xv - Hunger

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What does he mean by special? I am in no way as special as the five boys unless he means how I am always hungry for some reason. 

Like now. My stomach growled loudly just on time. I'll get back to questioning them after I've satisfied the angry growls coming from my stomach.

I sighed and voiced my hunger, "I'm gonna head back downstairs for some food," I said checking the time on my phone as well -  12:56PM. Lunchtime, like I had thought. 

They nodded and went back to doing their tasks at hand and left me alone for the most part. Chanyeol looked at me, rubbing a finger under his nose, "Uh, I'll come with you to buy some food for these guys too." I nodded and we headed back downstairs and outside.

We were silent the whole time, me mostly because I was contemplating how to deal with superhero people. Yes, superheroes because what else am I supposed to call them? Chanyeol on the other hand looked around him while cheerfully whistling. Okay, okay, so maybe it wasn't complete silence. But we didn't talk. At all. I wondered also if meeting his superhero friends had anything to do with his experiment on me? 

Chanyeol walked up closer to me, his hands in the pockets of his jeans as he strolled along. "Well it is partly true," he said, stopping his whistling and bending over closer to my eye level. "It is very much part of your experiment. But how'd you like the guys so far?"

I shrugged because I don't really know how to even express my feelings; I was both weirded out yet fascinated at the same time. How cool is it to have powers? I want a superpower too! Chanyeol slung an arm around my shoulder and leaned in close to my ear, whispering, "Are you sure?"

His breath tickled my ear and left me with heart palpitations, and I suppose this is the part where the girl will question herself if this is... love. I already knew what it was though. These were the effects of my now very obvious crush on Chanyeol. I just hope he isn't listening to my thoughts right now!

He coughed slightly from beside me and immediately, I knew he had been listening. I felt my face blush furiously, turning a bright pink as I kept my eyes down. 

As soon a

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Petrichor} 4/2 hey guys! I won't be updating for a while, I'm taking a break from writing. I've been feeling a lack of motivation & it's showing.Until next time


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Chapter 50: Please up date soon
Chapter 49: I was like super lost for a solid ten seconds then went back and reread the previous chapter. EVERYTHING JUST GOT REALLY INTENSE
Chapter 48: I love this story sooo much! Update please!!!!!
Chapter 48: Kris...er- Mr. K....are you for real?
Chapter 47: Like Kyungsoo... What even are you?
Chapter 46: woah Sehun's power is soo cooooolll!!! so fast..
thank you for the update
Chapter 44: Oh my. Jongin are you trying to seduce her or what ;D Gosh May you have Chanyeol!! Wait..what if Chanyeol heard that somehow.....anyways thanks for the update ^^
Chapter 44: Omo, May.. 너 변태야!? XD Thank you for the update ;w; <333
Chapter 43: Chanyeol why are you lying to her......thanks for the update and update soon ^^
Chapter 43: May stepped up her game against Channie. This means... That I am gonna have dark circles waiting for the next update. Great, thanks ;w; eheuheu...