
Dream melody

=Hongki POV=




the only words that escape from my lips after i arrive at the school

* COOL! im going to study in such a big school*

a smile form on my face as i excitedly enter the university with full of amusement and go look for the teachers department.


'ringggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' *school bell rings*



"omo! the class was about to start, otteoke?" [otteoke - what should i do?]

i started to panic while looking around hoping to see someone that i can ask for directions. Luckily, i saw a girl passing by the campus

"excuse me"

i called out without thinking twice. she stared at me with a 'who me?' look on her face


"can i ask something?"

i started *as i look closely to her, i noticed that she is sweaty and didn't even wear a uniform. i wonder why?*

"aren't you asking already?" "ye, but i want to ask a different question..can i?"

*please say yes, say yes* i was pleading inside while i tried my best to kept my calm expression outside so she couldn't notice my woried face...i hope "go on" she responded

*chongmal?* [chongmal - really] a bright smile appeared on my face when she ask what is it.




"im just wondering if you know where the teachers dept. is? 'cause i think im nearly gonna lost in a such a big school like this, hehe"

i explained with a awkward laugh while scratching my non-itchy head.


=End of Hongki POV=


=Jiyeon POV=


i was dancing again in my private practice room to somehow forget my problem even for a short time. i dont want to think about anything for now


-after 50min.-


the school bell already rang as a sign of the class was about to start, so. i have no choice but to stop and just continue later.


i pick up my things and went out of the practice room to go at the dressing room so i can change into my uniform..

on my way there, i heared a namja's voice called out "excuse me?"

i turn to look around to chcek if he is calling somebody but i found no one *is she calling for me?* i thought and look at him with a 'who, me?' look to make sure.

he drew closer  "can i ask something?"  he ask and observed my appearance *did he not know me?*

"aren't you asking already?" i responded with a sarcastic tone

"ye, but i want to ask a different question..can i?"


* usually, no one really dare to ask or even come near me. 'cause they are afraid to do so. but this guy, he seem to not notice the sarcasm on my tone.. no doubt, he's a newbie here*

"go on" i said and he look at me with a 'really?' look on his face. a bright smile appeared on his face when i agreed to help him *what a weird guy*

"im just wondering if you know where the teachers dept. is? 'cause i think im nearly gonna lost in a such a big school like this, hehe"

"go straight then turn left."

i pointed and his gaze follow my finger's direction, he nodded a little but seems to be confused. i think he is really having a hard time to remember and follow my directions, 'cause he might forgot it and lost again. -sigh- "take this" i offered a paper which contains the school directions that my oppa drew for me in my first day here in university, so wont lost.


"are you serious?" he ask shock.

"its no big deal. use it and you wont lost"

"gumawo" he look at it full of  joy and amusement

"we need to get going or else we will be late...bye"

i waved and run towards the dressing room....

* i dont know why did i gave that to him but.. i think i need to let my oppa go*


=End of Jiyeon POV=





chap. 3 is done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


its HongYeon moments this time... hope you like it.


dont forget to Subscribe and comment~

until next time!!!


INFO: FT Island new japanese mv 'DISTANCE' is release!! check it out!!

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primadonna888 #1
Pls update soonTT.TT already 4 months:'(
kimhyura #2
update soon~I also a Hongyeon fan~
winter_primadonna #3
omg please update, I'm also a Hongyeon fan^^
wow! it looks interesting... update
@xmishaay. dont worry, i will...
pleaseee update :)<br />
i like it alott
@myungji_luv<br />
<br />
well... they are actually my biased and i like them both so much.. so, yeah... another hongyeon fanfiction!!<br />
<br />
btw, you really think the poster is nice? <br />
honestly, i kinda rush it since my time is over... but its a good thing that you like it!! i was sooo happy ^-^<br />
myungji_luv #8
new hongyeon? fanfic^^, update soon<br />
P/s: nice poster