Chapter 3

you are my latibule
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I go to these place everyday with a new reason.  it's because of irene. I always went here before because i want to be alone and i like the absense of noise. but right now? No. I went here because i wanna see her. I want to know if she's okay, how she's been since?? because i can't take my mind off her. that's why everyday when i go here, it is not the quiet that i seek. it's her. i got disappointed everyday when i don't see her sitting on that place where we met.  got sad everyday when i asked my self if she still remembers me.

one more day, i said to myself while walking along the river to go to THAT bench. then tomorrow i wont expect anymore.

i continue to walk under a light spray of rain, my hands are inside my hoodie jacket. i walk leisurely untill i saw her, if that's really her. my heart is beating so fast right now and i suddenly felt that unexplainable joy. she is sitting n that bench where we sat that day. she looks so sad and lifeless. i looked in the sky, looking at the sudden spray of rain getting stronger by the second. i began to run to her.

when i got on her back , I suddenly stopped. is she here for me too??

my body suddenly froze, my mind went blank in what i was supposed to do. 
i just looked at her back. she's just wearing a thin cotton shirt so i removed my jacket. i reached her shoulders and drapped the jacket around her and the hood on her head too, so she don't get wet. she looked back, looked at me. for the first time i see her smile. i suddenly remember that day. The promise.

"I pomised," I said. i can't help but smile too.

she jump at me and hugged me very tight. i'm shocked! it's like we already know each other. i can't help it, i hugged her tight too. i closed my eyes. i missed her even though i don't know her. Wierd, but it feels right. in the middle of that hugged i felt differently, i feel her sadness. it's as if she realy needed this hug. that she needs me. so i hugged her more. tighter.

"i need you" she wisperred at my ear. my heart broke  when i heard those words. there's pain in her voice.

I hold her shoulder and looked at her.
"is there a problem?" i asked her. it slipped my mind that we don't know each other yet.

"a lot." she said.

we sat down to talk properly. i've got the chance to looked at her while she's still not talking. she's still gathering her thoughts. she looks so pale. i'ts different when i first saw her. it's like she's sick. but--

"but first" she spoke. cutting my thoughts.
"promise me, again, that after what i will tell you, you still won't leave me. you still won't get away from me. you still won---"

" I promise" because whatever she will say and tell me i still won't leave her. I can't do it.

she looked at me surprised. i saw her secretly smile at what i said. i felt happy because i managed to make her smile again.

"o-kay" she chuckled
"go on," i said while gigling too. i'm still looking at her face. on how she's smiling. she's so pretty.


"seriously, i only tell this story to you." i secretly felt  happy. 'she don't know me yet.' and i don't know her yet either-- i bet she doesn't know my name, but she trusted me enought to tell me her story.

"i don't know where and how to start but. . . I have a miserable life. Since i was a child, i didn;t have the chance to do what i want or to choose what i want. since i was a child, to impress them is my one and only goal. since then, i'm locked in the hands of my family. i'm caged in that house. and those the ones that i want and my dream is just locked inside my room."

it's just the start of her story but i already felt so bad for her.

"it gets harder when my granma died, i lost my only ally in that house. the one who grounds me. my friend. h

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spongebobSNSD #1
Chapter 3: God irene deserved every good thing in the world
taenychaera #2
Chapter 3: ur story is so good pls update soon
Chapter 3: Happy ending please
whesasomo #4
Chapter 3: Continue, please!
Chapter 2: authornim, dont leave us hanging.hehe
diahchuiyin #6
Chapter 2: It's so good author....beautiful story...
I'll wait for the next update....:)))
Chapter 1: seulbear, thank you :")
chomi5ever #8
Chapter 1: love the start :) cant wait for the next update ~ <3
I'll be waiting for the first chapter.
yaaaaay!!! anticipating~♥♥♥