

Kibum took a deep breath. It was nice to be back. Years of studying and working in Paris took him away from Seoul. But now, he is back and he will enjoy his time here.

Walking through the busy streets of Seoul, with no specifc destination in mind, made him realize how much he missed this place. This is his home after all. Looking around, so much has changed yet the bits of the city where he grew up was still there. Being there made him nostalgic. He created so much memories here, some he wanted to keep, some he wanted to forget. He sighed. It's been years. He should've moved on. He shook his head and continued his stroll.

Deciding that he had enough of reminiscing and walking, he looked around for a place to eat. Right across the street was a restaurant. Kibum deemed it good enough and so he waited for the green light, which indicates that it was safe enough to cross the street. The wait was long considering the traffic, and it gave Kibum the time to look around. Which he wished he didn't do. Because standing a few feet away from him is the man he used to love.

Standing a few feet away from him is Lee Jinki.

The man surely had changed through through the years. He grew taller, his face was more defined, and his hair was shorter. The glasses were gone, too. He was still gorgeous as ever.  Kibum still couldn't believe that he was there. It was a strange coincidence, a cruel way of the universe of welcoming him back to Seoul. Seeing him brought back so much memories, so much emotions to Kibum. And he couldn't stop his mind from wandering back to their past.

• • • • •

Jinki and Kibum met in high school. It was your typical high school love story. They started off as friends, developed feelings for each other, and fell in love. Their relationship was perfect. Of course there were times when they argued, but all relationships does. Everything went smoothly as they both got accepted at the same university. They moved in together and all was fine. What they had was perfect it was almost surreal.

Deep inside, Kibum feared the perfection of their relationship. Things like this don't last. They never do. What if one day everything falls apart? Whenever Kibum voice outs his fear, Jinki would always calm him down. Jinki promised him that they will be alright as long as they had each other. Jinki promised him that they were indestructible. Kibum believed him.

But promises are meant to be broken after all. Somehow, somewhere, something went wrong. They were both so caught up with the pressure college was putting on them. They were stressed, exhausted. The apartment which used to be filled with life turned cold. Conversations were short. Things changed. A series of heated arguements later, they broke up. Kibum wanted to go somewhere far. Somewhere he could forget about Jinki and just pursue his dreams. Apparently that place was named Paris.

• • • • •

A tear fell from Kibum's eye. It's been so long yet what he felt for the older hasn't changed. It never went away. It was just buried under the huge pile of schoolworks and denial. Oh how badly does he want to get him back.

But, no. Things are no longer the same. No matter how much he loved the man, he could never get him back. Because standing a few feet away from him was no longer the Lee Jinki he loved when he was sixteen. This is another person. He is just a stranger.

So, Kibum wiped his tears away, regained his composture and started walking. He had to let go. It was time to start anew. He had so much ahead of him and he will get over Lee Jinki.

If only Kibum stared longer, stayed for a little while, then maybe he'll see.

Jinki saw him.
His eyes lit up with hope.
He still loved Kibum.
He wanted him back.

Maybe it was too late.



tell me what you think about it. ^^ it's short sorry

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MissLocket #1
Chapter 1: I joined the petition of my fellow readers, please write a sequel. It was too good. The plot has potential to be a great story and your writing style is very inviting.
Chapter 1: Sequel please <3
SashaHRH #3
Chapter 1: Sequel please?
yaleON #4
Chapter 1: Y?? I want onkey.. hope you can add 1 more chap. That well end happy... i love onkey
lwyCarmen #5
Chapter 1: Ahhhh whyyyyy?