
The Tale of the Wicked Tail


“Okay class, as usual, I’ll assign you a task for this summer break. And this time, it’s an individual task.” Our Literature teacher, Mr. Kim announced 15 minutes before the last bell ring.

Everyone in the class grunted unsatisfiedly. I let out a small sigh, seeing this coming.

“But this time, I’m sure all of you will be excited after I tell you the theme.” Mr. Kim then flashed a mysterious glint, trying to make the students curious.

Sorry but I don’t.

“The theme for this year is; ‘Myths and Legends’.”

My class was now filled with curious whispers and the grunts from earlier were replaced by excited squeals.

“Before going out of class and work your butts off this upcoming holiday, one by one, draw lots from this box and you’ll know what legend you’ll write on.” He ended the announcement.

As instructed, one by one, my classmates draw lots from the box. Some were cheering with excitement and some were disappointed with their task.

Girls were asking their friends about their task. Boys were snickering at their friends and even planning to just copy the task from each other.

After making sure everyone already got their parts, I become the last one to draw lots. I stood up and right on time, the bell rang. Without wasting a second, all my classmates were rushing out of class.

The school was now filled with excited cheers, signalling summer break arrived.

Even though I’m still the only one left to draw lots, everyone acted as if I’m not around and in a blink of an eye, the class became empty, leaving me and Mr. Kim in it.

Well, I’m used to this already.

Slumping down my shoulders, I grabbed my bag and made my way towards the lots box.

“Being the last one as usual, Yoon Jiha.” Mr. Kim smiled down at me.

I just nodded with a straight face on and picked the only paper left. As soon as I saw the content, my eyebrows pinched together.

Mr. Kim peered over and saw it. “Wow! Lucky! I’m glad everyone already left. Then, I have no worries to tell you about this task.”

Hearing his words, I looked up confusedly. Tell me? Isn’t it supposed to be an individual task?

“Even though it’s an individual task, that doesn’t means you can’t ask for help, Yoon Jiha.”

My eyebrows arched upwards. What? He can read my mind?

The male teacher chuckled. “Your face is just readable, you know?”

Rolling my eyes, I just shrugged it off. Pardon me but it’s my face, okay?

“Alright. So, I’m sure you haven’t heard about this myth, right?”

“I’ve heard about it before.”

Shocked at my statement, Mr. Kim leaned back with widened eyes. “You… heard?”

I nodded simply. “My parents told me about it when I’m little. But I don’t really remember how the story goes.”

“Fantastic!” Mr. Kim suddenly beamed. “You’ll be the right one for this task then.”


“Well, let’s not waste any of your precious rest days.” He then took out something from his pocket and handed it to me. “Here, if you want to know more about the myth, go to this library.”

Swiftly, I took the card and examined the address carefully.


“But this-”

The moment I looked up, I was alone in the classroom. Aish! He left already.

Sighing, I slid the card inside my blazer’s pocket and then, I walked out of the school.

Yeah. Summer break is here.


“Home sweet home.”

Throwing my bag somewhere inside the living room, I went straight towards the bathroom to freshen up.

I only have tomorrow to check on the library for my individual task. The day after tomorrow, I’ll have to work my butts off in my part-time work.

Before going towards my apartment, I stopped by a café and to my luck, there’s a vacancy for this summer holiday. I’m glad I found my source of money.

My life right now can be described as boring, you know.

I lived alone in my apartment. My parents are currently in Canada because of their work. Well, they send me allowance every month but I can’t possibly depend on them every time.

In school, I’m sort of a wallflower. My classmates knew me but they didn’t talk to me unless they’ve anything to ask about classes. The other students don’t even bother to spare me a glance. I’m not that ugly and not pretty either. I’m just average. Somehow, for some reason no one bother to greet me or anything. Maybe it’s because of my unfriendly nature.

After the refreshing shower, I entered my bedroom and slipped on my usual night attire; a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants.

I tied my hair up in a messy bun (and by ‘messy’, I really mean it, my hair was sticking out here and there) before making my way towards the kitchen.

I cooked some egg rolls as my dinner and the mp3.


Hearing that soft meow, I turned around and saw the two familiar cats; Sparkie and Fluffy.

Automatically, I smiled and bent down. The two cats ran towards my direction and I ruffled their heads. “Today, I cooked egg rolls. Do you want it?”

The two cute cat meow-ed in chorus.

“Wait, okay?” I stood up and put the cooked egg roll in a plate before cooking another one.

This is why I like home. The two cats will always be there to accompany me in this lonely house. I don’t know whose cats are they since they don’t have any sign or anything that signalling they have owner.

But, every single day, they will jumped into my house from the window and be by my side for the entire day. And when I’ll be going to school, they will jump out and left the house.

Glad I don’t have to shoo them out, worried if they might pooped inside my house or something.

Sometimes, I was worried that they might fall down because heck, they climb the tree in front my room’s window to get into my house. But then, I guess I don’t need to worry because they’re cats.

Mind you. My unit is on the third floor.

After done with cooking, I put the egg rolls in two small plates and put it on the floor. “Here you go! I’ve cooled it down a bit so don’t worry about getting your cat tongue burn.”

As if understanding my words, the two cats meow-ed and dug in hungrily. That is one of the things why I like those cats. They’re so obedient and whatever food I eat, they’ll eat as well. It’s almost as if they’re humans in cat version.

Heh. As if.


After dinner, I went back into my bedroom, followed by Sparkie and Fluffy. Untying my hair, I sat on my bed and reached for the laptop to watch some anime.

Since I don’t have tv (money saving tips and besides, I don’t need to pay more for the electricity bills, instead, I use those money for wifi, I’m smart right?), laptop is my only source of entertainment.

Turning it on, I pat Sparkie’s head who was curling up beside my right thigh, while Fluffy was sleeping on my lap.

Before opening my ‘Anime’ folder, I log into twitter and read the feeds briefly.



summer break arrived finally!

all those homeworks

school is killing me!! I hope it burns because of excessive summer heat!

that will get it seriously. HOW DARE SHE STEAL MY EX!!!! ROT IN HELL!!!!!!!!!


I rolled my eyes at some of the ‘online actors’ tweets. “You should rot in hell, seriously.” I shook my head at the drama and continued scrolling down.


it’s already Friday the 13th right???

they said there’s an eclipse today

guys guys! THERE’S AN ECLIPSE TONIGHT AT 11:03 PM!!!!!


My eyebrows furrowed and automatically, I glanced at the time displayed at the bottom right corner of my laptop. 11:02PM.

I turned my head towards the window and noticed how dark it is already outside. “So, it’s true?”


My eyes widened in amazement and my jaws dropped slightly. “Whoa~ it’s pretty.” Unconsciously, I grinned at the beauty of the moon eclipse.

When my hands roamed around to pat Sparkie, suddenly my hands landed on something hard like… jeans fabric?

Eh? This doesn’t feels like cat’s fur.

As I spun my head and looked down, my eyebrows joined together.

Sparkie has turned into a pair of JEANS?!


Quickly, I raised up my head and was met with a pair of dark brown eyes that were staring down at me with an amused smile decorating his gorgeous face. I blinked a few times and realized that I was staring at a… HUMAN?!

Retreating back my hands, I gasped. I WAS TOUCHING HIS THIGH!!!

But, where’s Sparkie?!

Suddenly, I felt something really heavy on my lap. When I looked down, I was hoping to see Fluffy but then, a boy with perfectly-chiselled feature was smiling at me, forming crescent eyes.

What the hell…

I jumped off my bed instantly and after it hits me, I screamed.


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Chapter 4: I couldn't stop myself from cracking up at the endless sarcasm of Jiha and the warlocks' interactions. Especially SeKai being cheeky bastards LOL
Chapter 3: PLZZZZ UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sehun and Kai are so adorable XD
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Chapter 2: Next button pliz update soon .loving it it seems intresting