xxxxviii - Underground

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Being led underground to some mysterious destination is nerve-wracking to say the least and the little noises in the otherwise eerily quiet, dark tunnels makes my heart leap to my throat every time. I unconsciously grab the nearest person's hand that happens to be Chanyeol's, squeezing tightly every time I hear something. I desperately want to ask "Are we there yet?" But it feels like the butler guy would simply ignore me.

Chanyeol bends down and whispers in my ear, "We're nearly there," he assures me. It seems he's forgiven me for now. I squeeze his hand. He simply swings our interlinked hands between us as he continues to stride forward.

It feels like it's taking forever for us to reach wherever we're going and the butler just keeps going. There's a pricked on the back of my neck as if someone is watching us. As we're turning a corner, the butler disappears into thin air and we're left alone. My stomach tightens with uneasiness as everyone is suddenly so much more alert than they already are. It doesn't help that the tunnel is barely lit by flickering fluorescent lights giving off a horror movie setting.

We still have Sehun, so there's at least some sort of a guarantee that his own gang will be cautious of us. "What are we going to do?" I ask quietly, trembling slightly, "And Baekhyun, please give us more light. This tunnel is seriously creeping me out and -" I let out a strangled scream when someone taps me on the shoulder and actually let out a few curses when I see no one there, hiding behind Chanyeol and using him as a shield.

"Relax! It's just me," Chen laughed, reappearing again in front of me, "That is the best reaction I have ever seen, absolutely priceless!"

I punched his arm but he continued to laugh while Baekhyun lit up the path so much that it looked like we had sunlight inside. The tunnel continued for a few metres ahead to where double doors stood closed. Chanyeol let go off my hand and walked towards the doors, the rest of use following him cautiously.

"It's locked. Seems you have to be part of the gang to open it; luckily we have Sehun," he said, glancing at the said male draped between Kyungsoo and Jongin. I really wonder how they've knocked him out for so long. Either really hard on his head or with some sort of chemical. Chanyeol grabs Sehun's limp hand and presses it against the door. Nothing happens. "I tried," Chanyeol says with a shrug.

Kyungsoo hands Sehun to Chen and steps forwards, "I think rather than recognising a person, it needs some sort of code. But," Kyungsoo pauses, stepping back from the door a bit.

"Uh, we should move back, guys," Jongin mutters, grabbing my wrist and pulling me back.

Turns out Kyungsoo wants to kick the door down as he steels himself and actually kicks at the door. There's a loud crash followed by billowing dust clouds disturbed by the falling door. We all cough as the dust clears away, revealing a large room ahead. It's empty save for a few pieces of bare furniture scattered around.

"Do you think it's a trap?" I ask Chanyeol.

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Petrichor} 4/2 hey guys! I won't be updating for a while, I'm taking a break from writing. I've been feeling a lack of motivation & it's showing.Until next time


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Chapter 50: Please up date soon
Chapter 49: I was like super lost for a solid ten seconds then went back and reread the previous chapter. EVERYTHING JUST GOT REALLY INTENSE
Chapter 48: I love this story sooo much! Update please!!!!!
Chapter 48: Mr. K....are you for real?
Chapter 47: Like Kyungsoo... What even are you?
Chapter 46: woah Sehun's power is soo cooooolll!!! so fast..
thank you for the update
Chapter 44: Oh my. Jongin are you trying to seduce her or what ;D Gosh May you have Chanyeol!! Wait..what if Chanyeol heard that somehow.....anyways thanks for the update ^^
Chapter 44: Omo, May.. 너 변태야!? XD Thank you for the update ;w; <333
Chapter 43: Chanyeol why are you lying to her......thanks for the update and update soon ^^
Chapter 43: May stepped up her game against Channie. This means... That I am gonna have dark circles waiting for the next update. Great, thanks ;w; eheuheu...