Chapter Six: Emotionally Compromised by Oh Sehun

We Are One


Sitting back in his seat Luhan could watch his plans unfold easily and the results were even better than he’d expected. Going over there had been about bringing Jongdae over to make Minseok happy but it was about Yifan too. He was absolutely enamored with Junmyeon and that was the greatest thing to happen in a long time. Yifan never liked people like that, so it was such a welcome sight.

The tense atmosphere dissipated rather fast and in its place settled a very friendly casual one. It seemed as if they were all old friends and this was another one of those dinners that blended in with the rest. Except they in no way were old friends, not as a collective group anyway. Sooner than his best friends would’ve liked, dinner ended and Luhan was leading the way out of the restaurant.

Couples paired off rather quickly as they began heading back towards the dorms. He could make out Chanyeol hopping out of the way of Baekhyun’s teasing pokes. They were jumping all over the place and Luhan just had to smile at that.They were so oblivious to the image they put out. Luhan knew that if he bet on their relationship status changing from just friends to something more he’d win that bet.

Then there was Jongin and Kyungsoo. They were a mix of adorable and tense. The thing was that when Jongin actively went after Kyungsoo he just ended up making it frustrating for both himself and Kyungsoo.There would be shared glances that they thought no one noticed and closing the distance between their bodies. It was just there to see if you were paying attention. Then there were the moments when he wasn’t actively going for Kyungsoo and things naturally progressed. Then they were ridiculously adorable and prone to acting like third graders who’d gotten their crush’s attention.

There was also Tao and Yixing but those two seemed to just be easy friends and were a result of the dinner. There wasn’t much to see there but two people enjoying a conversation. They just weren’t as interesting as the other two couples. Those two...well.

Yifan and Junmyeon. Minseok and Jongdae. These two couples were very similar to Jongin and Kyungsoo in that Luhan could put money on their statuses going from friends to something more given enough time. Minseok never blushed and Yifan never cared this much. Jongdae and Junmyeon were heaven sent the way Luhan saw it. His friends would finally get laid and be more willing to go along with his schemes. It was a win-win situation really.

“You know people will start to wonder of your intentions are malicious given how much you stare.” The words were whispered right into his ear and the honey blonde found himself slowing down his pace,and turning around to look up at Sehun. The other blonde raised an eyebrow as if to demand a response from him. Luhan smiled before looking back at the others and resuming his previous pace.

“I’ve got an angel’s face. At least I’ve been told that. Do you think anyone would actually think I am malicious?” There was an easy sort of...arrogance that was interwoven in his response. Luhan had heard things enough to come to the conclusion that those things were true. That he was angel faced and could never be malicious. He just...he knew.

“Funny.” The tone and the look that came with the words in no way gave off amusement but he tried not to be bothered by Sehun. No reason to be right? Then Sehun went on speaking and Luhan became progressively more surprised. “I grew up hearing that people with pretty faces are usually the ones with the worst intentions. I used to think it was silly until I started to notice that I wasn’t that nice of a person and everyone was always telling me how handsome I already was. And there it was, the conclusion being that I was living proof of a pretty face being very badly intentioned.”

Coming from someone like Sehun, someone he’d watched closely enough that he felt like he understood him, that was a lot of information. Not only on his childhood but also his views on things. It was more than he’d ever expected from the kid who’d flirted with him on day one and then never did it again. It made him want to reconsider some of the conclusions he’d made on Sehun because apparently Sehun could surprise him.

And what a surprise that was.

“ may be living proof of that but me? No. I’m just trying to make everyone happy. If that happens to be in the form of Jongdae and his best friends? Happy accident. I simply brought them together.”

All he got in response was a low chuckle. Sehun started walking by his side instead of slightly behind him and a comfortable silence fell over them. Luhan caught himself looking over at the younger boy more than he liked.

Luhan himself completely understood where Yifan and Minseok came from when they talked about emotional detachment romantically. It was a mess waiting to happen and they’d all agreed to avoid it for as long as they could. The other two had seemed to have thrown that ideal out the window but Luhan wasn’t so willing to do so. Even if Sehun was far more interesting and attractive than he’d noticed before.

Attractive? Oh god this was a problem.


“What do you two think of our maknae?” The honey blonde asked the other two as they sat down to enjoy their morning coffees. A tradition that went as far back as freshman year of high school. His two friends sat across from him in the booth and gave him strange looks. Luhan ignored them in favor of waiting for an answer. Finally Minseok spoke up.

“He’s very detached. Disinterested really. He seems to care about very few things but the things he does care about? He’s very passionate about. Like his dancing, you would think that dancing would be something he’d brush off but he’s so good at it. Makes you wonder why he’s a photography major.”

Luhan had already considered all of those things last night while he lay in bed and couldn’t sleep. His mind had raced between the idea of Sehun as just a friend and Sehun as a potential boyfriend. He hadn’t been able to pinpoint when he’d started to subconsciously associate attraction with Sehun. It really bothered him that he for once didn’t have an answer.

“Minseok’s right. He’s the kind of guy who isn’t bothered by most things. Although he definitely has his moments where he acts so much more mature and sort of just above the rest of us. It would be annoying if it wasn’t so honestly refreshing. Then again it happens next to never so that’s probably why.” Yifan said before sipping his coffee and leaning back in his seat.

After the shock of Yifan saying something helpful passed Luhan considered everything he said too. It brought him right back to the same conclusion he’d made with Minseok’s observations. He’d already noticed all of that! There still wasn’t a real answer to any of his questions. This was getting him nowhere.

“I think I’m emotionally compromised. I don’t want to admit it but...yeah. Sehun got me thinking last night and I haven’t stopped since. I barely slept trying to come to terms with everything. He made one cheesy comment at his audition and then just started treating me like the rest of you guys so I let it go. Now though, he sidles up to me and tells me that if I keep staring people will think I’m malicious with my intentions--”

“You kind of are.” Yifan muttered from behind his coffee cup and Luhan glared at him before continuing. At least Minseok was actually taking him seriously.

“And he shares something about his childhood with me. He doesn’t even really respond when we ask how his day went. But he will tell me about those dark days we call childhood. What does that even mean? Am I reading too much into this? I just don’t even know anymore.” He looked down at the table with a frown on his lips. He hated not knowing things. It was why he was so observant. It was far easier to know the answers to things when he’d noticed them before.

“Sounds like someone’s in love! Or certainly on his way.” Yifan teased and Luhan found himself glaring again.

“Door’s over there Fanfan. If you’d do me the favor and leave.” Luhan muttered. The other blonde simply rolled his eyes before smiling brightly. Now Luhan was starting to know what his friends felt like when he teased them. Damn but karma really was a .

“I think he’s right though. At least to some extent. You seem to know all of this about Sehun and yeah I know you like to think you’re Sherlock Holmes incarnate because you know so much about everybody’s different when it comes to Sehun. You know things that probably only close friends know about. If they know at all because you’re right. He doesn’t share things with anyone. He’s secretive like that and there’s nothing wrong with that but it makes it abundantly clear how very little we know about him.” Minseok was starting to frown himself and that made Luhan uncomfortable. He couldn’t really say why but it just did.

“It makes coming to the conclusion that you two are destined to be together forever far easier because we know that. I’m not saying that just to tease you. I’m also saying it because starting to know things about people that others generally don’t is a sign of falling in love or in like at the very least. You become aware of these things. They become factors of why you like or love a person. For you? You at the very least like him.” Yifan was just spouting actual helpful information today. It only served to prove how out of it Luhan could become from a short conversation with Sehun.

“Oh god. I just screwed myself over. With the maknae of all people. Oh god…”

And if his friends started laughing, well you couldn’t blame Luhan for throwing, his completely forgotten and now cold, breakfast sandwich at them. He was distressed and emotionally compromised because of Oh Sehun. It wasn’t his fault.  

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I haven't forgotten about this story. The next chapter is almost done. I'm just busy what with school starting again. Senior year is a pain.


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HunieMineNahLuluis #1
Chapter 12: Cross finger for ma KrisHo and Xiuchen
Ughhh all of it is cute and hope you update soon okay meybe not too soon cuz u juat barely update it hehehe
Chapter 12: [Chen screaming in the distance] :D :D
Huehuehyehue. But seriously I do not think of Chen when I see "DaeDae" -___-
He but have really liked his picture though ;)
Huehuehue and poor Junmyeon. Angsting over a crush. Huehuehuehue
2440 streak #3
Chapter 11: i prefer BaekYeol tho!
and talk abt busted :))))

2440 streak #5
Chapter 8: TaoHun friendship is so awesome! :)))
SeventeenCarrot #6
Chapter 8: This chapter was so sweet, I like Tao and Sehuns friendship :) I actually like all of their friendships. Looking forward to the next chapter!
2440 streak #7
Chapter 7: wow... since when was joining the Annual Faceoff this much of a big deal? HAHAHA
it really has this big business feel to it :)))

that KrisHo conversation tho
Chapter 7: Huehuehue i still really love the way you write Chen like seriously he's adorable.
I also love how Suho is like nope with Kris but at the same time notices him too much its great awkward umma is great
you want my in regards to the future chapters?? Well... you know what I'm thinking :D
Huehuehuehuehue this chapter made me happy. Very happy. Hunhan is my ship forever.
Huehuehue I think this chapter was my favorite so far. Huehuehue.
You know I love your writing :D