gestured around. “I thought all these paintings were pretty nice. Iconic cities like Paris, Italy, San Francisco, Beijing. But if you don’t like them, we can always go buy new ones.”

He walked over to his bed that had a big gift bag on it, tied at the handles with a bow. “And one more little present, but I’ll let you open this one.” He handed Mari the bag with a huge smile, his dimple showing proudly on his cheek.

Mari opened the bag carefully and pulled out a big white Alpaca plushie with a blue bow around its neck. She gasped a little and her eyes began to water. She hugged the alpaca to her chest and looked up at Yixing.

“You listen to me so well. I only ever briefly mentioned I’ve always wanted one of these.” She placed the alpaca doll down on her bed carefully and stood up and walked towards Yixing. She s her arms around his waist.

“This is all so wonderful and too much, Yixing. It feels so comforting. Like that feeling of home that lives inside your chest. Thank you. I love it all. You’re incredible.”

Yixing placed a kiss on the top of Mari’s head. “I will do anything in the world for you. If you want the moon, you got it.”

“Now that you mention it the moon does sound pretty nice.” Mari giggled as she rested her head into Yixing’s chest.

“Hmm. That might take me a while.” Yixing teased.

“Fine fine fine. I’ll settle for a star then.”



The time came too quickly for Yixing to head off to work, and Mari found herself wandering around the house once more, waiting patiently for midnight when Yixing said he’d be back home for their date.

It was 11:30 when she opened up her closet to pick out what to wear. Yixing had told her casual, but it was their first date after all so she wanted to look cute at the same time.

She settled for a white skirt and a black sweater and a black snapback that she wore backwards. It was a strange combination, but somehow it managed to look good. Cute, but casual. Just what she wanted.

She sat on her bed waiting patiently for Yixing to come in. Sure enough, just before midnight, he opened their door.

Mari’s face lit up. “How was work?” she asked standing to greet him.

“Same as always. You look cute.” He slung off his tux jacket and began to his white button up in search for something more comfortable. He changed into a tshirt and skinny jeans and walked over to grab Mari’s hand.

“Are you ready? Because I’m starving.” Mari nodded and they made their way into Yixing’s car.

They drove in relative silence, besides the radio playing softly in the background, both of them content with just holding each others hand.

Yixing pulled into a parking lot of a 24 hour diner.

“Like I said, I know our first date should be something fancy, but this is where me and the boys go when it’s late and we’re hungry. The food is great. So this is where we’re going first.” Yixing opened the door to the restaurant and seated them at a far back booth, letting Mari sit on the inside and scooting in beside her rather than in front of her,

“First?” Mari finally asked as he opened their menu.

Yixing nodded. “Yeah, we have one more stop after this. You don’t mind staying out late tonight do you?

“So long as I’m with you, I don’t mind at all.” Mari rest her head on Yixing’s shoulder as they flipped through the menu and Yixing could swear Mari could probably hear his heart beating inside his chest.

The waitress made her way over and Mari sat up.“Have you seen anything you want?” Yixing asked looking over at Mari.

“Yeah but, you’re totally going to think I’m childish.”

“I doubt that.” Yixing reassured.

Mari looked up at the waitress. “Chicken fingers with fries please.” She said sheepishly.

Yixing looked up at the waitress as well. “Make that two orders then.”

Mari looked over at Yixing when the waitress left. “You didn’t have to get the same thing as me.”

“I know, but if it made you feel embarrassed, I figured if I got the same thing too, you wouldn’t feel that way.” He nudged Mari with his shoulder and she giggled.

“You sure are something else.”

The two ate sitting as close together as possible and giggling, occasionally feeding each other fries or stealing sips from each others milkshakes they had later ordered.

“I loved getting to come here with you and having a late dinner. You’re such a fun date already.” Yixing booped Mari on the nose with his finger. “It’s nice to feel like this again. Getting to have fun with someone so special.”

Mari felt a smile creep across her face. “I’ve enjoyed myself a lot so far. Thank you.”

“Well we’re not done yet. Now we’re going for a drive. Just like I promised you. It’s a good night for one don’t you think?” He stood up taking her hand and waving the waitress goodbye before exiting the restaurant.

They sat back down in his car, and he rolled the windows down, and turned off the music.

It was a little after 1 am so the roads of the normally busy city were pretty bare with it being a week night, but they drove a bit further out, so now they were on country back roads.

Mari placed her hand on Yixing’s thigh as she leaned her head closer to the window. The moon was bright and the night was clear and dark so stars could be seen everywhere. The only sounds to be heard was the purr of the cars engine and night time bugs singing their midnight songs.

They had drove about 30 minutes out when Yixing pulled the car onto the side of the road.

Mari looked around hesitant. “Where are we? There’s nothing here.”

“Exactly.” Yixing opened her door and then retrieved a blanket from the back seat. “Things get in the way of stars, so it was best we come out here.” He lead her into the middle of the open grassy field and spread out the blanket for them to lay on.

Mari placed her head on Yixing’s chest and snuggled in close, Yixing’s hand immediately finding rest in hers.

He pointed towards the sky with his free hand. “See that star? That star is called ‘Mari.’”

Mari just laughed. “Get out of here. You’re making that up.”

“I’m not. Look.” Yixing drew a folded up piece of paper out of his pants pocket. “I have proof.” He lit the paper up with the light of his cell phone screen. “This document herby declares, that star RX972 is now name ‘Mari’ and can be located just below Orians Belt.”

He put the piece of paper and his phone away and looked over at Mari.

“How…how’d you do that?” She asked resting her chin on his chest to get a better look at him.

“There’s a place online where you can name a star after someone. You said you wanted a star, so here you go. It’s all yours. Forever and ever.”

Mari hummed lightly as a breeze blew. “This has been the most wonderful night, Yixing. Just simple yet fun and romantic, and just spending it with you. We’ve been together for all of 24 hours and you’ve already made me head over heels.” She traced circles on Yixing’s chest with her free hand. “I’m almost afraid to say this, because I don’t want you to think I’m crazy, but I’ve never felt like this about anyone before. This is all so new to me. I’ve never had anyone who wanted to do things with me, let alone for me. And here you are, Prince Charming on a white horse coming in to rescue me and giving me a star.”

Yixing sat up, resting on his elbows causing Mari to sit up as well.

“People will do anything and everything for someone they care for. And you’re that person for me.” He placed his thumb and fore finger under Mari’s chin and held her gaze. He could see the moonlight reflecting in her eyes, and it gave him chills the way she was looking up at him.

“You’re so beautiful.” Yixing whispered. He slowly moved his face in closer to Mari’s so their lips were nearly touching. He paused for a moment giving Mari the opportunity to move away if she wanted, but when he saw her eyes closed, he leaned in the rest of the distance and pressed their lips together tenderly.

Yixing felt his breath catch in his lungs when he felt her lips moving slowly against his continuing the kiss further. It was everything he had dreamed of. Her lips were soft and sweet, leaving the most lovely of kisses onto his own lips.

His hand moved from her chin and held the back of her neck, fingers slightly tangling into the hair on the nape of her neck.

Mari moved closer, setting herself on Yixing’s lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. The kiss stayed soft and slow despite the longevity of it, both of them enjoying the touch of one another they had craved for so long.

They pulled away, after Yixing going in for one last soft peck, and broke out into the biggest grins. Mari laughed and threw her hands back around Yixing’s neck pressing hard into his body rocking him back onto his back on the blanket. She buried her face into his neck giggling and he held on to her tightly as they both laughed out of happiness.

Yixing sat them up and tucked a stray chunk of hair out of Mari’s face. “What do you say we head back home? It’s getting pretty late into the night. We can go try out your new bed set. Stay under the covers all night giving kisses and telling each other little things.”

Mari nodded and they walked back to the car, enjoying the drive back.

When they arrived home, they walked in quietly, trying not to giggle at one anothers clumsiness in the dark. They were so wrapped up in each other, they didn’t even notice Minseok reading quietly on the couch who just smiled to himself as they passed by ‘shushing’ each other and tip toeing upstairs.

In their bedroom they changed quickly into something comfy and snuggled up under the blankets doing just as Yixing had promised; whispering little things to one another and sharing kisses until they both could no longer keep their eyes open. 

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Chapter 4: The fluff ♡
Chapter 3: Awww so fluffy! dang it I wanna cuddle now! You made it sound so endearing!
Chapter 2: Imma just comment on each chapter XD
No joke I want Minseok to make me coffee and let me fall asleep on his lap!
Chapter 1: Oh my glob! This! This is precious! And it's only the first chapter!
lilnugget #5
Chapter 8: Does Taemin the cat go woof woof, too?
I agree with lay. Babies can be hella cute. But imma laugh when his plan on seeing her walk back and forth trying to soothe it turns into yixing walking back and forth trying to soothe it while Mira sleeps soundlessly. Mwahahaha.
lilnugget #6
Chapter 7: Aww so cute. Finally. I soooo didn't think the gift lay was getting her was a pole installed in the bedroom. Totally not. Pfft. But that sekai. I started shipping it after they both dragged her off together. Lay is layte sometimes (see what I did there)
But like Kai, FINALLY they are together. Now I can gawk at them in the next chapter
I would like to donate holy water to the walk in foundation for unsuspecting people walking in on ual activities. Like d.o. Unless the holy sebooty was enough
lilnugget #7
Chapter 5: Here we go. Now the wonderful pros of being an ex stripper are in full view. You are out of the most phase most people assume stripers are in, but you get to keep all of the sensual dancing you learned. That's always nice. When it said Jongin wanted to learn the part in the middle, I immediately thought of the part when they do the one second twerk break. Hehe
lilnugget #8
Chapter 3: I want cuddles from lay. She says they are warm..i...i just want to test that out. For myself.yeah. That's all. There definitely isn't a hidden reason. None at all. But...i wear my seasonal stuff all the time. I wore my grinch Christmas shirt all through summer and these past few months of the school year. Dont even get me into my favorite underwear set with ghosts and stuff all over it
lilnugget #9
Chapter 2: Awww. Lay is so cute. He is jealous of xiumin getting to cuddle with her. It's okay, lay. He had to comfort her since she said some things that made her upset. She will tell you soon.
* pats lay until he dozes off*
Aww cute. Mmhmm. Now should she be jealous? This is pretty much what they did. Tsk. You adorable little nugget
lilnugget #10
Chapter 1: Ooooo cute. I was a little heart broken at the absence of lulu and Kris, but I guess the little details make it that much more realistic, no? It takes away the cliche feeling most "realistic" stories have when they have ot12 and they all get along, I guess. But, hehe, don't tell Luhan somebody was on his bed. He'll freak