Chapter 2

Down This Road Again

Wendy carefully scanned through the containers around her, trying to find the milk area. After spotting the dairy sections she passed some products such as cheese and yoghurt she finally found the milk area. She caught the familiar logo on the box of milk and grabbed it immediately while eyes travelled automatically to the expiration date. She took another one and compared both dates, before shrugging and put both in trolley. Now time to find egg and off she goes.




After paying the things, with a few additional packs of gum, she pocketed her change and walked out from the supermarket to the parking lot after giving the cashier lady a thank you.


The moment she stepped out from the supermarket the wind hit her face and she run her fingers through her brown locks to put it into place and not blocking her eyesight, especially her bang that Irene had insisted looking good on her. Remembering about Irene, she could not help but to feel all giddy inside. Thinking that the latter must be preparing some ingredients for dinner or even already started her cooking. Good thing the supermarket is only three blocks away from her apartment so maybe she still has a chancearrow-10x10.png to help Irene with the cooking.


Out of sudden, she could hear a faint footsteps tailing behind her. She turned around slightly and found nothing. Well that was weird, because the moment she turned back the footsteps echoed back eerily through the parking lot. She closed her eyes momentarily, still keeping her pace of walk, trying to listen carefully on the source of the sound. She used to and still has a great ability of hearing, even the thinnest sound that some normal people could easily missed. There was no one in the parking lot at the time, and that was a great advantage that Wendy can use on to solely focused on the sound.


When the sounds were getting louder and louder, she turned her body around absurdly, accidentally dropped her shopping bag to the ground and starts to be on her defense mode, her clenched fists in front of her face. She frowned when she could only catch a shadow fading through the corner of the door leaving no trace of another human being except her.


Still had her eyes on the door, she picked up the bag and pat it's bottom. Something was off, and her instinct told her that it was not a good sign. But soon all those thought popped like a bubble when she realized the liquid inside the plastic bag. She widened her eyes when almost half of the eggs were ruined.


"Ah damn." She muttered and just went to her black BMW, put the bag on the passenger seat, and drove home.




"I'm home." Wendy announced, her voices echoing on the hall that lead her to the living room. She could see Irene peeking from behind the kitchen with her purple apron and she cannot help but to chuckle and processing her way to the kitchen, not forgetting to drop the car key on the small coffee table near the television. The sounds of dialogue exchanges from the two actors on the TV and the chopping sounds from the kitchen greeted her.


"You are home." Irene said, facing her as Wendy put the bag down to the counter. "How's work?"


Wendy walked to Irene's back and sniffed the delicious scent lingering on the kitchen, both from the food and Irene's freshly bath hair. She circled her arms on Irene's petite waist and buried her nose on Irene's milky white shoulder while Irene is still busy tending their soon to be dinner.


"Tiring," she murmured. She could hear Irene's laugh before she herself let out a smile laugh herself. She planted a small kiss on Irene's shoulder before she retreat herself from Irene.


"Oh and babe." Wendy called out and Irene turned around with eyebrow raised, waiting for Wendy to continue.




Wendy rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly as she pointed at the bag on the counter, before continuing. "Err, i kind of ruined half of the eggs so.."


"What? How come?" Irene asked surprised, turning the stove off for a moment for her to take a look inside of the bag, and it was true, half of the egg still survived though. Irene faced Wendy with her hands across her chest, narrowing her eyes at Wendy.


"I dropped it accidentally!" Wendy tried to defend herself with her arms raised above; trying to show that it was not completely her fault.


Irene sighed and went back to her cooking, "well it's fine. But you clean that up, i don't want to smell egg when I'm drinking my milk." Irene said and Wendy huffed.


"Fine fine, by the way I'm going to shower then i will help you with your cooking." Wendy said.


"Well then hurry!" Irene said playfully and stuck her tongue out like a kid as she stirred the meat like a professional mother. It was quite contrasting, but that was Irene's charm. Wendy loves it.


"Yeah yeah." She answered nonchalantly yet she eyed the girl lovingly, and it took her a scold from Irene on why the hell she hasn't gone to bathroom yet until she has the will to move from her spot.


Wendy still loves her the same, even as the time passed between them.




"Hmm it's delicious!" Wendy complimented Irene as she dig on the delicious food Irene had prepared for her. She devour it as if she hasn't eaten since this morning, which is a bit true since she could only filled her stomach with two or three cans of coffee today due to her busy schedule.


"Stop exaggerating," Irene said as she watched Wendy eats with a smile. "Besides you helped too."


"But still!" Wendy argued as she pushed her chopsticks slightly toward Irene. Irene just hummed and took a bite of a piece of roasted chicken that Wendy has offered her. Wendy always wonder why Irene never eats much when she was in charge of cooking and all the answer she would always get are all the same. 'When you are a bit older and cook food for yourself, you will know.'


"Okay okay you little dork." Irene giggled and Wendy just shook her head at the nickname.



"We rarely spend times together lately.." Irene trailed off.


Wendy slowed her eating pace and looked up to meet Irene's gaze. It was a bit weak compared to the other times, and she had her chin on her palm with her elbow on the table supporting the weight. She put her chopsticks slowly, cleaning the corner of with her thumb.


"I'm sorry, the closing book for this year is coming. I need to keep everything in check." Wendy said, a bit guilty.


"No, it's fine. I'm just saying what's inside of my mind." Irene said and forced out a laugh. Wendy managed to see everything beneath those expression, and she frown slightly.


Wendy reached on Irene's free hand across the table and rubbed the delicate skin with her finger. Her eyes soften when she felt Irene's tighten her grip on her.


"You know what," Wendy started off, trying to gain her girlfriend's attention. "Actually my company is thinking of sending me to New York for some business and i wonder if.."


"No way."


Wendy smiled and wiggled her eyebrows, "Yes way."


Irene reflected those grin with her own version, her eyes sparking at the mention of New York, and possibly a break. Wendy knew Irene has a thing with the city, she thought it was because she influenced her watching western's drama, and that was why she thought she just hit the jackpot when her uncle offered her to go the other day.


"You never told me." Irene pointed out; her tone annoyed yet her eyes still glinting.


Wendy laughed and shrug her shoulders innocently, "It's supposed to be a surprise anyway."


Irene leaned in the table, her hands supporting her upper body before she lifted the right one and waved her index finger in front of Wendy's face.


"You sneaky little snowman!"


Wendy gave her a one amused expression. Irene let out a squeak and pulled her hand away when Wendy grabbed it, trying to bite those bony fingers playfully. The two fell into a merry laughter as they continue their dinner with a light chatter here and there. Irene talks, Wendy listen. It has always been like that, and Wendy was grateful to the god for sending her one of his angel.





Monday. The most hated day for all people in the world, that's including Wendy, has to come earlier than what brunette wanted. She just wants to spend her time cuddling on the bed with Irene all day long but the alarm has to go off, shattering her blissful dream into unorganized puzzle.


She, actually, did not really have a good start this morning. She was late, Irene was late, and most importantly she missed her morning coffee. She cannot stand having through the day without her morning coffee. Irene said what she has for coffee is already an obsession, and when she was caught drinking too much a nag would be all she got from the older girl.


But this carving from her dry throat that is banging against her head now made her swear she would not get any job done today if it continues.


So after dropping Irene off to the hospital, with a kiss before they part, she made sure Irene has entered the hospital safely before she drove off to the nearby coffee shop unconsciously her dry lips, a habit she had developed whenever she felt guilty or something.




"I'm sorry babe, but I really really need one right now." Wendy murmured as she cupped the warm cup and brought it to her face, letting the scent of today's starter, Vanilla Latte, filled her lungs. She let out a sigh in satisfaction and took a small sip of the warm delicious liquid. It tasted like heaven and peace.


That was when she put down her cup and was about to check on her buzzing phone when she realized a guy with dark trench coat sitting facing her from the end of the cafe. Wendy lifted one of her eyebrow, ignoring her vibrating phone. She could sense the weird aura emitting from this guy over there. Especially with the way he dressed and the fact that the guy was not seems to be an Asian, judging from the blonde hair underneath those fedora hat. 


The guy then caught her eyes and she stiffened at the intense gaze he gave to her. They exchanged some good eye contact with Wendy observing him carefully and the guy doing nothing but the same. He then putted down his newspaper to the small table in front of him and out stretched his arm toward Wendy's direction, catching her off guard.


Then she managed to see it. The 40S&W hidden underneath those strangely long sleeve of his coat.


Wendy froze on her seat, hands gripping on the armrest of her seat and throat lodged with something that she could not utter a single word. She gulped.


"Oh ."


She should have listened to Irene.



Here you go ^^ sorry for bad english or wrong grammar, to lazy to re-read. hope you enjoy it!

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Favebolous #1
Chapter 7: hello???
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Chapter 4: ?????
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Chapter 3: Ooooh
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Chapter 1: Oooooh like it
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Chapter 7: Cliffhangers is no fun!!! When will you update author?
-WenRene15- #7
Chapter 1: It's definitely good. =) I know it's been awhile but can you please update this? Pretty please
Chapter 7: OMGGGGGGGGG THIS IS JUST BEAUTIFUL !! PLS COMEBACK !! :( its actually a really well written story. Totally love the plot! Still gonna subscribe to this even though its been years since the last update! Hoping for miracles.. AND LOVE YOUR OTHER WENRENE FICS AS WELL :( WHERE'D U GO
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