Mercy is a Human Luxury


Luhan gets disturbed from his hundred-year rest cycle by a nosy human who thinks his fox-like ears and nine bushy tails classifies him as a cat. A cat! Luhan could eat his heart out, and yet the man calls him Kitty!

Written for the userinfo.gif?v=17080?v=125.6mydeerangel Suhan Fic Fest 


Warnings-Light, hypothetical descriptions of gore and seduction; mythological creatures, aka a gumiho; possibly inaccurate depiction of historical Joseon Korea. What can I say, I liked the prompt :D



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Rb2012 #1
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwww
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 1: Haha... this is so funny. Pore Luhan is sooo confused. I seriously wished I could read all of the mishaps he's most definitely going to have as he tries to learn to be human.
Chapter 1: I've read this what felt like an eternity ago... But I refused to let go of this tab until I've told what an amazing story this is! ♥︎
Suho is just SO. Clever.
His way with words in this is so smart and intelligent, it's almost unfair towards the unsuspecting, barely-awoken fox.
I very rarely read stories this witty, so I'm super grateful I stumbled across this unusual ship and decided to give it a read ☆
Thanks for writing thiii~s ♥︎
eine08 #4
Chapter 1: Suhan is so cute! Shame there isnt much of them!
Thank you so much, this is so cute
strange pairing o.0
Chapter 1: I want to know what happens after this omg so cuuuuuute
Rb2012 #7
Chapter 1: Its really cute and sweet . Poot lulu didn't even have a chance . Lol . Still a new OTP atleast for me . But still very much fun and love suho's character .