
Please Don't Hurt Me

A/N: This chapter is I'm so sorry. But I wanted to update this chapter so i can get the plot moving and (probably) wrap this story up in the next two or three chapters (not including the probably filled epilogue. if you guys want that, that is)


“Mari, I have today off, why don’t we go shopping? Not that I mind, but I’m sure you’re tired of wearing my tshirts and sweatpants constantly.” Yixing was standing in front of the mirror fiddling around with his hair. Mari looked up and a blush spread across her cheeks.

“I uh…I don’t exactly have any money. I was waiting to heal up so I could go find a new job soon. I imagine I don’t have my old one anymore since I haven’t called or showed up for over a week.” Not that she would go back to her old job anyways. She wanted to put that job memory far behind her. She was looking forward to something more normal like a waitress or a barista.

Yixing turned around to face Mari. “No worries. It’s on me. And we’ll take Junmyeon along too. He loves shopping and spoils us all anyways. I’m sure he will you too.”

Mari felt a little embarrassed, but she did need some normal clothes. Especially if she was going to find a job. “I would feel bad if I let you do that for me. I can just sneak back to my old house when Yungwoo is away and grab some stuff from there.”

“And risk letting him find you? Not a chance in the world. We’re going shopping for you today and that is final.” Mari could tell by the tone of his voice, that Yixing was serious. She’d let him help her this far, why not just a little more.

She sighed heavily trying to get rid of the somewhat guilty feeling in her chest. “I don’t have much say in this do I?” Yixing just shakes his head. “Alright. Thank you. I really really appreciate it.”

Yixing just flashed her his million dollar smile. “Your jeans you had on the night you got here are washed and on my dresser. There’s a rip in the knee, but throw on one of my white v necks and a leather jacket from Baekhyuns closet, and it’s fashion!” He walked over and placed the fresh clothes on her bed.

“Yixing it’s wayyy too hot for a leather jacket. I think I can manage with not being fashion forward for a few hours. I think I can rock some ripped jeans a tshirt for a while. Unless you just can’t possibly be seen with someone like me who isn’t dressed to the nines at all times!” Mari threw the back of her hand to her forehead and closed her eyes and gasped dramatically before fake fainting onto her bed, her giggles reverberating through the room.

She laid there for a few seconds, eyes still closed, until she felt the bed dip around her. She opened her eyes to see Yixing on all fours around her body, caging her in. Her gasp this time was much more quiet and very real.

“Oh so now I’m dramatic huh?” Lay widened his eyes comically, his voice playful. Mari couldn’t help but giggle again. “Oh! And it’s funny now too!?” His voice became more and more exaggerated with every word. “I’ll give you something to laugh about!”

Sitting up slightly and removing his hands from the side of Mari’s head, he reached them down slowly and pressed them gently into her sides. He looked down and smirked before squeezing his hands and wiggling his fingers, successful in tickling Mari.

“Oh god Yixing noooo!” Mari howled in between laughs. She wiggled and wiggled all she could beneath him but it was no use. His hands rendered her helpless.

“You’re ticklish. That’s so cute.” Yixing said. He couldn’t help but to laugh as well. The sight of Mari crinkling up her nose and shutting her eyes tight, face flushed with laughter was probably the most joyful sight Yixing had ever seen in his life.

When he felt like Mari had had enough, he stopped to let her catch her breath. She wiped a stray tear from her cheek that had fallen from laughing too hard. “Yixing, I swear.”

She was stopped when Yixing abruptly resumed his position with his hands on either side of her head, this time maybe just a tad closer than the last. His face was incredibly close to hers, their noses nearly touching, and Mari wasn’t sure if the heat in her cheeks was from the laughter still or from him being so close.

“And to answer your question earlier, I could be seen with you even if you were wearing just a trash bag. So that’s definitely not the case. I just want you to be comfortable.” Yixing gave her one last smile and decided it would probably be best for him to get up right now because if he stayed in that position any longer, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to control himself and not give in and kiss her with all he had.

He got up slowly and walked towards the door, Mari now rolled over on her stomach on the bed to watch him leave. “I’ll be downstairs in the kitchen waiting. When you’re dressed we can go. Okay?” Mari could only nod at the perfection of a human being standing in the doorway. When he left, she laid still for a few minutes to calm herself and her racing heart before getting dressed and ready to go.

She made her way downstairs and into the kitchen where Yixing was sitting at the bar with a blonde man.

“Mari, I’m Junmyeon. It’s nice to finally meet you.” He extended his hand which Mari took and shook it gently. She was a bit nervous since she had never met him before, but his genuine smile and bright eyes seemed to ease those nerves a bit. “I’m glad you’re healed up well! We all are. We were worried about you, you know.”

“Thank you. And I’m sorry to have worried anyone. I didn’t mean it.” Mari said graciously. She was a bit shocked to hear people were worried about her. People that she didn’t even truly know at that!

“It’s nothing to be sorry about. But let’s go on and get started with our day, huh? We have a lot of places we’d like to take you!” Junmyeon stood up and grabbed his car keys, and placed a hand on Mari’s shoulder to guide her out of the door and into his car.

The drive took a little over half an hour because Junmyeon swears the best shops are in the next town over. It didn’t seem too long though, and Mari just enjoyed listening to the two upfront talk to one another and the cool air conditioning against her skin.

Occasionally a song Yixing really liked would come on the radio and he would turn it up slightly and sing along. Mari would catch herself singing along quietly, and Yixing would turn around in his seat to smile at her, which would make Mari stop singing immediately and press her lips together out of embarrassment.

They arrived a little later at a very large shopping strip. “Oh wow.” Mari said under her breath as she got out of the car, thank to a gentleman Yixing who opened her door for her.

“See! I told you the best ones were here. Now let’s get started!” Junmyeon said eagerly. Junmyeon’s excitement was certainly contagious, and Mari found herself laughing as Yixing grabbed her hand to drag her along after Junmyeon to the first store.

Inside the building was shelf after shelf and rack after rack lined with clothes Mari would have never dreamed she would wear.

“See anything you like yet?” Yixing asked, leaning his head down a bit so his mouth was closer to Mari’s ear. Letting go of his hand, she nodded and walked over to a mannequin that had caught her eye. It was dressed in a light denim button up shirt and white capri’s.

“This. I really like this.” She said as she touched the sleeve of the shirt.

“Is style exclusively the only look you like?” Yixing asked as he looked on the rack for the outfit she had mentioned was of her liking.

Mari shook her head. “No. I certainly like it. But growing up I was always interested in fashion so I like lot’s of different styles. Preppy, girly, punk, rocker, or just plain different. You name it, I’ll probably wear it.”

Yixing hummed in response. He held up the shirt he was looking for and held it up to Mari. “Good. So I shouldn’t have any trouble buying you clothes in the future then, huh?”

“In the future?”

“Of course. You’re going to be staying with us right. So like on your birthday or Christmas, or just because I want to.” He handed the complete outfit to Mari. “But let’s face it, I don’t even think the most grand of ball gowns money could buy would look better than you in my sweat pants and tshirt. Luckily you don’t have to choose comfort over beauty.”

Mari couldn’t help but smile at what Yixing was saying. She went to hide her smile with her hand, but remembered Yixing had told her not to. “You’re being awfully kind to me and paying me a lot of compliments today.”

“Like I said before, you deserve it. And I mean every word.”

There it was again. That face he was making at her. The one where he pouts his lips out and twitches them upward slightly and his eyes narrow like he’s trying to say so much with them. The face that made her want to jump right into his arms and never ever leave and let him take her away from the evil of the world.

“Yixing I-“

Just then Junmyeon came barging in with his arms full of fabrics of different textures and patterns and colors. “Mari I picked out a bunch of things! I hope you don’t mind. This will help us get a feel for what you like and not. Lets go have you try them on!” Junmyeon dumped all the clothes into Yixing’s hand and grabbed Mari with his and sped her down the aisles of clothes to the fitting rooms.

Yixing furrowed his brows together. “I wish he’d stop touching her. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken him with us.”


Many outfits, and many stores later, the three were sat down at a café with more shopping bags than any three people should have. Now they were settled down at a corner table in the back of the small shop sipping on iced coffees or munching on goodies.

“I really can’t thank you both enough. It’s been such an incredible day, and you were much much too generous.” She gestured towards all the different bags at their feet.

“It’s hard to say no when everything looks good on you.” Yixing said handing her his muffin for a bite. Yixing knew Mari had a sweet tooth, so whenever he had a sweet, he always shared it with her.

“Anytime Mari. You’re our friend. Part of our little family now.”  Junmyeon replied with a gentle smile on his face.

Mari could feel her eyes water at Junmyeon calling her part of the family. It was so nice to hear and it made her heart swell up, but she knew she couldn’t let herself cry in front of them without having to explain her home life as a child and how she wouldn’t have even called it a family.

Unable to hold in her tears, she excused herself from the table. “I need to go outside for a second, I’ll be back in just a minute.”

She stepped outside the café before she let the first tear slip down he cheek. These weren’t tears of sadness or frustration, but they were tears of happiness. Joy. And even a bit of love. The more she spent time with Yixing and any of the other boys, she felt herself grow more and more attached and she felt more at ease and more normal.

She took a couple of steps past the building and chuckled to herself at how silly she must look smiling and crying alone.

When she took a couple more steps and was standing in front of the alley way beside the café, she felt a hand grasp her wrist and pull her harshly. Before she could scream, a hand was slapped across , gripping her cheeks.

“Well well well. Look who it is.” Mari’s eyes welled up for a much different reason this time. Fear. She knew exactly who that poisonous voice belonged to.

“If it isn’t my runaway girlfriend.” She was spun around and was met face to face with Yungwoo, he EX-boyfriend she ran away from a little over a week ago. He gripped tightly at her shirt with both his fists. “Don’t try to scream. Because if you do, I’ll knock you out so hard you won’t remember your name when you wake up.”

Mari struggled against his grip. “I’m NOT your girlfriend anymore.” She spat. “I had enough of you. I decided I wasn’t going to deal with your bull anymore! You’re disgusting, and mean, and you need help!”

A hand was slapped hard against Mari’s cheek shutting her up and instantly turning bright red and swelling up.

“Listen here, .” Yungwoo began. But before he could finish, Mari saw a punch land straight onto Yungwoo’s cheek making him release the grip he had onto her. She stumbled backwards, but she felt arms wrap around her waist to steady her. She gasped at the unfamiliar embrace.

“Shhh. Mari it’s just me Junmyeon. I’ve got you.” She turned her head to the side and in fact it was Junmyeon who was holding on to her.

“So that means…” She looked over to where she had stumbled from. There, she saw Yixing with Yungwoo pinned up against the alley wall.

“Who are these dickheads, Mari?”Yungwoo asked. “I bet you went around sleeping with these guys every night you little . Is this why you left me?”

“Shut up!” Yixing yelled, knocking Yungwoo’s head against the brick.

“Look at you, pretty boy. Defending this little . Don’t let her fool you. Little that one is. How much is she charging you, eh?” Yungwoo shot a look at Mari who was now trembling, but no tears were spilling down her cheeks anymore.

Before he could say another word, Yixing landed another blow straight to his face. “Don’t you EVER speak about Mari like that ever again. No wonder she left you. You’re a pig!” He pulled him off the wall, slamming him back into hit hard enough to knock the breath out of him. Blood began to trickle from behind his ear. “You’re disgusting. You didn’t deserve someone like her. Now leave. And if I so much as catch you in my sight again, I can guarantee you won’t be around to see the outside world ever again if I don’t take care of you myself first.”

Yixing had his teeth gritted and his eyes showed no signs of mercy. However, this didn’t scare Mari. Strangely enough, it made her feel safer. Yungwoo scrambled off into a random direction and Yixing turned back to Mari who was still trembling in Junmyeon’s arms.

“Junmyeon leave. Go get her things and get the car. I’ve got her.” Yixing pushed Junmyeon away from Mari and took her directly into his arms. She pressed herself close into his chest and finally began wailing.

“I didn’t sleep around! I don’t do that! I promise Yixing! I’m not like that!” she cried hysterically into Yixing’s chest, afraid Yungwoo’s false accusations would scare him away.

“Mari shhhh. It’s okay. I know you don’t. He was just being rude. I’m so sorry. I’m so so so sorry. I shouldn’t have let you out of my sight for so long.” He began to Mari’s hair as the sobs continued to wreck through Mari’s body. “I’m sorry I let him hurt you again. I feel like I failed at protecting you.” Yixing felt his heart break the more Mari cried.

“You didn’t fail.” She said through choked sobs. “You protected me so well. You’re so brave, Yixing.” Mari felt he knees give out, but strong arms were lifting her up before she could hit the ground.

“I got you.” Yixing said lifting her off the ground and cradling her in his arms. “The car is here. Let’s get you home.”

Junmyeon bolted out of the drivers seat. “Is she okay!?” he asked in a panic.

“She’s fine. Just open the back door. We’re going home.”

Junmyeon opened the back door like he was told and Yixing slid in with Mari still in his arms. He wasn’t going to let her go. Not for the rest of the night. And he’d be damned if he let her out of his sight. He looked down at Mari who’s head was curled up against his chest. Her tears were silent, but they still flowed in a steady stream down her face. Yixing brushed one away with his thumb.

“It’s alright now. We’re going home. I’ve got you.”

The rest of the car ride home was silent spare for Yixing’s soft soothing words, and every now and then a sniffle from Mari. Then they arrived home, he carried her into the house and up the stairs into their bedroom. He laid her down in her bed and sat right next to her.

“Mari.” He started gently. “How about I run you a bath and you can soak for a while? It’s been a long day, and right now I think you should just relax.” Mari didn’t say anything. She just looked up at him and nodded weakly.

Yixing gave a small smile and ran a hand down from the top of her head to her cheek. “Alright. I’ll be right back.”

But Mari whimpered when he left her side. “Yixing no. Don’t leave me alone.” She sat up and grabbed his wrist before picking herself up off the bed and standing beside him. He s an arm around her waist and immediately she pressed herself into his chest. He pulled her head up so she was looking at him when he heard her start to cry once more.

“Hey, hey. Don’t cry. I won’t leave you alone okay?” His words were as soothing as always and Mari wondered how he didn’t get frustrated with her crying all the time. He grabbed her hand in his and led her slowly to the bathroom.

He sat her down on the counter as he ran a warm bath and filled it with one of the girly scented bath gels they had bought today (which Junmyeon must have put away in their bathroom already) for lots of sweet smelling bubbles.

When the bath was filled and full of bubbles he shut off the water and turned around to face Mari. “I imagine you would like some privacy.” He stated, turning a bit red in the face.

Mari looked downward at her feet. “A-actually. I was going to see if you could stay in here with me. The bubbles will keep me covered up. But if it makes you uncomfortable, then you can leave I suppose.”

Yixing was fully red in the face now, and he was for the first time, glad Mari wasn’t looking at him. He took a breath to regain his composure. “I would only be uncomfortable if it made you uncomfortable, Mari.”

Mari just shook her head. “Just, turn around for a bit while I get undressed and get into the water is all.” She said quietly.

Yixing nodded and turned his body towards the door and away from the mirror, respecting Mari’s privacy.

“Alright. You can turn around now.” He heard her say.

 He did so, and walked over towards the little radio on the counter and the CD players before settling down on the floor beside the tub. Soft light music filled the air. Yixing placed his hands on the side of the tub and rested his chin on them. He began to sing along to whatever was playing quietly. He closed his eyes enjoying the peaceful moment until he heard another voice sing along too.

He looked up slowly to see Mari singing with him. She looked down at him, and for the first time, didn’t stop her singing when he recognized her voice. Yixing couldn’t stop the huge grin that was plastering itself across his face.

Mari began to laugh through the lyrics as she saw him beaming up so cartoon like up at her. “What are you smiling so hard at?”

“You. You have such a beautiful voice. And you’ve finally let me hear it. It took my breath away.”

Mari couldn’t help but laugh again. “You can’t be serious. You’re a professional singer.”

“Exactly. I’m a professional. So I know a good singer when I hear one. And you, Mari, have a lovely voice. You should sing with me some more. Please.” Yixing was giving her puppy eyes at this point. How could she possibly say no to that?

“Okay, okay. I will sing with you more some time.” She gave up her protest.

“Promise?” Yixing asked holding out his pink finger.

Mari took his extended finger with her own. “I promise.”


It was a little while later after a nice soak in the tub filled with songs and fun conversations, Mari and Yixing were curled back up in her bed. Mari clad in a pair of new pajamas, and Yixing in a pair of his own.

“You know, I was going to let you pick your favorite new outfit and take you out for dinner tonight. It’s been a long day, but we can still go if you’d like.” Yixing said turning his face more towards Mari’s.

She shook her head. “It sounds tempting. But I’m comfortable like this right here.”

“Me too. So how about, we save that idea for another night soon, and we order in tonight? Have a night in our pajamas. Eat your favorite foods. Watch movies or play video games or videos on youtube. We can do whatever you want.” Yixing sat up and reached for his phone on the night stand. “What do you say?”

“Sounds perfect. You always have the best ideas.” Mari said repositioning herself to stare at the screen of take out places nearby Yixing has pulled up.

“Only because I want whatever is best for you.”

As they stayed there all night laughing and carrying on, and forgetting about all the bad things that happened that day, Mari couldn’t help to think how badly she wanted more and more nights like that. How she wanted to be able to call Yixing her own and kiss him and have date nights with him. She could only hope he wanted the same things as her.

Her head was laid in his lap as he fed her chocolate covered strawberries they had ordered for dessert when Yixing finally spoke up.

“Mari.” He sounded nervous. “I’m sorry about today. Again. I really shouldn’t have left you alone. But you said you wanted a moment to yourself, and I wanted to respect that. But I feel so horrible for letting him lay his hands on you. I promised I’d keep you safe and I didn’t.”

Mari sat up and placed both her hand on Yixing’s cheeks.

“Yixing-ah. You didn’t know he was going to be there. None of us did. And you DID keep me safe. You came to my rescue. Again. And there’s no way I’ll ever be able to repay you or thank you enough. But please know that I am forever grateful for you and all you have done. So please don’t be sorry.”

Yixing nodded he head and Mari flashed him a cheeky grin of reassurance.

“Now, how about we play some Mario Kart.”

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Chapter 4: The fluff ♡
Chapter 3: Awww so fluffy! dang it I wanna cuddle now! You made it sound so endearing!
Chapter 2: Imma just comment on each chapter XD
No joke I want Minseok to make me coffee and let me fall asleep on his lap!
Chapter 1: Oh my glob! This! This is precious! And it's only the first chapter!
lilnugget #5
Chapter 8: Does Taemin the cat go woof woof, too?
I agree with lay. Babies can be hella cute. But imma laugh when his plan on seeing her walk back and forth trying to soothe it turns into yixing walking back and forth trying to soothe it while Mira sleeps soundlessly. Mwahahaha.
lilnugget #6
Chapter 7: Aww so cute. Finally. I soooo didn't think the gift lay was getting her was a pole installed in the bedroom. Totally not. Pfft. But that sekai. I started shipping it after they both dragged her off together. Lay is layte sometimes (see what I did there)
But like Kai, FINALLY they are together. Now I can gawk at them in the next chapter
I would like to donate holy water to the walk in foundation for unsuspecting people walking in on ual activities. Like d.o. Unless the holy sebooty was enough
lilnugget #7
Chapter 5: Here we go. Now the wonderful pros of being an ex stripper are in full view. You are out of the most phase most people assume stripers are in, but you get to keep all of the sensual dancing you learned. That's always nice. When it said Jongin wanted to learn the part in the middle, I immediately thought of the part when they do the one second twerk break. Hehe
lilnugget #8
Chapter 3: I want cuddles from lay. She says they are warm..i...i just want to test that out. For myself.yeah. That's all. There definitely isn't a hidden reason. None at all. But...i wear my seasonal stuff all the time. I wore my grinch Christmas shirt all through summer and these past few months of the school year. Dont even get me into my favorite underwear set with ghosts and stuff all over it
lilnugget #9
Chapter 2: Awww. Lay is so cute. He is jealous of xiumin getting to cuddle with her. It's okay, lay. He had to comfort her since she said some things that made her upset. She will tell you soon.
* pats lay until he dozes off*
Aww cute. Mmhmm. Now should she be jealous? This is pretty much what they did. Tsk. You adorable little nugget
lilnugget #10
Chapter 1: Ooooo cute. I was a little heart broken at the absence of lulu and Kris, but I guess the little details make it that much more realistic, no? It takes away the cliche feeling most "realistic" stories have when they have ot12 and they all get along, I guess. But, hehe, don't tell Luhan somebody was on his bed. He'll freak