Chapter 3

The Tale of the Wicked Tail

Chapter 3: The Sorstia Pair

“Wow… This thing is quite sharp, Kai.”

“Careful, Sehun. I’ve seen many Horvina getting hurt because of it.”

“I know. But I don’t understand why this thing can even kill Horvina.”

“Or maybe Horvina are weak.”

“Yeah… and hopeless too.”

My jaws dropped watching the scene happened before my very eyes. I mean, THIS IS CRAZY!

Just now, I threw the knife towards those two boys like my whole life is depending on it. Yet, they’re calmly examining the knife now. It’s supposed to be stuck into one of their heads, but something VERY WEIRD happen.


AND THE TAIL BELONGED TO ONE OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Y-Y-Y-YOU HAVE A TAIL????!!!!!!!!” I shouted without realizing.

The two boys now turned their heads towards me simultaneously. Within a millisecond, I regret having born in this world.

“You mean, this?” The fair-skinned boy nodded his head towards his… tail and wiggled it.

I squeaked a little.

And that made both of the boys to laugh.

“I also have one!” The other guy ALSO revealed his own golden brown tail and wiggled it.


Hey wait!

“Don’t tell me…” I snapped my head towards the two boys’ direction and widened my eyes. “You two are… FLUFFY AND SPARKIE?!”

“Ah~ finally!” The white-tailed guy wailed his hands in the air, looking glad. “It took centuries for you to notice that, you dumdum.”


Excuse me?

what did he just called me?

“But seriously though, we really prefer if you would change our names. Those sound so lame.” The other boy blurted out.

I almost choke on my own saliva. Excuse me once again but I’m not good with naming things. Or animal.

“Well then, put that name aside. We each got a WAY NICER name.” The white-tailed said. Oh, how I feel so insulted.

“My name is Sehun.” He continued.

“And I’m Kai.” The other one clarified.

I slanted my eyes towards them in a rather rude way. I never ask for an introduction by the way.

But then, if they’re REALLY Sparkie and Fluffy…

“Are you two…”

Wait! Should I say it or not?

I might sound ridiculous ya know.

But I also need a confirmation.

Clearing my throat, once again, I tried to ask. “Are you two… S-S-Sorstia?”


“Don’t tell me you just realized it.” The… Kai guy said with a sinister tone.

I scoffed automatically. Well yeah, I’m sorry but Chen didn’t tell me anything about a Sorstia STILL having a tail after transforming into a human.

And I can’t believe these two took ages to FINALLY reveal their human forms to me.



Hearing the sound of shattering glass, I turned around immediately. “W-What’s that?”


Gulping hard, I took another knife and was about to head towards the source of the noise when someone grabbed my wrist and cupped my mouth.

I gasped in surprise and slightly turned to my left to see Sehun’s face was DANGEROUSLY close to mine. wtf

“Keep quiet and just follow me. Kai will handle this.” Sehun whispered to me with seductive low voice.

Nodding, Kai carefully made his way towards my bedroom while Sehun dragged me out of my apartment. Although feeling puzzled, I obeyed Sehun’s order, still keeping the knife close to my possession.

After completely out of the apartment’s building, Sehun finally removed his hands.

“What’s happening?” was the first thing to come out of my mouth.

“Kai smells the presence of a de-”


I jumped out of surprise and spun around instinctively, dropping the knife in the process. “Whoa! What was that?”

Then, I saw the faint shadow of a person jumping out of my unit’s window (technically my room’s window).

A burglar? So it was a burglar just now?




What I saw soon shocked me even more.

Following the burglar, Kai also jumped out of the window, trailing behind that person, and MAGICALLY they landed on the ground without any injuries.


But… why does it seems like they were running towards me?



Without having any time to react, Sehun suddenly lifted me up bridal style and swiftly, he jumped up a tree and towards someone’s house roof.

“Sehun! What- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed out loud with closed eyes and tighten the grip on Sehun’s shirt when that damn cat-boy literally jumped down from a two-storey house.

When I don’t feel any pain, I opened my eyes slowly and realized that I was still in Sehun’s arms and that boy is still jumping from a house to another then from a building to another, just like a cat.

Don’t tell me Sorstia still have their animal form’s abilities after transforming into a human.

“W-Where are we g-going?” I said, not realizing I was stuttering. Mind you but I don’t enjoy THIS way of getting fresh air.

And I swear I saw Sehun smirking a little. That little tease… “Hang on. We’re almost there.”

Soon, Sehun ‘landed’ on the concrete ground and I find myself FINALLY able to breathe. He put me down and after seeing where we are now, I raised an eyebrow.

Is fate playing with me or is it ME playing with fate?

“Gistham store?” I casted a questioning look at Sehun. “Why are we here?”

“Come with me.” Ignoring my question, the lad gestured me to follow after him inside the weird shop. Ugh. Not again.

As soon as we’re inside the shop, Sehun craned his neck and looked around or more specifically, looking for someone.

“Chanyeol hyung!”



Within a lightning speed, the said guy came out and greeted us with a wide grin. “SEHUN!!!!!! You’re here- oh? Jiha??”

I gave him a small wave, still standing there with a stoic face though.

Chanyeol looked bewildered at first but then, Sehun whispered something to him and in an instant, his face turned into a serious one. He then turned towards me and said urgently. “Jiha, over here.”

Despite being confused, I followed Chanyeol as we took the same path towards the secret underground tunnel with Sehun trailing behind me.

I thought he was going to bring me towards the underground library again but when we walked past it and went deeper into the tunnel, my confusion just grew bigger.


Can someone just ing explain all these confusing and unclear things happening in my life now? Like, RIGHT NOW?!

The taller guy then stopped in front of a similar wooden door and turned towards us. “No one followed you guys here?”

Sehun nodded at him. “Positive.”

“Alright, then.” Just like this evening, Chanyeol recited some mantra and the door opened.

You warlocks really can’t open the door normally, eh?

When we stepped inside, I was awed once again. This time, it’s not a room. But I would rather say, IT’S A ING VILLA!

“How is this thing can be hidden underground?!”

No, that’s not the question.


Chanyeol chuckled at the right usage of words and explained. “This is a private villa for us, warlocks. Well, right now, we’re in the underground living room but the others’ rooms are upstairs. I bet they’re still up awake now. Come.”

As we made our way upstairs, Chanyeol continued his explanation. “This villa is actually the abandoned building beside our store you see from outside. We used the image of the abandoned building as the disguise and sealed this place with Folset spell so that not just anyone can enter this place.”

My mouth formed an ‘o’ at his explanation. Okay. Whatever that spell is, it works.

“But everything is pretty normal, you see.” Clownyeol (because he smiled so creepy and widely like a clown) stretched his hands towards the… normal-looking living room at the first floor, I suppose.

Luhan who was sitting on the couch, turned his head towards our direction. The moment he saw me, he literally jumped over the table and spread his arms.

“YOON JIHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

I quickly raised up my hands to stop him. “No touchy please.” The deer-looking guy just pouted at my warning. Excuse me but I’m not fond of skinship.

“Where’s Chen?” Chanyeol asked Luhan.

Just as he was about to answer, the said guy appeared from behind, together with Krystal. “Chanyeol, you brought them here already.”

Sehun walked over and casually sat on the couch, turning on the tv. “So, I guess Kai already called you.” He replied casually, minding his own business then.


Luhan and Chanyeol then joined him on the couch and watched the variety show together, leaving me dumbstruck in front of Chen and Krystal.


Can they at least ING explain what’s going on right now? I’m about to explode seriously.

“Alright, Jiha, listen. Tonight, you’ll have to spend a night here and until everything is clear, you’re NOT getting out of this villa.” Chen told me next.



There’s so many things I want to ask now but first.

“Why? Mind you but I have to go to my part-time job tomorrow.” I huffed.

“Well, depend on the condition. Maybe we can let you out tomorrow but still, you’re not going back to your apartment until I told you so.”

I scoffed at Chen incredulously. “Excuse me but, if you might notice, I still haven’t changed my clothes from this evening after going back from your library which means, I haven’t showered yet. So, do you expect me to wear this until tomorrow comes?”


“Dear, you have me.” Krystal tapped my shoulders and wiggled her eyebrows at me. “I have tons of clothes and most of it, I don’t even get to wear yet. Giving my beloved sister one of my clothes won’t hurt, you know?”

“Don’t ‘dear’ me. I’m not Luhan the deer.” I muttered low.

“I heard that!” Luhan shouted from his seat. “And I’m a fox by the way!”

I just rolled my eyes and huffed out loud. “Alright. So, tell me, why do I have to stay in this villa? Am I being hunt down or something?”

Chen snapped his fingers. “Bingo. A demon broke into your house just now.”

My forehead roughened. Demon? I thought it only exist in the tale book.

“So… What does that ‘demon’ want from me?” I asked, making quotation marks in the air.

“Hunting. Just like what you said. The reason is still unknown though but for sure, since these past few weeks, the demons are hunting for Arquila. And I should inform you that, there are not many Arquila left in this world.”

I gasped internally. Now, everything makes sense. “And I’m one of them…”

“Yes.” Chen nodded. “But right now, you’re still half-Horvina half-Arquila because you haven’t made a contract with your spirit guardian yet. So, your Arquila scent is still concealed.”

Horvina! That’s what those two cat-boys talked about just now in my house.

“Hold up, let me guess. Horvina means human, right?” I tried sorting out.

Chen nodded again. Ha. I knew it! “You’re a fast-learner, Jiha.”

“Okay now, let me show you your room first. I know there are lots of questions in your head but save it for later.” And before I can say anything else, Krystal pushed me forward and dragged me with her upstairs.


The second floor was occupied with rooms and there’s only one long hallway leading towards another stair on the other end.

Arriving at the third room on our right, Krystal opened it and led me inside. “Here’s your room!”

I looked around the spacious room and dropped my jaws opened.

It’s three times bigger than my room in the apartment!

The wall was painted sky blue with a little mix of white. And mind you, but the bed in the room can fit 5 persons honestly!

“Do you like it? I’m the one decorating your room! It took me weeks to decide what colour suits you the most. You love it, don’t you?” Krystal beamed and faced me with twinkling eyes.

Ah~ so they were all well prepared even before I come to the library.

I nodded slowly. “Yeah. Thanks a lot.” I cracked a small grateful smile at her.

“KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY BABY JIHA IS SMILING AT ME!!!!!! THANK THE HEAVEN!” Krystal suddenly pulled me into a bear hug. I just let out a sigh and felt myself opened up a little.

She pulled back and smiled widely at me. “You have your own personal bathroom in here and I’ve already filled up your closet with clothes so, freshen up and take enough rest, okay? Just make yourself at home.”

I nodded and honestly speaking, I’m touched.

“Okay! So if anything, just scream my name.” The tall girl then made her way towards the door and smiled one last time before closing it.

My… room, huh?


After washing up, I changed into a pair of blue pyjamas with bear prints on it. I tried SO ING HARD to not scoff at my own ridiculous self because as for your information, cute things are not my style.

I sat on the huge bed and dried my hair using the towel.

I’m never fond of hair dryer because it actually damaged one’s hair and I’m not gonna spend my money for saloon just to fix my hair.

“You look cute in that pyjama.”


My shoulder jolted in surprise and I quickly turned to my left to see Sehun smiling cutely at me. “H-How did you get in?”

“Lavender scent. I always love it.”

Hearing another voice, I spun my head to my right and saw Kai smirking at me.


“And when did you get in?”

Ugh! They’re driving me crazy, I swear!

“I choose that pyjama for you. Do you like it?” Sehun beamed at me.

I turned again and snorted at him almost immediately. “I’m glad you’re the one who choose it because I don’t like it. Not even a little bit.”

“Ouch! Cold water in yo’ face. AHAHHAAHAHAHAH!” Kai laughed at the crestfallen expression on Sehun’s face.

I turned my body towards Kai next and remembered about the incident earlier. “By the way, Kai, what happened to the… demon?”

He stopped laughing in an instant and hissed at no one in particular. “He got away.”

“WOW! The POWERFUL Kai let the demon escaped? Aww~ what a waste.” This time, it’s Sehun’s turn to laugh at the lad.

“Like you’re powerful much.” Kai retorted back.

“But at least I brought Jiha here safely.

“You’re just avoiding the difficult task.”

“I’m just acting FAST, you turtle.”

“Don’t forget I EVER beat you in a battle.”

“That’s because you use strength. I used brain.”

“So you’re telling me that brain of yours is useless, huh?”

“That’s not what I meant!”

“Stop denying, snow white!”

I stood up abruptly and crossed my arms while glaring at those two. “STOP IT, IDIOTS!”

Both of them stopped immediately.

“If you still want to fight, out of this room please. I want to sleep now.” I let out a heavy sigh.

No kidding. I SERIOUSLY need a break right now. I’m so done for today’s events.

“But we’re sleeping with you.”



Tell me I heard that wrong.

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Chapter 4: I couldn't stop myself from cracking up at the endless sarcasm of Jiha and the warlocks' interactions. Especially SeKai being cheeky bastards LOL
Chapter 3: PLZZZZ UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sehun and Kai are so adorable XD
BangtansFam #3
marcybacon #4
Chapter 2: Next button pliz update soon .loving it it seems intresting