Chapter 10

Is That All You Got?

Jihyun sighed as she stared down at her dangling feet. She sat on a swing in a park she had somehow come across in her mindless wandering. What did I do wrong? How am I supposed to fix things if they don't even give me a chance? These and many other similar thoughts flooded Jihyun's mind. Before she knew it, clouds began to fill the sky as the sun was going down. She noticed the sudden change in lighting and looked up just as it began to rain. Jihyun chuckled a bit. "How cliche.." she muttered to herself. 

As the rain poured over her head, she decided to get up and head home. She wandered a bit down the street before looking up at the scenery around her. "Crap..." she mumbled as she realized that she had absolutely no idea where she was. She then looked down to turn on her phone only to find it dead. "Wow, could this become anymore like a cliche k-drama moment?" Jihyun probably would have laughed if the situation wasn't a bit scary to her. She walked down the block a little more and decided to go into a small, warm looking restaurant.

When Jihyun entered, the only people there were a few high school students eating in the back corner and the elderly couple who owned the small shop. Jihyun took a seat at a booth near the window as the old woman came up to her. 

"Oh, dear, would you like something to warm you up?" She asked kindly.

"I actually don't have any money with me... I was hoping that you maybe had a phone I could use? Mine is dead..." Jihyun looked down and twiddled her thumbs.

"Of course, dear! We have a phone in the kitchen, that should give you some privacy." The woman helped Jihyun up and lead her to the kitchen where there was a corded phone attached to the wall.

Jihyun smiled a bit. "Haven't seen one of these in a while..." She pushed her sentiment back and picked up the phone, dialling the only phone number she had actually memorized.

After a few rings, Jihyun heard, "hello?" Namjoon had answered on the other end.

That whole time, from hearing the news of being kicked out of the company until that moment, Jihyun had contained her tears. Really, she had felt to empty to cry at all, even if she wanted to. Even so, at the sound of Namjoon's voice, she broke into sobs. Jihyun slowly sank to the floor as she covered , trying to keep herself quiet so that she would not be heard by the people in the main part of the restaurant. 

"Jihyun? Jihyun, is that you? Where are you?" Jihyun heard a few people in the background call "Jihyun?" "Is it really her?" but Namjoon ignored them and kept trying to talk to Jihyun. "We'll come and get you but you need to tell us where you are. Jesus, Jihyun, we were worried sick..." Jihyun could hear the worry in Namjoon's voice which just wrenched her heart even more.

After a minute of Namjoon attempting to sooth her, Jihyun finally calmed down enough to tell him the general area she was in. She, of course, didn't actually know exactly where she was but she had been aware enough to take note of her surroundings before entering the restaurant.

Namjoon assured Jihyun that they were immediately leaving with her manager to come get her but told her he had to hang up to be sure that everyone was ready and in the van. Jihyun told him she would be fine and said goodbye before hanging up. Jihyun sat on the floor for a minute, calming herself and wiping her eyes before she got up and walked out of the kitchen.

She expected sympathetic looks from the people in the restaurant but the high school students were already gone and the old woman set a bowl of soup in front of her as soon as she sat down. "It's on the house, dear. Wouldn't want you catching a cold!" She said with a smile.

Jihyun thanked her, giving her a weak smile in return before sipping the soup a bit. However, within a few minutes, her crying and the rainy weather caught up to her and she fell asleep while leaning on the table before she was able to finish the soup. 

When the boys and Youngsuk arrived looking worried, the old woman immediately knew who they were there for and pointed to the booth that Jihyun sat at. Taehyung walked over and lifter her up bridal style and took her out to the car as Youngsuk insisted he pay the kind woman for her generosity. 

Soon, they were on the road headed home with Jihyun peacefully sleeping as she leaned against Taehyung. The boys glanced at her multiple times with worried looks, unsure of what would happen next. 



Short chapter, a bit of a filler, but I wanted to get some more content out to get my mind working on how to proceed with the story. At least now we're seeing a bit of Jihyun's mindset in dealing with these. And we also had a bit of a moment between her and Namjoon as well as her and Tae! So yeah, comment if you have any predictions, ideas, suggestions, advice, etc. and I'll attempt to reply to everyone the best I can! Love you guys! <3

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dawii-chan #1
Chapter 16: I'm glad you are continuing this stoy it's great! Keep up the good work:)<33
Killerkhaos #2
Chapter 12: Thanks for the update!! Hope to read more soon!
Killerkhaos #3
Chapter 11: Interesting story! Can't wait to read more!
moegagirl #4
Chapter 9: Hey ! I definitely want to be able to read more of this story. I like the character and the picture of her.
Sakurakilari1 #5
Chapter 9: Hello to you too ! I only found out about this story recently and i do like it ^^ so yes if it is okay i would love to read more chapters authornim =D
TeaCow156 #6
Chapter 6: That gif is very slightly terrifying.
TeaCow156 #8
Chapter 5: I think you could do a mix, depending on the character that is speaking
TeaCow156 #9
Chapter 3: I really like your story and I hope you're ok, get well soon!
TeaCow156 #10
Chapter 2: Get well soon Author-nim