Shower of Love

Shower of Love


He practically fell off his chair upon hearing your scream. "What's wrong babe??" He asked, banging the door, his heartbeat sped up, negative thoughts sprouting in his mind.

"What happened to the water heater? Is this some kind of joke you're playing?" You asked as you opened the bathroom door with a frown.

"Umm... What happened?" He has no idea what you meant.

"The heater isn't working. The water is icy cold. How am I going to shower?"

It's practically a rhetoric question. You know it's pointless to ask him. There's a saying that men should know handiwork but your man knows nothing and he proves himself when he replied "I didn't do anything to it and I can't do anything about it. I guess…"

"Well maybe you should learn how to."

He scratched his non-itchy head, trying to come up with something positive to say. It's a habit of his when being anxious. You shut the bathroom door and get back in the cold shower. You know you shouldn't be mad at him, it's not his fault that the water heater isn't working. You were exhausted from the day's work and when things doesn't go your way you just need an outlet to vent and unfortunately he's it.


You stepped out of the bathroom feeling like you were buried in seven feet of snow for three days. All he did was look up from his book, observe you silently from his side of the bed, evaluating the situation. Should he say anything?

"I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have said that. I'm just..."

He shut his book and gestured you to come over. You climbed onto the bed and into his open arms. The heat radiating from his body warms yours and you feel better instantly.

"Apology accepted." He wrapped his arms around you. "Better?"

You sneezed right after. "Well I would feel much better if I had a hot shower." You rub your nose and pout.

"My poor baby. Unfortunately I can't give you that now and this is the best I could do." He rubbed your arms and you snuggled closer to his warm cuddle. "I'll get someone to fix it tomorrow." He kissed your forehead. You nodded and dozed off out of the day's exhaustion.


The next day went by as normal and he fetched you from work. Fifteen minutes into the drive and you noticed you weren't on the normal route home. 

"Where are we going?" You asked in confusion.


You're curious but you know it's useless to press on for an answer. He would have given you one if he wants to. Ten minutes later both of you arrived at a hotel.

"Why are we here?" You asked again as he leads you to the elevator. The elevator reached the fifth floor and he leads you to one of the rooms. He slots in the key card and gestured you to enter. You noticed there was a travelling bag on the bed and confronts him again.

"What's all this?"

"I thought we could have a mini getaway." He answered nonchalantly.

"Getaway? It's the middle of the week. We still have to go to work tomorrow." You half-asked, half-stating the last sentence to indicate that you did not apply for any day-off from work. You don't remember planning any holidays with him.

"I thought maybe we could have a change of surrounding for a while. It's been a while since our vacation right."

"We just got back from our vacation last month. It's not that long ago dear." You suddenly realized something.

"Did you ... booked this room so I could have hot shower?"

"Yeah. The electric guy couldn't make it today and I know I said I'll get it fixed today."

"Aww you didn't have to." You approach your lovely husband and hugs him.

"I can't let my poor wife catch a cold." He hugs you back. "Go check if there's anything I left out. Everything's in that bag." He nodded to the travelling bag on the bed.

"You packed all of my stuff? How do you?" You looked at him in awe.

"I'm your husband. I should know what you need and use daily." You never thought he's this attentive.

"Wow you didn't missed a thing!" You hug him again and give him a kiss on the lips.

"I'm good aren't I?" He said with a proud smirk. "I'm so lucky to have an amazingly perfect husband." You kissed him again, appreciating this wonderful man in front of you.

"Well then does your amazingly perfect husband get a reward tonight?" He asked before kissing your lips.

"I could reward you now, if you follow me into the shower," you whispered the last part of the sentence, winking and biting your lips suggestively before pulling him into the bathroom with you.

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Chapter 1: Hi there! *waves

This is such a sweet piece, I am smiling while I typed this comment. The nonexistence of names in this pieces made it even more...well, how should I say it...dreamy-like? It made the story flexible for anybody who would like to ship whom with whom.
As for me, I prefer the style of your writing because it simply showcases the daily life of a married couple, a very humane one. I like how the wifey just got angry at the broken hot shower because let's face it, broken hot shower after a long day at work? I would lash out too at anyone in the house ^^

The thoughtful act of the husband? It was surprisingly simple, it was believable.
Writer-nim, I applaud you for sticking to reality despite the cottony feeling I got from reading this. Awwww the sweetness of cotton candy.

Have a good weekend!