So, I'm not dreaming?

Be still heart of mine.


He lifted my shirt over my arms and head with such care, ever slowly as if waiting for me to change my mind and tell him no. But, there was no way that was going to happen! I threw it across the room without care. His warm body against mine making my body shiver and awkwards sounds come from my mouth. His lips met my neck and he giggled at the sounds that followed from my mouth and smiled as if he had won. My fingers ran down his back stopping to scratch when his mouth hit that sweet spot on my neck. I tried to stop myself from scratching but, every time his lips met that spot I couldn’t help but scratch. He’ll probably look like he got attacked by a cat after this. But, he didn’t seem to mind. He backed away from the wall helping me down off of him, he spun me around and pressed my stomach and chest into the wall his chest on my back and his hands brushing my hair to one side, his lips at my neck again and his thighs pressing into mine. More moans spilling out of my mouth and satisfaction scribbled all across his face. He reached his hands to my s still in their holders. Then let one hand roam to the back to unclip my bra. It spilled down my shoulders but stopping at my elbows when he grabbed my arms and spread them across the wall, pinning them under his and letting his right hand slip through the crack between my stomach and the wall and make it’s way to my s.

His hands so rough yet so gentle. My hands still against the wall as if I was about to be strip searched. His left hand slid down to the area of my crotch, still about my shorts though. His hand cupped the area and press my into his very obvious bulge. I couldn’t help but smile at the fact that I was the reason he was a mess like this. His thighs and bulge pressed me into the wall lifting me off the wall only a little. His lips trailed down my back and soon he was bent on the floor. I went to turn around but, he shook his head and I stayed in my position. He unlaced the tie on the front of my shorts and slid them down leaving my underwear in place. He lifted my foot and then my other and tossed my shorts aside.

His hands spread my legs apart and traced all areas of my thighs, his mouth against my thigh kissing and biting. He stood back up and spun me back around pressing me back into the wall hands roaming all over my body. I took that time to slip my hands down to the button on his pants and un did them along with the zipper, I didn’t tug them down but only let them sit the way there were, I slowly reached my hand down inside not going inside his boxers. His bulge met my hand and I fondled it with generosity and ever so gently.

Moans were pouring out of his mouth which was next to my ear and I smiled even bigger. I shoved his pants down and he kicked them off in a fast pace. He lifted me back up and I wrapped my legs back around him and he hauled us off to my room. He laid me on the bed with ease and checked the bandage behind my ear assuring he hadn’t messed it up.

The he looked down and smiled at me. I smiled back and then our bodies were back at each other. Rubbing and touching and scratching in a mess of pain and satisfaction. I was so hot, literally sweating from the amount of friction between our bodies and he was too. But, it didn’t stop us! I ran my hand down his back following and tracing his muscles then to his side and back up. One of his hands in wrapped in my hair and another on my side brushing up and down. I tried to contain my laughter but, it came and went without him taking notice.

I reached my lips to his neck and bit him, not hard but not like a baby either. I bit him enough for him to know I mean business. And he got the hint. Our underwear still on until we were ready. His bulge pressing into me and I let my legs slip open and his lower body slid in between and fit perfectly. Although I hated being underneath and having no control I had also never done this with any guy. So, I wasn’t sure about how to go around it. But, it seemed like I was doing fine either way.

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Chapter 12: Reread this and loved it!!!
Chapter 12: This is so cute ; ; Thank you authornim
Chapter 4: LMFAO omg I love this chapter haha.
Chapter 12: loved it!!!! ^^