...The Story...

The Point of No Return

~Hebe’s POV~
“Arron, where are you going? It is late already” Hebe asked as she was walking out of the shower and saw her husband putting on his jacket. “I need to go finishsome things at work,” Arron answered “Can’t you. do it tomorrow?” asked Hebe and then she added, “I will go with you and help you since it will be a Saturday.”She smiled but her smile faded as fast as it had come. “No Hebe, I need to go and do it tonight, don’t wait for me, I will be back pretty late,” said Arron. Then he walked over and pecked Hebe on the cheeks.

*Hebe thoughts*[What is wrong with him tonight? He never pecks me on the cheeks, he always kiss me on my forehead that would give me a sense of security and kind of saying he will always be here. I am going lose my husband soon, aren’t I? Body language says everything.] *Hebe thoughts*

As soon as I got back to my senses, I noticed Arron had already left the room, I saw his phone and PDA lying on the table, I don’t think he will be able to do his work if he doesn’t have his PDA so I rushed out of our room. When I caught sight of Arron, he was already opening the front door and walking out. I called out to him, while I was running down the stairs but I guess he didn’t hear me so I ran out the house so I can give his cell phone and PDA to him but then I saw him going into a car of a girl and driving away. *Hebe thoughts*[ It is ok, the girl is only his secretary, it is reasonable if they are going to the office together, they need to finish work and I guess he needs his secretary with him. ]*Hebe thoughts* I was thinking all of this but I was feeling something different. I couldn’t help but feel all alone and lost, and what I don’t understand is, why was I feeling jealous? I know nothing can be going on with them, Arron is my husband and I trust him, I hope that I trust him like I think I do. I was lost in thoughts again, what is wrong with me? My soul is never in my body anymore. When I had return to my senses, I finally realize what I was supposed to do, so I ran back into the house and got my car keys. I rushed to the garage and got into my car and drove to Arron’s office. I parked in the building’s garage and then just ran up to his office not bother to wait for the elevator. I was 10 meters from his doorway, when I started to feel scared to go into his office, I was scared that I was going to see something that I don’t want to see. I pulled all my courage together and walked toward my husband’s office door. I was a foot away when I notice the door was not tightly closed, I put my hand on the door knob and before I got a chance to push over the door wide enough, I saw my husband leaning in and making out with his secretary. I was too shock to move so I stayed there for the whole while they were making out, but then … the crash of my wedding picture… and along with it, Arron’s phone and PDA slipped out of my hand and broke my shock and my husband and his secretary’s kiss.

~Arron’s POV~

I was enjoying my kiss with Amber until a picture on my desk crashed onto the floor. The picture of me and Hebe on our wedding day. I bend down to pick it up when I saw someone running away from my office door. I ran out to see who it was and then accidentally stepped on something. When I looked down, I saw my cell phone lying under my foot. I didn’t need to see who it was, I knew who it was. Only one person would have my cell phone and PDA; Hebe, my so called wife.

~3rd person POV~

She ran away from Arron’s office and just continued running until she reached a little café. On the sidewalk in front of the café she saw a bouquet of roses. She picked it up and counted it, there were eleven. “One Love One Life, that was what he said when he gave me eleven roses in this café which I am standing in front of,” Hebe mumbled and chuckled with force in her voice. Hebe then started to walk home with the bouquet in her hands and unknowingly she started to pick off the petals. Slowly, she walked into her cold, dark house, she was still picking petals off the roses. As she walked up the stairs and into “their” bedroom, she left a trail of rose petals. When she was in her room, she went to the corner and just broke down.

~3rd person POV~

Arron walks into their room and Hebe, still wide awake with red, puffy eyes rushed toward his side and took off his jacket. He pushed her away and asked, “You saw it, didn’t you? Since you have already seen it, i will stop acting now.” Hebe just stood there silently looking down at the rose petals around her feet. Hebe then asked “What did I see? What are you talking about?” “Okay, if you won’t answer that question, answer this one, why are there rose petals in our room?” said Arron and ended the sentence with a cold laugh. Then he continued, “You think I don’t know you, these rose petals are here because you are in despair and is in a downcast, whenever you are sad, you would pick petals off roses." “Arron, since you know me so well, then tell me, why am I this way and who made me this way?” replied Hebe quietly. “What is so hard about that question, of course the answer to your sorrow, is me.” then ending his answer with his cold/evil laugh. After he finished his cold act, he walked out of the room, and opened the front door, but was then stopped by Hebe’s voice. “Arron, if you walk out of that door today, you are walking away from my life and you will never be able to enter my life again.” Hebe warned with tears on the verge of falling. He ignored her words and just continued to walk.  Her head was spinning, and she was blinded by her tears. She had thought he would always stay by her side and would never walk out on her but that night, he definitely did.

Four Years Later…

~Hebe’s POV~

I was walking and just picking petals off a rose in my hands and then I reached the café where we had our first little date. I was looking through the glass window at the seats where we sat at, when suddenly someone came from the behind and hugged me.

~Arron’s POV~

I was walking around until I notice I was walking toward the café where Hebe and I had our first date. I was a few meters away when I noticed a girl standing in front of the café. Although, her back was facing me, that was the back I know so well. The back of my beloved wife. Out of nowhere, my feet were pulling me toward her and when I had reached her, my arm just pulled her into my embrace and I saw a rose and rose’s petals fell down at her feet. She must have been picking off rose petals again; there is only one meaning for this action, she is sad. *Arron’s thoughts* [It can’t be because of me, is it? Oh, Hebe I am so sorry, I never thought you would still be lingering over me] *Arron thoughts*

~Hebe’s POV~

I stood there startled but then when I heard the voice, I never thought of hearing again, I struggled to get out of his embrace and finally I did. I was facing the person that I never wanted to see again. I was lost in thought until he fell to his knees and begged me.

~3rd person POV~

“Hebe, I am sorry for what I did four years ago, please take me back, I need you.” Arron plead. Hebe sighed and said calmly, “I am sorry, Arron, I can’t let you walk back into my life. That night wasn’t just any night; it was the night you walked out of my heart, reaching the point of no return.” When she was saying that, she was slowly walking away from him toward a road with her face facing him. As soon as Hebe finished her sentence, tears escaped both of their eyes and in a flash, Hebe fell down and was drenched in blood. Arron ran as fast as he can to Hebe’s side, only to hear her last words, “The Point of No Return” and she lost all the warmth in her body that instant.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
LoveYou12345678 #2
LoveYou12345678 #3
this was <3
Visiting old fics!
congrats :)
Peony00 #6