First Word

A Little Princess
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Yoo Ri Ta felt like a zombie. She had four back-to-back surgeries in the first half of the day and then had to take over all of Doctor Kim’s surgeries because he forgot to mention that he was unavailable for the day. She hurt everywhere and wanted nothing more than to go home, take a hot bath and go to sleep.

She opened the door, took off those damned heels and headed straight for their room. All thoughts of a quiet nap immediately flew from her mind at the sight before her. On the bed sat her beloved husband and their darling princess; he was lying flat on his back with her on his chest.

She was in his arms giggling away as he peppered her with endless hugs and kisses. “C’mon Princess, once more,” said Doctor Park in between his showers of affection, “Come on Princess, just once more please…”

“Apppppaaaaa!!” squealed the baby and burst into a fit of giggles as her father threw her in the air and peppered her face with kisses.

Yoo Ri Ta quietly approached her little family and sat down next to her husband. “You heard right Jagiya?” he asked excitedly. “She said Appa, that’s her first word!”

Doctor Yoo snorted as she tried to hold back her laughter, leaning her head back on the headboard she closed her eyes. “Darling, I hate to break it to you but babies her age constantly babble nonsense using syllables that may sound like actual words but are really not because the speaker has no idea what it means.”

“Oh hush, you’re just je

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Chapter 6: Your story is so cutee~~
Lukber #2
Chapter 5: please update soon !!!!
Chapter 5: Omg? Marriage?! And I can't wait for next update ><
Chapter 4:
bangtan671 #5
Too cute of a story..