The Time

How Cute
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~ Two Years Later ~

        I was sitting peacefully in my living room with Lay when it hit me. “Y-yixing! Hospital now!” I said hurriedly. My water had broken I wasn’t due until next week so to say I was surprised was a bit of an understatement. He immediately closed his laptop and hurried to grab my hospital bag. He had been working from the place Luhan and I shared since Luhan had recently inherited his parent’s company and couldn’t be at home as much. But he didn’t want to leave me at home alone when I could go into labor at any minute. We had a lot of other friends that were willing to help out but he trusted me with Lay the most, probably because Lay had been my best friend since childhood and one of Luhan’s closest friends since high school. I tried to control my breathing as Lay gathered all of our stuff calmly before helping me out the house and into the car. With the no touch system in the car, he called all the parents, our friends and Luhan, who would hopefully be free enough at the moment to make it.

        Thankfully, his parents had come to Seoul earlier this week so they could already be here whenever I gave birth. Yixing’s presence was pretty soothing because I’m pretty sure that if I had gone into labor at my house alone, I would’ve had a complete mental breakdown. But he was really calm and collected about it.

        I was really happy to see that not only had Luhan made it but he actually beat us to the hospital. I was hurriedly wheeled away. Now I was in a lot more pain than I was before, it was pretty hard for me to even see straight. 

        I was sitting in my office, reading over files to review the company’s recent monetary transactions when my personal cellphone started vibrating. I absent-mindedly picked it up, expecting it to be one of the guys asking me to go drinking or something. I nearly shattered my phone screen when Lay started the call saying that ______ had gone into labor and I needed to be at the hospital immediately. So, I left immediately, telling my secretary to cancel everything I needed to be involved in for the rest of the week.

        I was trying to keep my nerves down as I drove to the hospital. I secretly thanked the heavens that she couldn’t see me freaking out right now. I was excited but also really, really worried. I had always wanted to be a father but for the first year or so we were married, it wasn’t in the question. She had to finish her internship first. Now it was finally happening and I couldn’t keep my cool.

        I got to the hospital and I looked around anxiously. None of the others had arrived yet and I breathed a sigh of relief, I had time to gather myself. Sure enough, Yixing and ______ a few minutes later. She looked like the pain was overwhelming all of her senses. I felt bad but I hurried to her side, thanking Yixing.

        “Luge, you look surprised.” Tao laughed as Luhan looked between his three girls. The one he was holding, the one Minseok was holding and his wife who was still out like a light. “That’s because she didn’t tell him she was expecting multiples or that they were girls.” Yixing says calmly. “Really?” Kris asked, surprised. “She said that, that was his punishment for not making any of the doctor’s appointments. And then she had the nursery painted in gender neutral colors.” Hyuna, her bestfriend laughed. Luhan continued to look, like a dear caught in the headlights. “They’re really beautiful girls though. They look like her but they have your eyes.” Baekhyun says as Minseok passes the other girl to him. Luhan hums in agreement, still awed. “Did you name them yet?” Chen asks. “Xia and Ara.” Luhan responds. “Oh, clever. A Chinese and a Korean name.” Chanyeol says, nodding.

        Luhan stares at the sleeping child in his arms intently. He still remembers when Baekhyun’s twins were born and he always stuck around, almost religiously. That was when he had recently gotten back to Korea and was still living with ____ but they weren’t dating yet. They all knew her but not everyone knew about their past relationship. He

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Chapter 4: AWWWWW! I can't even...
This is sooooo cute!!! I love this so much!!!!!
Thank you for writing this chapter!!!! I really appreciate it!!
Luhan is so cute with his girls!! and with her wife too!! >.< sweetness overload! The girls are cute too!
everything is cute LOL
and now that I think about it the title is well used in here!
Thanks again! ^^ I was thinking about this story just yesterday actually! Really!
Chapter 3: awww >.<
I really like this story!!!!
Good job author nim!!!
Ohhhhh This is interesting