

“_____, I strongly suggest you abort your so-called mission. That is too risky, my courageous girlfriend,” Mark says as he wraps his arms around your shoulders as if to hold you back in your seat. You two are lounging in the dance practice room after he finishes his dance session for the day.

                “Oh come on, Mark! I’ve never seen him like that and I am very intrigued. He may be a little hot-headed but I don’t think he’ll truly blow up,” you convince Mark but he is definitely not taking any of it.

                “I don’t know if you’re too optimistic or just ridiculously brave. ____, trust me, I know him longer than you and you most definitely don’t want to piss him off. I’m trying to save you from a nightmare here,” he replies. This is probably the most that you’ve ever heard Mark talk, which signals how determined he is in trying to halt your crazy plan. But you are twice as much more determined than him to achieve what you have planned. You just won’t budge from what you want to know.

                “Hey, Mark, ____! How are things going on with you two?” The loud familiar voice greets the two of you. You give him a meaningful smile, whereas Mark starts to twitch uncomfortably in his seat in the dance practice room of JYP Entertainment building.

                “JB, hello! We’re doing fine. How about you?” You stand up and reply him despite Mark shooting you an anxious look, knowing full well what you’re up to. “Oh, by the way, I already gave Nora her food, if you don’t mind,” you say, referring to his adorable cat which he has brought to the company for that day. Meanwhile, you start the stopwatch on your phone, unbeknownst to JB. You see his expression change when he hears what you told him.

                While everyone is free to play with Nora, he forbids anyone to feed the feline nor clean it. JB is a bit sensitive when it comes to his little ‘daughter’. Of course you know the rules, but you are purposely breaking them. However, he manages to hold back his rising anger mixed with shock. Mark, on the other hand, is tugging on your sleeve to make you stop. But you’re half-way there, so might as well.

                “Sure, but ____, next time please let me do it. I have a specific time and diet for Nora. I don’t want to mess that up,” he says with a slightly restrained voice. You are, after all, Mark’s girlfriend.

You nod but deep down, you are really dissatisfied by his response. You want more than just a strict request. You wish to see the side of JB that everyone fears. You wait to watch the volcano in him erupt. And your boyfriend, Mark strongly disagrees, because you are practically jumping into a lion’s cage.

“But JB, I sort of took Nora for a bath because her paws were covered in mud. Plus, you weren’t around and I didn’t want her to go around with dirty paws. She’s nice and clean now!” You purposely say with an air of innocence, as if you just did the best thing ever. This time, you know you’ve hit home run because JB is pretty much fuming.

“Yah!” His loud voice echoes in the room. It’s a lie to say that you aren’t frightened, but your curiosity got the best of you. “I told you not to mess with Nora! She can only shower with a special shampoo for her fur! What if she gets sick?! _____, I made it clear about the rules! I don’t mind if you play with her, but don’t disturb her daily routine!”

“Hey, hey! Stop it, JB. Look, I know you don’t like people messing with your cat but do you really need to raise your voice at ____?” Mark suddenly interferes and stands in between you and JB. This shocks you a little because you never expect him to join your exchange.

“What if I mess with your skateboard?! You’ll be just as mad!” JB quickly retorts. You sense a really bad fight will ensue if you don’t stop it now. So you place yourself in between the two men and hold your hands out to halt them from inching closer.

“Calm down, guys! I’m just messing with you, JB!” You exclaim desperately before your boyfriend’s band shatters under your hand. “Nora is happily sleeping with the other guys in the other room. I haven’t even touch her, what more with feeding her or clean her. I swear!”

“What? Then, why…”

“I just want to see you blow up. I didn’t believe it when everyone said you’re very scary when you’re angry. So I wanted to see it for myself. I’m really sorry! Please don’t be mad!” You say and quickly bow towards him apologetically. Your wish has been granted and you need to fix the problem you caused before it turns severe.

“Are you serious? You really didn’t clean Nora’s paws or feed her either?”

You shake your head. You see his shoulders relax in relief and he lets out a long sigh. “You shouldn’t have done that, ____. I could’ve hurled my rage towards you for nothing. Please, don’t mess with me like that again,” JB says as a smile slowly creeps up his face. His hand goes to ruffle your hair a little before apologising to you as well.

“Hey, did you totally forget my existence here or what?” Mark’s voice interrupts your exchange with JB. You can see that Mark is a little jealous but JB simply shrugs and leaves the room to check on his lovely Nora. You then turn your attention to the sour-faced boyfriend behind you.

“I didn’t expect you to stand up for me back there. That’s so sweet of you, Mark Tuan Yi En!” You sweetly say and throw your arms around his neck, knowing that you two are alone again in the room.

“I can’t just let someone else shout at my dearest girl like that, be it JB or whoever. But honestly, the nerve you have to actually set off his rage is amazingly scary. I wonder what else you would do if something intrigues you,” he loses his sour face and smiles charmingly at you, pressing your foreheads together.

“I’m adventurous that way,” you shrug with a bright smile.

“But your mission was a failure, huh? You didn’t record the time.”

“Who says?” With that, you pull out your phone from your jeans’ pocket and show the stopwatch to him, accurately stopped at the moment JB blow up at you.

5 minutes 38 seconds.

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