Chapter 5

Is That All You Got?

~~~~~1 year later~~~~~

"And cut! That's a wrap everyone, good job!" The director yelled with a smile on his face. Jihyun bowed to all the production team with a grin before walking off set. Today was the last day of filming for her first music video. It was for a song she wrote herself, in fact she had written the whole mini album with the exception of getting some help and advice from her seniors.

"Jihyun!" Jihyun heard to her right. She turned and saw Mary standing and waving to her. Jihyun grinned again, waving back before jogging over. "You looked fantastic!" Mary said as she hugged her friend. 

"Aww, thanks! And thanks for coming to see me!" Jihyun smiled as they pulled away.

"Of course I would come, what do you take me for, Jihyun? A terrible best friend?" Mary joked as she poked Jihyun in the ribs.

Jihyun laughed and swatted her hand away. "Okay, okay. So you wanna go get some coffee? I have about three hours of free time before yet another photoshoot." She said with a sigh. 

"Sure! Hurry and go change, I'll wait here." Mary said, shooing Jihyun towards the dressing rooms.

Jihyun hurried and got changed into skinny jeans, a graphic tee, and converse. She then washed the massive amounts of makeup on her face, replacing it with more natural looking makeup. Once she finished, Jihyun grabbed her purse off of the small loveseat in the room before running out the door and back to her friend. "Ready!"

Mary looked surprised. "That was strangely fast... you have some kind of super-human power..." She eyed Jihyun suspiciously.

Jihyun laughed and turned her friend to the door, pushing her towards it. "Come on, let's go."

They walked to the coffee shop and ordered their drinks before sitting at a small table in the back. "So how's filming?" Mary asked as they sat down.

Jihyun sighed. "Stressful. But good. The team was great, they're all so nice and work really well but that also meant they're perfectionists so I had to do so many scenes. It's taken us days to get this done. It's hard but I'm still happy because at least I know that it's going to be good. I hope people like it..." Jihyun rambled on, letting all the thoughts that had been running through her mind spill out. She sighed when she finished. 

Mary chuckled at her friend. "I'm sure it's gonna be great. And there's no way that people aren't going to love it. Just from what I watched today I can tell it'll be awesome." She smiled.

Jihyun returned the smile. "Thanks, Mary. Speaking of which, how's the group doing?" She asked, taking a sip of her drink. 

"Great! Minhee just finished writing our second song. We'll hopefully debut before the end of the year!" Mary said with excitement seeping from her voice.

"That's great, Mary! You guys are super talented, you deserve it." Jihyun told her with a smile.

"Aww thanks. So how are the boys doing? I haven't seen them since the last time all of us hung out." Mary said as she stirred her drink with the straw.

Jihyun chuckled and shook her head. "They're good. Annoying as always, but good. They're getting ready to put out another album in about a month. I got a sneak peek at the title track and dance and I think it's gonna be pretty great." She told Mary and sighed. "They're working really hard. A little too hard. I think they're getting tired."

Mary nodded and sighed as well. "Yeah but I guess that's the life of an idol, right? Poor guys... but we'll being going through that soon too." She pointed out.

Jihyun nodded in agreement and they sat in silence for a few minutes. Mary finished her drink and slammed the empty cup on the table, surprising Jihyun. "Here's an idea. Let's go visit them! And let's bring coffee! Because they're probably practicing right now, right?" Mary suggested with a smile. "That'll cheer them up!"

Jihyun grinned at her best friend. "That's a great idea!" She quickly finished the last of her drink before getting up with Mary and heading up to the counter to order the boys' drinks. Once the orders were complete, the girls headed out of the coffee shop and flagged down a cab to take them to the Big Hit building. They arrived and headed inside, going straight to the boys' usual practice room. Jihyun didn't even bother knocking as she heard the music from outside the door but was careful and quiet when they went in, as to not disturb the practice. A couple of the boys noticed and glanced at them through the mirror and offered a smile before focusing back on dancing. Finally, the song was over and they turned to greet the girls. 

"JIHYUN, MARY." J-Hope yelled as he walked over to them with a smile on his face.

"HOSEOK, J-HOPE." Jihyun yelled back, offering him a coffee.

"Touché." He replied, squinting at Jihyun as he took the coffee.

Jihyun squinted back before turning to Jin with a smile. "Coffee?" She offered.

Jin smiled cutely. "Yes, please. Thank you for bringing all this for us!" He said taking a cup. 

"It was no problem for my favorite oppas. And Jungkook." Jihyun said with a smile, earning a glare from Jungkook. 

"I WILL NEVER CALL YOU NOONA!" He shouted. It was a running thing with the two. Jihyun would torture Jungkook, trying to get him to call her noona but he always refused, saying that she was only older by a few months so it didn't count.

Mary flicked Jungkook's forehead. "Hey, That's no way to talk to your noona." She scolded him jokingly. Jungkook grumbled at the two girls as he took his coffee and went to sit in a corner and sulk. Jihyun laughed at him and he stuck his tongue out at her.

"So how's practice going?" Jihyun asked as she handed the last coffee to V who grinned at her with his rectangle smile (A/N: gosh I love his precious smile. Fair warning: I'll probably talk about it a lot.)

"Really good, but it would be better if these fools could keep up with my rad dancing." Namjoon said as he rolled his eyes and took a sip of his coffee, hissing as it burned his tongue. Everyone in the room laughed as he stared at his coffee with a look of betrayal on his face.

"WAIT." Jungkook suddenly yelled, causing everyone to look at him. He ran up to Jihyun and grabbed her shoulders, shaking her a bit. "Didn't you finish filming for your first music video today!?" He asked with a huge smile. Jihyun laughed at him and nodded. Jungkook let go of her as the others called out congratulations and questions about it. 

"Alright, alright. Calm down. The filming was great and I think this music video is going to rock. The production team is very thorough." She said with a smile. Everyone cheered and the boys gave her a pat on the back. 

"When you officially debut, we're all going out to eat together, our treat! Just like when we debuted!" Namjoon announced and the others cheered in agreement. Jihyun grinned at them as Jimin threw his arm over her shoulder with a smile.

They joked around and talked until Jihyun had to leave for her photoshoot. She waved bye to the boys as she and Mary left since Mary also had a schedule to get to. She left to go to another practice room where her group was meeting and Jihyun headed out to the company car that was taking her to the photoshoot site.

Youngsuk greeted her as she got into the van. "You ready for the shoot?" He asked her with a smile.

Jihyun smiled back and nodded. "Yup! It's going to be easy, just like every other photoshoot I've done!" She said, mostly trying to calm her own nerves. She honestly was nervous and she probably would be nervous before anything she did now that she was so close to debuting, at least at first. Once she became more comfortable in the spotlight her nerves would probably be less bothersome than now.

They arrived and went inside to the dressing room. Jihyun greeted the makeup artists and stylists with a bow before they began to get her ready. Dressing her up and doing her hair and makeup. After a little while of getting prepared, she was sent out to the set to begin the shoot. She was dressed in all white, pants and a shirt that pretty much just covered her s as it revealed her toned stomach and had no sleeves. Over that she wore a white, quarter sleeve suit jacket with white platform pumps for shoes. Her hair was pretty much normal but slightly teased as it was too short to do a whole lot with it. The set was rather plain as the background was all black with a stack of large black boxes in front, probably for posing on. Jihyun thought the idea of wearing an all white outfit on an all black set was a clever idea to allow her to stand out from the set.

"Wow, our Jihyun looks all grown up!" Youngsuk teased Jihyun, earning a playful glare from her.

"Alright! Let's get started!" The photographer announced. Jihyun waved to Youngsuk and he gave her an encouraging thumbs up as she wobbled onto the set. She turned and bowed to the photographer before getting started.

Jihyun spent probably about twenty minutes posing before they took a break. She sighed and trudged off the set. She walked up to Youngsuk and pouted. "Youngsuk, these shoes hurt." She whined

Youngsuk laughed at her attempt to be cute. "Really now? Well then it's a good thing I'm not wearing them."

Jihyun scowled at him until he offered her a water bottle which she gratefully took. Someone entered the studio but Jihyun paid them no mind as people were always walking in. That is until she felt the atmosphere of the room change. She heard the female staff members whispering and giggling to each other. Jihyun stopped drinking her water and looked to see who it was who had entered the room. She nearly choked on her water when she saw Yeo Jin Goo standing mere feet away from her, looking around the set. The Seo Jin Goo. Jihyun stared in awe until he spotted her, giving a small bow with a slight smile on his face as he realized she was staring at him. Jihyun snapped out of her daze and quickly returned the bow. She quickly turned her head to Youngsuk and stared at him wide-eyed. He's been standing there trying not to laugh.

"I think I forgot to mention that part of the photoshoot was a couple shoot." He shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck with an awkward smile. 




Uggghhhhh my Jin Goo feels! Anyway, what's a fanfiction without choking on water and a little awkward staring? Not a fanfiction, that's what it is. Lol, thanks for the love and support guys! I got to write a long one tonight because the ideas just kept coming! And let me tell you, I love Seo Jin Goo and I am very proud of myself for getting him in this story. And both he and Jihyun were born in the same year, what a coincidence! 

Please comment, subscribe, and upvote! Honestly, it's not for the sake of having them, getting them just encourages me to write more because it shows that people are actually reading this! THANK YOU GUYS!

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dawii-chan #1
Chapter 16: I'm glad you are continuing this stoy it's great! Keep up the good work:)<33
Killerkhaos #2
Chapter 12: Thanks for the update!! Hope to read more soon!
Killerkhaos #3
Chapter 11: Interesting story! Can't wait to read more!
moegagirl #4
Chapter 9: Hey ! I definitely want to be able to read more of this story. I like the character and the picture of her.
Sakurakilari1 #5
Chapter 9: Hello to you too ! I only found out about this story recently and i do like it ^^ so yes if it is okay i would love to read more chapters authornim =D
TeaCow156 #6
Chapter 6: That gif is very slightly terrifying.
TeaCow156 #8
Chapter 5: I think you could do a mix, depending on the character that is speaking
TeaCow156 #9
Chapter 3: I really like your story and I hope you're ok, get well soon!
TeaCow156 #10
Chapter 2: Get well soon Author-nim