[Kyumin]{GS}Hello My Ex


Pairing : Kyumin

Rating : PG-13

Genre : Semi angst, romance, AU

Type : Songfic

Summary : Hello my ex, can we together again?

Warning : Unbeta, Genderswitch (again..)


Yo you know it’s been long time

The last time we met, it’s you and me

(Hello my ex-MBLAQ)


Kyuhyun centric


Kyuhyun yawned. He rub his tired eyes and stretched his stiff back. Sit and working from 9am until 5pm and only have rest 1 hour was indeed tiring but he didn’t mind as long the activity can make his mind busy with something else than remembering his ex, a girl that maybe can considered to be the one and only girl he ever loved in his life.

“Lee Sungmin..” he murmured softly. He always murmuring her name at least once a day, as if he afraid one day he will forgetting that name when he completely stop saying that name. Six year is not a short time for forgetting her and move on his life and he did that, although he always failed. He still wondering why they broke up in first place if the reality is they complement each other like puzzle pieces, maybe immature mindset of both of them can be blamed as the cause.

He rose up from his seat, wearing his coat and after make sure he put all of his stuff inside his work bag, he walk away. The rain poured and creating pitter-patter sound on bus window, where he leaned his head and closed his eyes. “Kyu, I love rain” her voice rang inside his head and bring soft smile on his lips. He felt presence of other person took a seat beside him in bus and he didn’t bother to open his eyes.

He smell it, her unique scent. Although he still remember vividly inside his mind but this time the scent was more real. He took a deep breath. Her scent was like combination of apple, cinnamon and autumn. Warm, comfortable and calming. Six years has passed but Kyuhyun believe her scent still same.

“Kyu, I love rain”, Kyuhyun’s eyes wide open after heard the voice. This time the voice is real and not from his mind. He turn his head to seat beside him and she’s there. He gape when he saw the real Lee Sungmin sat beside him. She had changed. Her ponytail replaced by small bun. Her orange pumpkin hair replaced by blond hair. Her pink t-shirt with a pair of jeans and sneaker replaced by pink dress with high heels, but the rest still same, her lips, her smile, her eyes. The only one difference between them was she’s his girlfriend six years ago and now she's just his ex. “M-Min, it’s have been long time. How are you?” said Kyuhyun nervously and he can felt his heart doing somersault, like six years ago every time he near her. “I’m fine, Kyu. How about you?. You look more handsome now” and she laugh, her voice is so sweet, like melted chocolate and immediately melting Kyuhyun’s heart as well.

“I’m sorry.” said Kyuhyun after talking and spending the rest of ride in comfortable silent. They standing side by side in bus stop, waiting rain for stop so they can continued their journey. “For what?” asked Sungmin, “For mistake that maybe I did in the past that make us separate and my incapability for move on and forgetting you although six years has passed. I-I still couldn’t forgetting you Min.” he stared the ground, as if the ground has become the most interesting thing in the world. He waiting her verbal response but he shocked when suddenly a pair of hand cupped his cheek, pushed him to lift his head and facing her. A soft lips suddenly planted a kiss in his lips. “Until now I still thought that we not over yet and we just doing a long rest for thinking before we choosing to spend our live together forever. I still love you.” she murmured the words in his ears and he refusing to let her go when he hugged her tightly. “I still and will always loving you, Sungmin. Marry me?” and when he got a nod as response, he planted a chaste kiss once again as seal for fulfilling the promise, living together forever.




Sungmin pov


If I didn’t met Shindong that day, maybe until now I still wondering what Kyuhyun do?, How is he now?, He’s married or single?, the endless question running inside my head and none of my question was got an answer.

Six years is an enough long time for erasing memories with ex, right? but I never considered him as my ex although I know, nothing was left in our relationship when we separate that day. We perfect for each other and why we're broke up?, this big question kept bugging me and make me really want looking for him, looking for Kyuhyun, meet with him and asking why, why we broke up in first place?, If i didn't get my answer, I will still thinking that both of us now fell in state of long rest and one day we will meet again and settle our issues.

“Kyuhyun worked in China after he broke up with you and he come back to Korea one year ago.” He's began his story. “He's still single. I heard he dated a Chinese girl before, her name is Zhoumi but their relationship failed when he ended their relationship two years ago. She’s married with Henry now, he’s a violist, you must be know him, he’s quite famous.” Shindong lift his cup and drank his coffee and somehow I can’t uttered a single word although I want to, “He always ask me about you although he didn’t say it bluntly. He still care about you and from the way he talking about you, I can say he still loving you, a lot.” He emphasized the last word and make my heart beating faster. Was Shindong told the truth?. Was Kyuhyun still love me?, “I-I…” my throat felt so dry, I drank my coffee but still I couldn’t said anything. What’s wrong with me? “He’s now work at Seoul, he always take 5 pm bus from bus stop in front of our office every day and his schedule never changed except at weekend, if you still love him, go and meet him.” I only can nod and here I am. Standing at bus stop three block away from his office, knew that his bus will stop in this bus stop and hopefully take him with.

It's raining and the bus hasn't come. I sighed and just tried my luck. I think heaven heard my pray and when I entering the bus, I saw him. His eyes closed and his head leant to window. I sat beside him and fighting the urge to hug him tightly. He didn’t change much only slight chubby and paler. His jeans and t-shirt was disappeared and replaced by office suit now, make him look more mature.

“Kyu, I love rain.” I don’t know why I saying that, maybe I only missed his voice and the only way to make me heard his voice was with make him talked. His eyes opened in surprise and he staring me with gape. “M-Min, it’s have been long time. How are you?” his voice still same, deep and soothing coated with nervous. I can sense it clearly. “I’m fine, Kyu. How about you?. You look more handsome now.” I laughed, I’m too nervous to said other thing and blurted out the only thing crossed in my mind. He smiled and we changed the conversation as if nothing ever happened before between us and we merely a friend who didn’t met for long time ago.

“I’m sorry” he said that when we stood at bus stop, waiting the rain for stop. I frowned “For what?” asked me, “For mistake that maybe I did in the past that make us separate and my incapability for move on and forgetting you although six years has passed. I-I still couldn’t forgetting you Min.” and he just staring the ground. He always doing that when he nervous. My action was always faster than my mouth when I cupped his cheek and kissed his lips.“Until now I still thought that we not over yet and we just doing a long rest for thinking before we choosing to spend our live together forever. I still love you.” I say the word that I really want to say from long time ago and he hugged me tightly “I still and will always loving you, Sungmin. Marry me?” I never expected he will propose me after we separate six years and met for not long than 30 minutes, but I nodded my head nonetheless and he kiss my lips as seal for his promise.





A/N: one of my old story. Sorry, I still haven't updating turning point. Hope you like it.

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mayasiwonest #1
Chapter 17: At first it might be classical ( i think) but it gives something different. I like how the way Kyu use the first communication with Min to be his bridge to approach Min. Yeah,as sweet as honey ♥
choiheenim #2
Chapter 10: so sad...i think this is author real story...
better leave someone who cheate on you
choiheenim #3
Chapter 26: ahahahaha...love this...
Chapter 30: I don't know that Min can be this cheesy hahahaha..
Cuteeee~ super fluff~ *read another story*
venzsuju #5
Chapter 26: it's cute story :3
mitralisa #6
Chapter 20: & I love this fic,
very beautiful
It's the second time I read it
rizzorin #7
Chapter 44: hahah~ kyuhyun is falling in love to sungmin~ love this~
Chapter 44: Ohh wow... Min can make kyu attend his class... Lol.. That's really amazing... His teacher is really funny.. Lol.. I can imagine it...
Aww.... This chapter is so sweet... I think kyu really fall for min already >.<
Eunhae will appear..??
Chapter 44: Ming really can tam e Cho Kyuhyun ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The teacher...muahahaha/pats Kyu/ Ming is an age faker Cho Kyuhyun. -. He's like you but he looks more and more younger. and you look more older than your real age XD
Chapter 44: Huhuu troublemaker is attending to class now? Ming you're so powerful XD
And JTR too!! But eventually Kyuhyun is choosing Ming over his classes.... Well, can't blame him for that