
The Point of No Return

~3rd person POV~

Walking out of the temple, Arron slowly walked to his old house which belongs to both Hebe and him. He was just at Hebe’s funeral. As he walked into his bedroom, he saw a letter under a vase with a dead rose that no longer had any petals on it. He opened it and started reading it.


                                                                                                              February 29

Dear Arron,

How have you been doing lately? I am no longer by your side so I hope you are alright. This letter has been written 364 days after you had left me. When you left me, I said you have reached the point of no return, but it was a lie, I waited a month for you to return, but you didn’t. I gave you 2,678,400 chances, each second was a chance for you to come back to me but never once out of the 2,678,400 chances did you take and come to me. Why am I so accurate with the number of chances I gave you when you left? I was on the ground counting every second that passed. I was waiting for you to return and give me a kiss on my forehead like you use to. But to my disappointment you never walk back in to this house after that night. Everything is alright now, it is ok, I understand why you cheated on me with her, for one, she is cute and pretty while I am not, she share so many similarities with you, while I share so many differences, and most importantly, I am older than you and she is younger than you making me your old news, and that ruined your reputation. I am sorry if our marriage was a disgrace for you. If it was my choice, my choice would have been to be younger than you but it wasn't so I am sorry. I hope you will have a happy future and don’t let the memory of me be a burden to your future life. Thank you for everything. If we ever meet again, in another life or heaven, since I am not intending to ever see you again in this life, I will definitely pay back for everything you have given me.

                                                                                                              Emotionally Yours,


P.S. Whenever you want a divorce from me, just forge my signature, I am sure you can, because you did it before when my hand was injured. I am sorry for not being able to be there to sign the divorce paper with my own hand, it is because I know I will never meet you again, giving me no chance to sign it for you.

P.S.S. Arron, notice I didn’t use a last name after my name. Well, the reason is simple, I know you would want to divorce me,
and no longer wants me to use your last name so I won’t use it but when a woman is married,  she forever is married, even with a divorce paper in the way, so I cannot return to using my old surname.


Arron’s POV


In front of his house, which he walked out a month and a half ago, Arron was there standing and staring at the front door. He was holding a piece of paper in his hand. When he was ready, he walked into the house, and yelled out, “Hebe, where are you? I need for you to sign our divorce paper. Where are you?“


~Arron’s convo to himself while reading the letter~

"Hebe, why did the thought of me divorcing you even occur in my mind? You are the best wife a man
can ever have. I would never let that thought of us divorcing enter my mind ever again. Hebe, you owe me nothing, I am the one that owe you. What are you talking about? You are the cutest and not just pretty, you are the most beautiful person in the world. Haven’t you ever heard of opposite attracts, too much similarities makes it boring. Our marriage was the best thing that ever happen to me because I was marrying you. There is nothing to forgive, I am the one that needs to be forgiven, HEBE, I AM SORRYYYYY.

(While Arron was reading Hebe's letter, he cried so hard that the vase that had Hebe's rose in it, filled up to the very top.)

~News forecast ~

News reporter: A mysterious young man was found dead today, on a sidewalk in front a little café. He had many rose petals around him, making his death mysterious, too. He had no identification card on him but there was a picture in his hand. Here is the picture (shows picture) http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh11/puppy_1073/arron.jpg, the woman that is in this picture with him is identify as Hebe Tian, the girl that pass away just a week ago. If you know who this young man is please contact us.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
LoveYou12345678 #2
LoveYou12345678 #3
this was <3
Visiting old fics!
congrats :)
Peony00 #6