Sugar 1

Want To Want Me


Wendy doesn't ponder much as she walks through the forest, to find that special spot that can leave her unnoticed by a certain mystical person.
Each step she takes on the dirt covered ground, causes her heart to beat faster. Careful steps, so she cannot be seen.
She is here again.
Wendy stares, watching a girl resting on top of a rock, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 
What do you call those creatures that have fins on their lower bodies? Mermaids.
Wendy is observing a mermaid. For the past two years in secret. It's a mystery how she hasn't been caught yet by the femme fatale.
Wendy doesn't know anything about her, except that she has a beautiful face and a dark purple fin. The mermaid is gentle with her surroundings. She brings a sense of peace and freedom of disturbance from outside.
It's not the first time Wendy has seen her tears fall. Her fingers itch as she shifts to the side to get a better view of her person of interest. As she takes another quick shift, her eyes look to see the mermaid is wiping away her tears. She's splashing water with her fin, in a state of trance.
It must be about her parents again.
Wendy sighs as she takes out her MP3 player and plays a song. She does this to enjoy this euphoric moment. Relaxing, calming music with a sight to relieve her eyes. A one in a life time thing.
She doesn't dare make a move to communicate with her, for many reasons.
Her eyes closes as she attempts to sleep behind the tall bush that keeps her hidden from view. The mermaid will leave soon anyway. She won't be able to see Wendy, just like the many other times.
"Who's there?!" It's a heavenly voice. "Come out."
Wendy's ears perk up as the mermaid's voice continues to sound like music to her ears. Her eyes continue to stay closed.
A few seconds past as the voice comes to a stop.
How strange. Why did the voice suddenly halt?
She sits up and looks at the rock where the mermaid had previously been sitting on. She had disappeared.
Wendy gets onto her feet and attempts to find where she has went to. It's the first time that the mermaid has left like this. Normally a splash is heard, or she continues to talk to herself.
She decides that the coast is clear for her to take a quick look at the lake that the mermaid had disappeared into.
As she peers into the water, a hand abruptly shoots out and pulls her into the lake.
"What the--!!"
Wendy scrunches her eyes shut as she can feel the sudden contact of cold water collide with her body. Goosebumps ripples through out her body as she can feel a tight grasp on her wrist, preventing her to pull away.
Will she die like this? Her mind whirs. No. Not yet. Just a little longer. Her eyes fight to open wide as a blurry figure in front of her comes in to view.
It's the mermaid.
Wendy realizes as she stares into the mystical creature's that shared the same reaction. Her lungs starts to get tighter and tighter as the water clouds into and nose. They hold lock on her body. She wants to say something to her. She has to break away from the tight grip on her wrist.
But it's too late for either options.
Her head becomes fuzzy and the last thing she sees is a familiar purple fin.
Drowning. I'm drowning. In this transparent world of emotion and mystery. Ah, It's not a bad way to die.
A cold object coming into contact with Wendy's cheek causes her to open her eyes.
It's a raindrop. Looks like it'll rain soon. She sits up and looks at her surroundings.
Back on the earth again.
So she isn't dead.
A bitter laugh escapes from as she gets up and rinses her drenched shirt.
Seriously. The mermaid probably left her here out of pity. She's never going to come back here again, for her safety. 
Wendy sighs and rubs her eyes. Two years gone to a waste. Not like anything ever happened in those years anyway.
Wendy is about to leave when she notices a small purple pebble sticking out of the ground. As she crouches down to pick it up, she realizes that it's a scale.
Her eyes immediately shoot to the dirt ahead of her. It looks like someone has been dragging something on the ground. There is a wide trail of dirt that appears to stop at the border of the lake.
It was her.
She dragged herself out here to bring Wendy back ashore.
Thank you, Wendy telepathically sends a message as she crouches down to the lake at the same spot where she had been pulled in earlier, in hope that the mermaid can read her mind. 
Can she? At least she knows that she's still alive.
Two weeks. Wendy stares at the purple scale bounded to a string that dangles over her eyes as she lays down to see it shine brightly in front of the glaring sun. She hasn't returned to see the mermaid, because she knows very well, that she's no longer there.
No customers in her beach hut so far. What a great day.
"Hello, is anyone in here?" Well, here's one.
"What would you like to order?"
Wendy silently sighs to herself as she drags herself off the bench and up to the counter. She looked up only to take a quick glance at the face of her customer and instead, found herself staring now.
A very, vague, no, special, person is leaning over the counter.
No words come out of Wendy's mouth as she understands that this is the very same person she has not seen in the past few weeks.
Her eyes glances at the latter's, and immediately realizes that she is looking at the purple scale dangling on her neck.
Wendy can feel her ears turn beet red, and quickly averts her eyes from meeting with the person she did not expect to see at all.
How embarrassing.
Wendy finally manages to say something when she gathers all the courage she has, to look in the eye of the person smiling gently towards her.
"It's you." She mumbled to herself.
But Wendy's eyes quickly dart down to her lower half of her body. Her beautiful purple fin is gone.
Wendy cannot stop to stare at her lower body in shock. It's been instead replaced with a pair of slender and sleek legs.
"What happened to your fin?" She cannot help but be curious.
A mysterious smile appears on the girl's face in response.
What does it mean? 
Wendy stares.
But, soon after, she had received an answer.
Wendy cannot apprehend the next few words that come out of the finless mermaid's mouth.
"I lost it because I fell in love with a girl."
Holy cow.
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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 15: Holy cowindeed!
-WenRene15- #2
Chapter 6: Would there be an update for the chapter "Beautiful?"
Chapter 15: i'm liking all these plots though hahaha
Yukilovesfics #4
Chapter 15: Omygahsd
Favebolous 13 streak #5
Chapter 12: Interesting
Favebolous 13 streak #6
Chapter 5: Different goals
Favebolous 13 streak #7
Chapter 4: This is funny
Favebolous 13 streak #8
Chapter 2: Sweet, I want to see Wendy do that
Favebolous 13 streak #9
Chapter 1: irene too care
Chapter 14: I keep laughing here lol. Please update this. Puhlease?