Loving You

How Cute
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        “Baekhyun, you really, thank you so much for watching them for me while I was out. Tell your wife I said thank you too. You two have been such a big help.” I say as I pick the twins up from his house. Honestly, since I’ve gone back to work, it’s been really difficult to find someone willing to babysit our twin terrors. They’re only three but they’re so active. When our inner circle isn’t available, I have a hard time trusting people with my children. But thankfully, Baekhyun is doing the same thing Luhan did when Baehyun’s children were young. He and his wife have been so helpful. “You’re more than welcome. I like watching them, they have very bright personalities, it’s like Naeun or Nayoung being three all over again.” Baekhyun laughs. “Time flies right?” I chuckle. “Yep. They grow so fast.” He agrees as Ara and Xia run out and give me hugs. “Girls, say thank you to Uncle Baekhyun for watching you until I got out of work.” I say, leaning down so I’m eye level with them. “Thank you Uncle Bacon!” Xia shouts. “Yah, come here. I told you not to call me that.” He laughs, tickling her. “Mommy, are we going to come back tomorrow? I want to play with Na Unnie!” Ara whines. I laugh. “Ah, I thought you wanted to stay home with mommy and daddy tomorrow.” I say, fake pouting. “I do mommy, I do.” Ara replies immediately I laugh as they both finish saying their goodbyes to Baekhyun before I strap them in their car seats and head home.

        “Appa’s home! Appa’s home!” They chant when we arrive home and I unlock the front door. “Lu, you’re home early?” I call out, taking my shoes off at the door as the twins run past me. “Yeah, I got in around and hour ago and figured I could cook dinner.” He calls back, sounding happy. I walk into the kitchen and see him playing with the pair. Xia’s climbing his back and he’s lifting Ara, laughing. “You guys seem to be having fun.” I laugh. “I missed my girls. You come here too.” He says, still laughing. He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. “You can get changed and then we’ll eat dinner.” He smiles. I nod and give him a quick kiss before heading upstairs.

        “How was your day?” Luhan asks as the four of us sit down for dinner. “It was exhausting, how about yours?” I ask, I peek over at the twins who are currently in their own world. “It was very…interesting to say the least. I don’t know. I think we need a vacation. Or maybe two.” He says, laughing slightly. “I am inclined to agree. One, I miss my children and my husband far too much when I’m at work and two, my coworkers are really irking me lately.” I sigh. “Do you think we could get someone to watch the girls during one of our vacations? We don’t ever get time alone.” He pouts slightly. “I know, I know. But I’m not sure who would be available for longer than a few hours. Maybe my parents?” I suggest. “That sounds lovely. When is the earliest you can get off work?” He asks. “Ah, I’d have to ask. What about you baby?” I ask. “Oh, I have loads of vacation days.” He smiles. I laugh. “You still look like you did when we were teenagers. Tell me the secrets of you eternal youth.” I laugh. “My family keeps me youthful.” He says cheesily. I smile. “You’re the cheesiest.” I reply, smiling from ear to ear. “Am I? Have you even met Kim Junmyeon?” He asks, gasping. We both laugh. “I love you.” I reply. “I love you more.” He answers sweetly.

        “Ara! Get over here so I can dry your hair!” Luhan calls, practically whining. I try not to laugh as I dry Xia’s hair. She was sitting there so properly while Ara was running like her life depended on it. We had just taken them out of the bathtub and we were trying to get them ready for bed. For the past three years, this was always a two person job for obvious reasons. When Luhan wasn’t around, I usually had a pretty rough time. But, we always alternated so that we each spent a good amount of time with each child. Ara was usually very difficult around bath time, while Xia was not very cooperative in the morning. I accidentally let out a laugh and Luhan sent me a glare without fire. I laughed more. “Yah! I don’t laugh at you when this happens.” He complains. “But, you did laugh at me the time that I fell down the stairs trying to chase her.” I point out. His face breaks into a smile. “We both know that, that was one of the funniest things that has happened in all the time that we’ve been together.” He replied, trying not to laugh all over again. “Rara, come on. If you come, I will give you a cookie.” Xia coaxes her sister. Somehow, it’s enough to get Ara to actually sit down. Luhan takes a towel and quickly dries her hair. “Ah, our girls are all set, aren’t

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Chapter 4: AWWWWW! I can't even...
This is sooooo cute!!! I love this so much!!!!!
Thank you for writing this chapter!!!! I really appreciate it!!
Luhan is so cute with his girls!! and with her wife too!! >.< sweetness overload! The girls are cute too!
everything is cute LOL
and now that I think about it the title is well used in here!
Thanks again! ^^ I was thinking about this story just yesterday actually! Really!
Chapter 3: awww >.<
I really like this story!!!!
Good job author nim!!!
Ohhhhh This is interesting